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[2010 Ghoulies] Most likely a serial killer behind the avatar


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I'm here to present the most disturbing of all Ghoulies - The most likely a serial killer behind the avatar. It's not even because of the title; rather, it's because there is a three-way for it.


Tie. Three-way tie. Sorry. While I'm sure the guy involved thinks it's great, the two women definitely do not.


To make this short (that's what she said) (not to me, though) (seriously!) (ok, she said it to me) (h8uall), here are your winners:



Ed, Nynaeve, & Wombat






I leave the mystery up to you all.






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Thanks? >.>


(Whoever voted for me will receive a fax in a week that will describe in great detail how you're going to die a day later. If you don't have a fax machine... well... I guess you're safe :P).






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Congrats Nyn! You've earned it! *waves american flag*






P.S. did you get the play on words/idioms/thingies? I used the american flag cus that's serial killers mecca! And you're kind of in a mecca, only the Jewish kind and by waving the american flag, I just said you're just as good as those americans at serial killing! I would be proud of you if I weren't dialing interpol as I write this *nods*

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