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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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I'm dropping in for a moment (even though I should be studying :P)



Well there isn't much I can say to defend. Other than the way I revealed there isn't anything that I can defend against

I revealed rashly but it felt like the right think to do at the time

As for a character Im just a nameless Townsmen of Florin (But you can call me Sir Clucksalot :wink: )




Yet again an inaccurate wording. Not that I needed additional reasons to vote for you, but thank you for adding that to the list :P


Vote Player


I'll try to keep an eye on the thread during the day but I'll be back to normal activity tomorrow, after the final.





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I won't be around much this weekend, but I too think Player is the way to go today.


Since Ape was vanilla town with a post westwiction, Turin could be also. However. We have seen that flavor seems to be dictating roles, and the Booing Hag sure doesn't seem like a townie character to me. Mafia is a possibility, but I wouldn't discount that there may be another 3rd party. Since Vizzini was an SK (thanks mafia, lol), maybe there are 2 of them, and one can kill D1/N1, the other can kill D2/N2, etc? I've seen it before.


That's my thought for now, anyways. Now where's that coffee...?

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Well there isn't much I can say to defend. Other than the way I revealed there isn't anything that I can defend against

I revealed rashly but it felt like the right think to do at the time

As for a character Im just a nameless Townsmen of Florin (But you can call me Sir Clucksalot :wink: )





Now here's an interesting wifom... Is player just a clueless roleless or scum pretending to be clueless. My initial reaction is that no way some in a QT would miss that Rhea died yesterday, but of course that could be the goal..



Can someone help here, is player a slick enough player to do something like this as scum?

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Well there isn't much I can say to defend. Other than the way I revealed there isn't anything that I can defend against

I revealed rashly but it felt like the right think to do at the time

As for a character Im just a nameless Townsmen of Florin (But you can call me Sir Clucksalot :wink: )





Now here's an interesting wifom... Is player just a clueless roleless or scum pretending to be clueless. My initial reaction is that no way some in a QT would miss that Rhea died yesterday, but of course that could be the goal..



Can someone help here, is player a slick enough player to do something like this as scum?

That's what seems off :P

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Player for wanting to lynch Rhea over again. Let the dead rest or you may not like the results. (zombie apocalypse)


I don't know how experienced Player is but he seems a pretty sharp guy from the majority of his posts throughout DM. idk. Anyone can mess up early in the morning/late at night.


I still think he is the best candidate atm.

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I re-read yesterday´s posts. Not everything but a lot of it. This is my thoughts:


1. AH, her posts often confuse me. They are meant to make things clear but for me it doesn´t. Claimed Mason and I believe her.

2. Des, I agree with him most of the times this game. Claimed Mason and I believe him.

3. Smiley, also a person who´s posts confuses me. Leaning town.

4. Turin, most posts is townish but as Ape pointed out he was on both Rhea´s and Sol´s trains on day one. The PR might or might not make him scum. Haven´t decided yet.

5. Paetric, will be replaced.

6. BG, mostly townish posts. I didn´t like "everyone follows me around" and the idea that all scum was on Rhea´s train on day 1. Later he changed his mind. Haven´t decided yet.

7. CTM, leaning scum. I didn´t like his plan with more character reveals, Wesley claim town and lynch from the town people pool. He has tried to direct the cop on night 1 and doc on night 2.

8. Locke, leaning scum. Has been very absent. I agree with Des about him contradicting himself about the random lynch.

9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.

10. Talya, probably town

11. Nyn, probably town

12. Kae, floating around. Hard to know.

13. Wombat, very absent. Ape pointed out that he was on both Sol´s and Rhea´s train day 1. That is interesting if it turns out that Sol is indeed the doc. Scummy.

14. Sol, claimed Doc. I believe him although he has been playing scummy.

15. Tina,


I get that all of the ones I suspect can´t be scum but those are the ones I´m going to watch out for as we move along. I think it´s been difficult to judge many because we have all agreed that Rhea and Player are scummy.


Let see what Players lynch will show us. Vote Player. I believe that is the hammer.

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Dead Townie Dead Mafia Dead 3rd Party

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. A. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiley

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi #1--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random lynched D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--?--vanilla w/pr

6. Des-Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--Queen Bella--town--Vanilla--Lynched D2

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. PaetIthi #2

10. BG

11. Matt McsCTM

12. Locke

13. Player--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. John McApe--Impressive Clergyman--town--Vanilla w/ PR--Killed N2

18. wombat

19. Solimind--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal--Vizzini--Serial Killer--killed N2


Ok doing a very bare reread....

