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It's quiet...


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charisma, and a desire for power.


ley, just want you to know i feel for you, because i think maybe you're not so happy right now, and this is a happy place for you, and also maybe a safe place to be crazy and a little bad. which i can relate to. and cause school is starting soon, or already has, and i still get sick to my stomach thinking of it, though it's been a hundred years or so.


so, virtual {{{{hugs}}}}, and better days ahead, ya.

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also, Tina, {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} cause i really get that level of last nerves, too, and i hope i don't send you there too often myself.


this is where mom would have gotten me to lock myself in my room in terror, if not to actually behave, at least to leave her in peace till the next day. i installed the deadbolt myself. :smile: it is only in my later years that i realize she stopped chasing me as soon as i started running.

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also, Tina, {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} cause i really get that level of last nerves, too, and i hope i don't send you there too often myself.


this is where mom would have gotten me to lock myself in my room in terror, if not to actually behave, at least to leave her in peace till the next day. i installed the deadbolt myself. :smile: it is only in my later years that i realize she stopped chasing me as soon as i started running.


Go to your room, young lady!!!


*hugs Cindy*


I remember that my mom used all my names when she got mad at me. lol

It didn´t happen often because I was a nice kid. I became a teenager and revolted when I was thirty. :biggrin: It´s really hard to revolt against grown ups when you are a grown up your self... sigh.

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I remember that my mom used all my names when she got mad at me.



Ha Ha, wow, I guess that happens no matter where you live!


It was always a good judge of how much trouble I was in by counting how far into my full name she got. She always called me Mike when she was in a good mood, when she was annoyed, it was Michael, angry Michael Edward, and when she was furious, well, she would adds some words I can't repeat in these forums after adding my last name to that trail.

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*nibbles on the nuts* don't worry I've made sure there are some left for Meesh....


I only use my daughters name when she's in trouble and when she's not, it's not a name you can shorten! In fact she used have a nick name that was longer than her name...>.>

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