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Hark! The Herald Aspies


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  On 12/14/2011 at 4:01 AM, Turin Turambar said:

You guys did a great job. I just realized that no one ended up assigned to Mother. Was anyone supposed to be?


I didn't assign any roles... you all chose your own poison. :tongue:



And...yes, Nya...Tynaal was suspiciously quiet during the week so I couldn't resist going for it. I figured I'd get stuck there, but it was worth the opportunity. *nods*

  On 12/14/2011 at 4:32 AM, Kate said:
  On 12/14/2011 at 4:01 AM, Turin Turambar said:

You guys did a great job. I just realized that no one ended up assigned to Mother. Was anyone supposed to be?


I didn't assign any roles... you all chose your own poison. :tongue:



And...yes, Nya...Tynaal was suspiciously quiet during the week so I couldn't resist going for it. I figured I'd get stuck there, but it was worth the opportunity. *nods*



Oh. *blinks and goes to check out this heralding*


I am never suspicious! Only sweet and innocent, perfect example for my aspies *winks*

  On 12/14/2011 at 3:02 PM, Tynaal Consen said:


I am never suspicious! Only sweet and innocent, perfect example for my aspies *winks*


*tea spews out of Daruya's mouth as a snort of laughter causes her to choke, sputter and cough* :biggrin:

  On 12/14/2011 at 4:07 PM, Daruya said:
  On 12/14/2011 at 3:02 PM, Tynaal Consen said:


I am never suspicious! Only sweet and innocent, perfect example for my aspies *winks*


*tea spews out of Daruya's mouth as a snort of laughter causes her to choke, sputter and cough* :biggrin:


Fly in your tea, m'dear?


Errr . . . yes, yes, that's it. A fly . . . *struggles to hold a straight face and her Aes Sedai serenity*




Hear Ye! Hear Ye!


The magnificent and superfluos First Selector of the Blue Ajah, aka Official Slapper of the Amyrlin, aka Her Most Glorious and Epic Majesty, aka The One Who Got Away, aka the Moon of Everyone's Life, aka The Oh Gee Blue Ajah Moiraine Representin Sista herself, Daruya, hereby wishes for everyone to know that there is nothing else going on here, that there was simply a nuisance of a fly in her tea, and that nothing else suspicious was going on. Furthermore, we should take it upon ourselves to rid the White Tower of this odious and maligning presence that the flies have been wallowing in right underneath our noses and buzzing around our ears! Everyone arm yourselves with whatever appropriate spray, swatter, strips, saidar and zappers you find available, and make it so our glorious and effervescent Daruya never has to deal with the tragedy of an ill-found insect again!


That is all for now!


*someone leans over and whispers in herald Despo's ear*


Oh, you mean we're NOT doing that anymore?!


Well then, carry on everyone!


*sprints away before anyone catches the wise*


Oh, please-please-please-please, Mumsy, can I keep him? Please? I like having a Herald! *bats eyelashes at Elgee and her lip quivers at the lifted eyebrow and slight shake of Mumsy's head*


Oh, very well . . . *sighs mournfully*


*Turin's agent for heraldic affairs shuffles in, looking suspiciously like Turin in a business suit* There may be arrangements that can be made for the aspie heralds to continue their services if a compensation package can be agreed to. All such arrangements are strictly between the Herald and the heraldee and must be submitted to the Offices of the Brothers and Sisters of Heraldic Activities Guild.(further referred to as BSHAG) If approved the BSHAG officials will inform you that you shall be heralded for the period of the agreed upon term. An exorbitant small gratuity will be due to the above stated BSHAG official at time of request.




Have a nice day. :smile:




Black Blue Ajah Battle Stations?

Black Blue Ajah, BlackBlue Sedais?

Becoming A Black Blue Sedai?






Ithi's evil... *nods*

  On 12/17/2011 at 9:32 PM, Turin Turambar said:



Too bad I already released Dar or I could command her to tell me. :tongue:


Wasn't the term of slavery for everyone limited to three days, though?


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