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Professor Snape's Potion Class

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Turin sees the potion sitting in the gaping hole in the side of the classroom. He struggles to hold it in his large hands. Eventually he manages to drink it. The change happens quickly and Turin is left standing outside the classroom in his birthday suit. Embarassed, he grabs two nearby banana leaves and makes his hurried exit.

Thanks Ayla!


Hands Niobe a sock.


I hope this is the correct antidote, Niobe! I'm sure the Professor will let me know if I am wrong!


That is correct Dar. Congratulations! You have been cured Niobe. I'm sure it feels wonderful


Now - someone just needs to create an antitode for Torrie.


Who will it be?


'Course no one would even think of helping me. Somehow, their fault that it's my fault that I haven't been posting. IT'S TRUE! It's all your fault I have been an unsociable idjit. Because I just said so. DON'T DENY IT! The event has almost ended and here I am trying to bully someone into healing me. Ohhh, it's so depressing.


Get on with it, or - I shall abuse you even more :angry:


Hands Torrie a 4-leaf clover.




I hope this is the proper antidote, Torrie!


Ithi will probably say no, she always does. Never lets us do anything, mean person that she is. Why care about me anyway, nobody gives a bit about what I feel. *goes away to sulk*





*wince* THANKS LEELOU MY SAVIOUR! I really don't don't don't mean all these things I'm forced to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Turin sees Nyanna sitting in the corner depressed about her monster transformation not having been reversed. He approached with staelth and gave the Accepted a great big HUG.


I hope that helps, Nyanna. It really is the cure.


Turin knows he has broken the rules again. He hopes that rescuing Ithi from the Haunted Mansion will lessen her wrath. If not, he would deal with that when the time came. Helping his friends was more important than following some random rule. Turin whistled a happy tune as he walked back to his small room in the Warder's Barracks


All of those cures were correct! Thank you to everyone who participated in the class! You were all exceptional students and worked together really well.


You all get A+ :biggrin:


Class dismissed.


Hands Torrie a 4-leaf clover.




I hope this is the proper antidote, Torrie!



**Claps wildly!**



Thank you, Dar! lol Now my bad luck will be gone!


**Tucks the four-leaf clover behind her ear and hugs Dar**


*hugs Torrie* I'm glad I was able to help, love!


Great job, Ithi! This was fun!



Turin sees Nyanna sitting in the corner depressed about her monster transformation not having been reversed. He approached with staelth and gave the Accepted a great big HUG.


I hope that helps, Nyanna. It really is the cure.


Turin knows he has broken the rules again. He hopes that rescuing Ithi from the Haunted Mansion will lessen her wrath. If not, he would deal with that when the time came. Helping his friends was more important than following some random rule. Turin whistled a happy tune as he walked back to his small room in the Warder's Barracks


Thank you Turin! :happy:


also thanks for the great class Professor! you were a very convincing Snapeithi :)


Great job Ithi!!! A wonderful teacher as usual!! :biggrin: **loud aplause**



Thanks sooo much Dar for the antidote :wub: feeling like me old self once more hihi


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