I have finally seen the film. I´m still crying. I do feel the pain that Buttercup must have felt when her Wesley didn´t rescued her from her wedding. He didn´t rescue me from mine either. *blows the nose with Song´s dress*


Now I think Turin has some explaining to do. He left locaine in my glass and now tells me he did it to help me build an immunity to it. That is so nice. And who does something nice to another in a mafia game? Mafia - that is who! I will keep my eyes on you this game, mister. Could you please come to my kitchen and do what you usually do there so it will be easier for me to keep my eyes on you. Thank you!


Song - I admit. I love you too. If life was fair you would be dead by now anyway. :tongue: Anyway, I do agree with you. The scummiest player this far is Des. So I´m going to vote Des and start a real bandwagon.



And Verbal - I see you are sucking up to our mod goddess. That is so low. I would never do anything like that. :rolleyes:

still don’t like this


Biggest town read: AH


Biggest scum read: Song



Following Sol’s vote on Turin, Turin booed him, Des voted him, Locke voted him, and BG voted him

I voted for Turin because he put so much effort into his list but didn't have a reason to BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO me. I'm all about providing the justification. That said, I'm observing the state of things and could be swayed to change my vote if one of you mafias makes a mistake. I'm watching you.

Turin never voted Sol, and Sol kept his vote on Turin. Not entirely sure what to make of that at the moment, but it is interesting.

Turin’s explanation of why he didn’t OMGUS:

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Solimind for having a DM handle that ends in d.(totally random)


Wombat that was a whole lot of defending of Solimind. It may be the single longest post I have every seen you make. You took a shot at every single person who voted for him plus me for NOT voting for him. I believe I already had a vote in(even if it was a joke vote) and do not like to do a lot of vote switching, especially since there was no deadline. I will usually pick one person I think should be lynched each day and stick with that person unless I am convinced my vote is on the wrong person or my vote is needed to avoid a random lynch in a situation I am uncertain. I pointed out that I thought his vote was unfounded, basically that I didn't make a good joke about him. Apparently others agreed. You are free not to agree and to make whatever case you would like. I find your position to be that of defending a teammate that may have stepped in it with a flippant remark on D1. I think he was digging himself out okay but you may have just throw a load of dirt on him.


Your book here makes me think my vote is in the right place.

And then he does end up voting Sol:

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Solomind for not having a T in his handle...


Ok. This is the beginning of much of the second vote hubbub.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Solimind for...I don't know I'll think of something.



Not if you are dead first. Vote Turin


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOLIMIND! Thanks, that is what I needed to Boo you for. That is a scumtastic vote.


I did not think it was scummy primarily for it being a second vote. It was more the tone of the vote at a time when it was purely joke voting time. To make this kind of a statement in his very first post of the game is ruthless which I consider a mafia trait. The fact that he has been mostly non-existent since then adds to the scummyness as he seems to be saying "this is my story and I am sticking to it". The fact that others agreed that it stood out has caused some to defend him(Nyn and Wombat) and others to vote him. I think that he has become the best lynch candidate for information on day 1. I think we can find out a few things about the people on both sides of the argument once we get his coroner's report.





BG, when were you ever NOT mafia? :wacko: and it is easy to forget the PR when thinking about the game.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ithi cause she went ahead and made BG a siggy to commemorate his biting her head off whilst on the toilet and also cause she asked for it. :smile:


BG is mafia always and forever


Rawr, I'm here againish!!!


First things first, I'm really glad you're staying in the game, Nyn. You do good work here, and you always have something worthwhile to contribute. *huggles*


Now that that's out of the way....


My thoughts at this time:


Honestly, I can kinda see what people are saying about Solimind, but I'm just not feeling it. It seems blown out of proportion to me. In particular, I'm looking at the people who seem to be taking advantage of a Solimind competing train.... Mostly Rhea and Turin.


Turin, I'm especially wary of because it took him so long to actually vote Solimind, and I think the reasons given are pretty rubbish, anyway....


1) He says the tone of the vote didn't fit in with the joking phase, which first of all I happened to disagree with and second of all I don't think has any bearing on someone's alignment. Even if Solimind was absolutely, 100% serious when voting for Turin, what is wrong with that? Someone has to get the game moving, or say something that will help it do so, and there's no law that says we have to joke vote for X amount of time or else we're scum.


