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SS Disbandment


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Dude....as if. >.> If you disband the SS, you'll have to kill us all.


Cause, really, you never can wash the stink of SS off. xD


See now finally! We've been saying the SS stink forever - at last one of them has come to terms with it. *hands mightlove a can of deodorant*


*watches the trolloc trying to bite it*


*stabs the trolloc instead*


It's no use, spitspawn will never fit in anywhere else, they will have to keep their faction i guess.


*puts up a wall around the SS compound*






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Maybe we should have a SS-Anonomyous.

My imagination of an SS-Anon meeting:

"Hi, I'm Verbal, and I'm a former SS."

"Hi Verbal."

"It's been 2 days since my faction disbanded, and I still bear the stink of SS. .. "

And there could be cookies and cake.

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Dude....as if. >.> If you disband the SS, you'll have to kill us all.


Cause, really, you never can wash the stink of SS off. xD


See now finally! We've been saying the SS stink forever - at last one of them has come to terms with it. *hands mightlove a can of deodorant*



Has anyone tried tomato juice? I know it works for skunk spray.


*searches the cupboard*


Hmm, I don't seem to have any tomato juice, but I do have some rotten tomatoes...


*brings out a bushel of rotten tomatoes for the Dreadies and BA*


Maybe we can get a juicer and...


*Picks up a particularly gushy tomato*


Ah, that's too much work


*throws the tomato hitting the ewok square in the face*


Did it work? No? Perhaps one wasn't enough...

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Right, because that's what the Shadowspawn are know for, their eloquence...




You're getting repetitive, sweetie. This is like the second or third time I see you posting almost the exact thing. Shame really, because you do show a certain degree of potential, if yet somewhat diminished than the old eclipse. But there's no point in crying over spilled entrails. Especially when you don't know who they belong to *pats*



And Lily, good add on. Really. It's just the punch eclipse needed. Maybe the entrails are his, who knows.







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This is like the second or third time I see you posting almost the exact thing.


That's because making fun of the Shadowspawn never really gets old...



Shame really, because you do show a certain degree of potential




I'd rather flip burgers for the rest of my life than show potential to be an SS



yet somewhat diminished than the old eclipse.


I am the old Eclipse, the one you knew back then was the young Eclipse. Poor SS, forgot that people age as time passes...



But there's no point in crying over spilled entrails. Especially when you don't know who they belong to *pats*


Ooh look free entrails! *scoops* them up



And Lily, good add on. Really. It's just the punch eclipse needed.


No, this is the punch I needed:





Maybe the entrails are his, who knows.


If they weren't before, they definitely are now!


*takes his entrails and storms off*

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sorry if i misjudged, e. not that there's anything wrong with crankiness.


Nothing wrong with it at!



And btw, when I said you had potential, I meant potential to be remotely interesting. Not potential to be SS.


Oh thank the Great Lord for that one!!!

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I am actually rather well known for my eloquence, thank you very much. Unfortunately, you just don't know me. :P


And thank the Great Lord, indeed. I cannot imagine having to listen to such drivel on a regular basis. ;) I'll take the grunts and toots of me fellow trollocs over that any old day.

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