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Hey... Guess what??


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*gets tackled onto a bed of feathers* Sweet! Yeah... been busy as *beeeeeeep* I need to get back to chatting with you folks again! Nothing like terrorizing the locals to make a good day!


And didn't realize it was a concern? Hello! Trolloc! This thing isn't going to be switched out for at least a year... important decision here!



And of course it will be pink. :biggrin:

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I made some good points??? Just because banana hammocks are more European doesn't mean we yanks don't know how to show one off! *prepares his smiting toe*


And that pic of Alice makes me think of one question... and I will ask you mirsh... what do you think of panty hose? :biggrin:

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Notice how he fails to mention the topic of said discussion. :P I smell something fishy.







Lol that would be Nargy. He ALWAYS smells fishy.


*smiting hand twitches*


*sighs* fine...i admit he did make some good points. It was about a subject i didnt think a yank would know about, so he caught me unawares. Thats my excuse and im stickin to it :p


Sure thats what happened :P *holds up a Ter'Angreal that he snuck out of Elgee's office* This recorded all of IT!!!!

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Panty hose were obviously designed and made by Aginor -- he's sadistic like that. I don't wear panty hose. For that matter, I haven't worn a dress in years and the last time I did I went with the natural, tanned look (or was it the natural fish-belly white look? It's been so long I don't remember!).


Panty hose and Florida summers do NOT mix.

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Sure thats what happened :P *holds up a Ter'Angreal that he snuck out of Elgee's office* This recorded all of IT!!!!



Thats not what it looks like. It was all part if the training...We were practicing "Sheathing the Sword"...you know what, just gimme that! *snatches* Now, go on a one man solo mission into the blight and dont come back without Shaidar Harans head.



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whoah... banana hammocks... sheathing the sword... Narg does NOT like where this is going.


Look... we didn't want to practice on ourselves... just think of all the blood. So... we found this sheep and he was showing me how to sheath the sword by plunging it into the sheep instead of either one of us.... *reads that again*


Son of a dragon!!!! *tries to delete*

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