2) He says that kind of a vote is "ruthless" which he considers a mafia trait. I just don't see a mafia revealing his hand that early, ya know? "Hi, guys, I'm a bloodthirsty killer, but don't lynch me, because...just don't." Doesn't make any sense. Everyone does things differently, so this isn't set in stone or anything, but in general, I feel like mafia try to blend in/avoid notice as much as possible. Being openly ruthless just doesn't seem like a smart move in that scenario.


3) He says that Solimind has been mostly non-existent since the vote and seems to be saying "this is my story and I'm sticking to it" which adds to his scumminess. To the "non-existent" part--there could be many reasons for that. I don't know, personally, so Turin could be totally right about this. But aside from the possibility of not really being around to post much, there is also the possibility that this vote on Turin, and subsequent "defense" of said vote (which sounds even more like a joke to me after reading his reasoning), was all about getting reactions. Or, maybe not planned as such, but honestly, I don't blame Solimind for keeping his vote on Turin, not after all the hullabaloo that it caused. Ever consider the possibility that now he honestly thinks he's onto something?


4) The final reason for Turin's vote is pretty much the only one I really think has merit: information. Enough controversy over Solimind's vote has sprung up that it would definitely be informative to see what the deal is with Solimind.




ANYway, while I think Despo has brought up a few good points about various players (chiefly Talya, in my mind), I feel like he's also been taking advantage of the Solimind thing. There's just not that much there, but he (and a few others) keep painting the whole thing as scumtastic. I feel like he's trying for an easy lynch.



Vote Despo

Ok, so she defended Sol, and put reason to vote on Turin, and then turned on my partner.


Des must reveal due to 9 votes being on him.


Ok, so I made myself a popular target with my direct verbage and quick vote, but I would propose my popularity is a convenient facade for the current lurking Mafia. A simple Mafia strategy, on D1 at least, is to sit back and watch an innocent player get lynched. In that case, I now openly proclaim my great suspicion for the 4 players that are not voting. It looks like they aren't doing much but as more votes accumulate they will gain the opportunity to pull the trigger and it'll be too late for Lynchee McLynched.


I've looked at each of the 4 non-voting player's individual history on this D1 and this is a synopsis of my findings:


Smiley: Plenty of posts, none with any context or game substance. The claim is that it's his first time playing, and so maybe wouldn't want to get too involved OR maybe he's unsure of how to play his mafia role and has elected to wait till one vote is needed to Lynch a townie. This is suspicious behavior, to me. #1 Suspect.


Player: dapianoplay3r is Player right? Either way, none of this one's posts contain any more substance than Smiley's, although there are far fewer posts. I echo my thoughts about Smiley onto Player. Also my #1 Suspect.


Talya: Has made plenty of posts, voted and unvoted, seems to be trying to figure things out, not throw wrenches in the works. Not suspicious, but still not voting, so maybe an experienced mafia player that is smartly playing a Mafia card. #3 Suspect.


Ape: Active as all hell, don't know what to think. #4 Suspect.



Turin's character could be anything. In Nae's Princess Bride game on Myndjack, the hag was a Jester who was mod-confirmed innocent. Mynd of course still managed to get himself lynched despite that minor setback.



So you think he's a Jester?


Then maybe we should oblige him



vote Turin


vote Rhea


previous reasons

That’s still interesting.


Then is Piano’s first real post...

I blame, eh, Lessa is not here, Ed, is not here, eh, I blame Wesley. When I think of him my heart starts beating faster and that makes me forget to unvote. Yes, that is totally it! I need to sleep...Unvote. Vote Des.

I missed this earlier but why thank you Tina (I dont care that you aren't talking about me. You use my name so I can claim the compliment)



Ok so after the reread I think I'll join the group. I know I said I felt like we were being led, and I still do a bit. But I think we might be able to learn something from the lynch. I'm not convinced of learning as much from Turin

(and Id feel horrible joining two lynches on him at the same time)


VOTE Solimind


After this Sol voted Smiles... I still wonder why he’s so interested in him


Sol hints at a claim, claims Miracle Max, and then finally claims Doc.

Once again, that is a very safe way for mafia to claim becuase the real doc wouldn’t want to come out because s/he would surely die immediately. Just saying


That was to Ape...lol...stop posting in between.


Anyway, Rhea has hardly been on, and hasn't really said much. Her last post here was on the 7th.


