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Strangest Culture


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In general I like all of WoT's cultures, but the Ebou Dari always seemed the strangest to me. People going around getting into that many fights and killing each other all the time just doesn't seem feasible.


Rand is but a fake from dual creek! I hate him!


The greatest character ever written is Mordeth! Padin Fain! How can you not love him?


Seriously though I honestly think that the dual nature of Mordeth and Padin are probably the workings of the greatest villian in history. He outshines Lector by a mile and that is saying something. I love hero stories, don't get me wrong. I am not dark, emo-loving, satist by any means...but I love...LOVE characters that truly jump out of the page at you, that grab you by the throat and make you really think. No character ever, in all my readings, in all the movies I have watched...in all the poems I have read, has struck me more than Padin/Mordeth.


Padin/Mordeth is the man, the biff, the legend. Three cheers for the true hero of the story.


I know to some it will seem as if I am mocking. But I am not. IMO the best character ever written. He has been circled around so many times by authors but RJ captured him.


So for that, I say, down with the light. UP with the Dark!


Rand is but a fake from dual creek! I hate him!


The greatest character ever written is Mordeth! Padin Fain! How can you not love him?


Seriously though I honestly think that the dual nature of Mordeth and Padin are probably the workings of the greatest villian in history. He outshines Lector by a mile and that is saying something. I love hero stories, don't get me wrong. I am not dark, emo-loving, satist by any means...but I love...LOVE characters that truly jump out of the page at you, that grab you by the throat and make you really think. No character ever, in all my readings, in all the movies I have watched...in all the poems I have read, has struck me more than Padin/Mordeth.


Padin/Mordeth is the man, the biff, the legend. Three cheers for the true hero of the story.


I know to some it will seem as if I am mocking. But I am not. IMO the best character ever written. He has been circled around so many times by authors but RJ captured him.


So for that, I say, down with the light. UP with the Dark!


I don't really see the relevance to this thread. :P Damn darkfriend propaganda is everywhere apparently.



Strangest culture for me is Aiel. Mostly because I've seen the other cultures before and I understand why they are the way they are. I can't wrap my mind around stuff like dying because you're shamed too much in your opinion. Like, my ancestors were tinkers so I should now feel worthless because Im not a tinker.



I don't really see the relevance to this thread. :P Damn darkfriend propaganda is everywhere apparently.



Your right. I was reading several things on several open web pages and came back to write this and ended up off-topic. For what it is worth, I was supposed to write about the Light having the strangest culture and my thoughts didn't keep in-tune with my writing...


to me it depends on your definition of strange. Aiel and Seanchan cultures are quite different from mine, but they're described in such a way that i can understand them and some of why they are the way they are. I voted Aes Sedai because there are parts of their culture that i just don't get. they just have so many traditions and practices that they just accept as the way things are without questioning why or wondering if there's a better way. Say what you will about Egwene, but i think she's changing the AS culture for the better.


Changed some of the options.

3 different + 1 move


the 3 different::





the move:: Borderlanders


Gotta be the sharans their that bonkers they don't let anyone in to see them. The Aiel remind me of the Fremen of Dune. And I would say typical of any desert culture, except for their rules of honour and obligation.



I don't really see the relevance to this thread. :P Damn darkfriend propaganda is everywhere apparently.



Your right. I was reading several things on several open web pages and came back to write this and ended up off-topic. For what it is worth, I was supposed to write about the Light having the strangest culture and my thoughts didn't keep in-tune with my writing...


That's alright, I promise I won't scratch any dragon fangs on your door.


None of the cultures in the series are really all that different to cultures that have existed at some point IRL. Randland proper, obviously is analogue to medieval/early renaissance Europe while the borderlands are very similar to the Baltic states during a lot of the times when the eastern nations weather the Huns, or the Mongols or Persia has advanced upon Europe. They were almost constantly fighting, and always outnumbered.


The Aiel are an odd mix of Bedouin traditions and Celtic genealogy. Deserts do tend to forge a hard people.

The Sharan lands are very similar to the medieval descriptions of the Asian countries brought back by merchants. They were effectively closed off to foreign contacts, and the customs must have been exceedingly odd to a western mindset. Some of them still are. China and Japan didn’t open to the West till late 19th century.


Even the Seanchan are not too different to some Asian cultures; Imperial China and Feudal Japan spring to mind.

None of the cultures are really that odd. Whitecloaks might as well be the Knights Templar, the Tuatha'an gypsies or Roma, the Sea Folk…well…I’ll have to get back you on the Sea Folk; they’re a little off.


I voted females as oddest culture. No matter where you go it’s a universal constant that the womens will get your head twisted. I like them anyway.


Gotta be the Shara for the reasons stated above


I know to some it will seem as if I am mocking. But I am not. IMO the best character ever written. He has been circled around so many times by authors but RJ captured him.


Regarding Padan/Mordeth


I dunno, seems like an idea he took from Tolkien with Gollum/Smeagol and changed some of the outer layers. The original piece of work still shines through.


I say the Sharans are the craziest because at least the rest of the cultures have some kind of logic behind their development. The boderlanders and Aiel are obsessed with their honor which is cool- I'll always say "Tai'shar Shinear!", the Seanchan have their own weird way of doing things but hey, that's a damane enforced dictatorship for you.


Shara on the other hand seems so odd compared to the other that it beggars the mind. Their leaders die every seven years and foul play is never even considered. The entire country started tearing itself apart just at hearing Rand's name!


Add that to the chronic lies and scams that Aiel trading with Shara have to put up with and you get a culture that takes the cake every time.


I voted "Other"

And I do specify the other to be FINNS!

All the human cultures have some references in the real world. But the Snakes & Foxes are the strangest bloody unwashed lumps on a pig's backside that the average WoT reader has ever encountered.


Gotta be the Shara for the reasons stated above


I know to some it will seem as if I am mocking. But I am not. IMO the best character ever written. He has been circled around so many times by authors but RJ captured him.


Regarding Padan/Mordeth


I dunno, seems like an idea he took from Tolkien with Gollum/Smeagol and changed some of the outer layers. The original piece of work still shines through.

eh. I don't like him since he said that thing about entrails... the proper greeting of friends. Kindof seemed overdone/obvious/not really that crazy. but I digress.


Yeah I choose Shara, cause they are just super creepy. that whole killing the leaders thing and NOBODY getting to see them. They don't seem very fun D:


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