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Umm does this mean im not a stupid lightful


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It... should? I remember you needing 50 points to join a faction but it might have been upped since the last time I bothered to check (which could possibly be like 3 years) ^_^


I'd say check the Wiki. So, doooooooooo it.







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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

It possibly might maybe perhaps mean you are no longer a lightful. As for stupidity, no ammount of points can cure that disease, as demonstrated by the Nyn.



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Though I find that squirting lemon juice into people's eyes is much more enjoyable.


That's valuable information. I will take that information and keep it in a special folder marked 'SECRET'. Everyone knows, that is the best security there is.

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You are still a lightful until you are told you aren't anymore. Like Ed said, we're deciding your fate right now. Since it involves Verby, give it a month, 'kay?


I resemble that remark. It takes a certain skill to pull that off.




Odd, he usually takes about 4 minutes *sly grin*











Wait a minute....*realizes the insinuation*




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