I'm more than happy to have you vote me, I'm a non roled townie, so you won't lose anything. As long as it doesn't men a random lynch. You wouldn't get as good information as you would on some that have been in competing trains, but it's better than nothing.



I believe Tayla a little more because of this post as well; being willing to sacrifice herself

I believe you. I dont want to lynch a random town just cos of this deadline

But I dont really see another way with him claiming doc





apparently there are others online (my comp didnt tell me there were more post since the reveal)

We could still turn this round

I see....


This also helps me believe both Tay and Nyn, with the wording having been confirmed by Ithi’s death soon after:

I still don't get how Nyn would KNOW Talya isn't lying. Maybe scum is making it just that easy for us :myrddraal:


I know she's not lying and not making up a random townsfolk of Florin role (as BG suggested) because I got the same role. So she didn't make up the role. And I don't see how she'd even know about it if she's not what she claims.






Ill vouch for Nyn and Talya's thing. It rings true to my ears

ok so this is the main basis for a lot of people voting player now, correct?


I'll get on the bandwagon.


unvote VOTE RHEA

no other reasons?


Rhea I don't believe you. Also I dont trust Ape...



Vote Rhea

both are dead Townies now


What about the last minute vote of Rhea by Meesh?



Found him :D


I wouldn't have figured him for domesticated...

he thinks he isn’t


Tina and Sol both poke their heads in, say a few words, don’t vote, then disappear... Kae and Smiles also haven’t been around much


Rhea’s odd actions and then death....


Tina pokes her head in again.... Sol pops in again...


Well there isn't much I can say to defend. Other than the way I revealed there isn't anything that I can defend against

I revealed rashly but it felt like the right think to do at the time

As for a character Im just a nameless Townsmen of Florin (But you can call me Sir Clucksalot :wink: )



this is just strange.....


I re-read yesterday´s posts. Not everything but a lot of it. This is my thoughts:


1. AH, her posts often confuse me. They are meant to make things clear but for me it doesn´t. Claimed Mason and I believe her.

2. Des, I agree with him most of the times this game. Claimed Mason and I believe him.

3. Smiley, also a person who´s posts confuses me. Leaning town.

4. Turin, most posts is townish but as Ape pointed out he was on both Rhea´s and Sol´s trains on day one. The PR might or might not make him scum. Haven´t decided yet.

5. Paetric, will be replaced.

6. BG, mostly townish posts. I didn´t like "everyone follows me around" and the idea that all scum was on Rhea´s train on day 1. Later he changed his mind. Haven´t decided yet.

7. CTM, leaning scum. I didn´t like his plan with more character reveals, Wesley claim town and lynch from the town people pool. He has tried to direct the cop on night 1 and doc on night 2.

8. Locke, leaning scum. Has been very absent. I agree with Des about him contradicting himself about the random lynch.

9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.

10. Talya, probably town

11. Nyn, probably town

12. Kae, floating around. Hard to know.

13. Wombat, very absent. Ape pointed out that he was on both Sol´s and Rhea´s train day 1. That is interesting if it turns out that Sol is indeed the doc. Scummy.

14. Sol, claimed Doc. I believe him although he has been playing scummy.

15. Tina,


I get that all of the ones I suspect can´t be scum but those are the ones I´m going to watch out for as we move along. I think it´s been difficult to judge many because we have all agreed that Rhea and Player are scummy.


Let see what Players lynch will show us. Vote Player. I believe that is the hammer.

many thoughts from Tina....


I don’t know what to believe about Piano’s last post, it seems very very odd, but there have been many interesting posts by him throughout the game, and because of all that has leaned on him, knowing his alignment can tell us a lot.... Vote Player

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After leaving the body of the Sicilian, you all bicker and argue while following the Princess's trail. You all agree Player seems shifty and should be looked at. You go to grab his belongings from him and you "accidentally" push him off the side of a cliff, a very sharp rock breaks his fall. After going through his things the party decides to camp outside the Fire Swamp and enter in the morning light.



Player, townsfolk of Florin, is dead.


It is now night. Deadline is Monday 8 AM EST.

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Bah, second time my internet hasn't worked when I tried to post. Fixed now, but half of it is again irrelevant.


and I would much prefer that to random.

