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It's quiet...


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Maybe it isn't of imagination at some point in the next year. The more people who would want to join it, the more chance Talmanes gives permission.


As if I would give up if I didn't get permission...

Not going to happen, just saying. Tina went over that with you already.

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Roka said that we might have a chance. And I think too. If the next 12 month each month we get as much new members as this month, we have something like 50 more members. Say that half of them is active, then we have 25 active members more. That is more than a Faction at its own. And I think there joined more than four or five people this month...

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I don't think he is in charge. But in the case there are twice or more as much active members as now, then a third Faction wouldn't be a problem. I thought the main problem was that there were not enough members.

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Roka said that we might have a chance. And I think too. If the next 12 month each month we get as much new members as this month, we have something like 50 more members. Say that half of them is active, then we have 25 active members more. That is more than a Faction at its own. And I think there joined more than four or five people this month...


You're grossly overestimating. Also, you need more than enough members. You need a good reason.

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Ley, I know people have spoken to you about this, but here is a little knowledge for you. I was asked to create a third faction here, they came to me (there was a few) and they set out their plan for it, unfortunately not enough people joined to make it worthwhile and those in it then slowly disappeared. The thing with activity is that is will be good one minute and slow the next and having a third faction makes it all worse. Plus you have a really big problem that when people join the BT they think of Logain and M'Hael and their respective sides, there is nothing else that really captures the imagination for those joining. So it is a lot of hard work on all fronts for something that will be destined to fail, because it doesn't fir into the WoT world. I hope that helps you understand why this is just not going to happening, but please don't let it stop you having ideas, some work some don't, but it's great to have lots, because you will have some really great ones that will work perfectly :)

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