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Welcome Uncle Rat

Aiel Heart

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This is my friend in real life whom I have convinced to try WoT and I dragged him here so he could meet you awesome people and want to read WoT even more :D so yeah he's going to start reading as soon as possible (that one guy joined just for the mafia so my buddy's who's gonna read it can be here too! :P )


So welcome Uncle Rat :D


Anything you'd like all of them to know?


Enjoy the Tainted brownies and have fun!!!


You are about to see so much spam you shall be amazed



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Welcome to the Black Tower, Uncle Rat! We can never get enough of the Great Lords spies in here. :baalzamon: I´m the M´Hael, Faction Leader of the Shadow. If you have any questions please come to me.


Tell us a bit about yourself. How much have you read of the WoT? Any favorite characters? Where do you live? Can I have the code and the key to your house? What did AH have to do to get you here? Did she only offer craziness and brownies or did she threaten to balefire you if you wouldn´t obey? Can you buy the poor girl some dinner?

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Welcome! The Taint is strong with this one, I tried to welcome him and my browser crashed.


Though I partially blame the fact that I'm using Safari and hotel internet.


Hmmm...that's the caffeine talking...Welcome to our Tainted Abode!

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