Random lynch odds aren't really that bad


What in the... Locke you're making my head spin. How did your feelings on random lynches change that much in 4 mins?! FOS


There's no contradiction there...: Rhea lynch>random lynch. Random lynch odds are not bad. Those two beliefs can coexist. Also, Wombat was in that same boat...



I didn't say there was a specific contradiction, but both posts definitely had a much different opinion on random lynches. One made it seem like they were extremely indesirable, the next one makes it seem like it wasn't that big a deal. And your attempted deflection of attention on to Wombat is noted

Not really. They're both not even really related. First said I would prefer a controlled lynch to random. Duh, who wouldn't. Second was agreeing with Wombat that the odds for random lynch aren't that awful, especially considering the amount of vanilla apparently in this game. For example, say there's Cop/Doc, 1 SK, 5 mafia, and then the rest vanilla/masons (w/ maybe 1 or 2 lesser roles thrown in). Ratio of 2:13:6. 10% power role. 60ish% non-major loss. 30-ish% anti-town death. Obviously in a more heavily roled game, the risk might be greater, but this game seems pretty light. Of course, 100% is still better than 90% plus factoring in information.


Also, wasn't deflecting attention, was pointing out hypocrisy.


I do agree with your suspicions though. (CTM Player Sol Kae Nyn Tina) My top 5 are all in there. (Nyn is odd one out)




I think its safe to say the the consensus is that Solimind is still coming across as scummy, and it should not be assumed he is telling the truth until he gets vetted by the Cop. That being said... all these people continually FOS'ing the uncountered Mircale Max Doc claimant are resonating as people trying to influence the Cop's action. I want the Cop to vet Solimind as much as the next player, but we don't want to telegraph when the Cop views him IN CASE there is a scum watcher... it is safer for the Cop if we let him work without trying to influence and tip off when he/she is viewing certain people. Make sense?


That never even crossed my mind. You're definitely right though.


I dropped in but didn't vote yesterday because within a couple hours of me posting the hammer got dropped. I've been following along, but haven't been compelled to issue an opinion since my first real one wasn't too popular.


Happens to all of us. Just gotta keep playing. I mean, unless you're babbling mindless spam, everything you say contributes to the game.


Go to the black tower main page, in the stats column the top number is the number of replies. Click on the number




Rhea, Rhea... *shrugs head*


I usually don´t speak much during the night but I noticed CTM´s "I think I will be nk´d tonight" comment and I didn´t like it.



No no, absolutely do not protect me. I'm, not suggesting that at all. Doc should self protect, obv


Well that's a doc direct. Granted, there's not really any Wifom situation going on.

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Oops, colour fail.


And there goes perhaps the quickest hammer I've ever seen. Not sure that it wouldn't have been better to consider other options and generate some discussion before lynching as a foregone conclusion. The manner of the lynching leaves little to be drawn in terms of information. Actually, none of our lynches have been very useful so far, considering Rhea kinda dug her own grave. Regardless, Tomorrow will be interesting. I look forward to it.

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lol As soon as it gets night Locke wakes up. *checks Locke´s teeth* Do you sparkle in the moonlight?


Has literally happened all 3 days >.< (except the first when I got here 20 minutes before deadline...)


Now that I'm here there's no reason to be...

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Grrrrrrrr......... *Sits and waits for night to pass*


Dead Townie Dead Mafia Dead 3rd Party

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiley

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi #1--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random lynched D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--?--vanilla w/pr

6. Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--Queen Bella--town--Vanilla--Lynched D2

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. PaetIthi #2

10. BG

11. Matt McsCTM

12. Locke

13. Piano--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--Lynched D3

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. Ape--Impressive Clergyman--town--Vanilla w/ PR--Killed N2

18. wombat

19. Sol--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal--Vizzini--Serial Killer--killed N2


ok, so that's 5 dead vanilla townies, plus there's me and Des who are also basically vanilla. Then we have 1 dead mafia and 1 dead 3rd party.


So we probably have 4 mafia left, and 12 of you guys (=alive ones not including me and Des).


My belief in Tayla and Nyn is starting to lessen.... though there could be 7 vanillas plus me and Des


I still don't trust Sol's claim, I don't know what to think of Turin. And now I need to focus on the other game quickly and then get the assignments I didn't get do this week done, so I will look at the rest of you later


*passes out*

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My belief in Tayla and Nyn is starting to lessen.... though there could be 7 vanillas plus me and Des



The only way Talya is mafia is if Mafia have been given fake claims. I'm thinking that Cop+Doc might be only Town roles.



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