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A Note Reguarding Egwene/Aes Sedai hate/love Threadjacking


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I've recieved so many complaints about this that I'm instituting a new policy, which is--stop twisting every topic, subject, subclause and reference into an opportunity to complain OR protect Egwene or the Aes Sedai. If you mention either it had better be relevent to the topic at hand, and err on the side of caution when deciding whether your comment is relevent, because I'm perfectly willing to be a psycho about this.


Comments out of context will be deleted, repeat offenders subject to harsher punishments, up to and including bans. If you want to express your like or dislike of the Aes Sedai/Egwene in every thread, put it in your signature, not in the subject matter of your post.


We did this at Theoryland a while back. Now all Egwene-hate gets merged into one thread.


That's why I actually liked when we had the "Egwene hate thread" around. This should work too though.


It seems to work a little better than deleting posts just because it gives people a place to vent their Egwene hate when it comes up. And it gives you something to do with the Egwene Hate threads that pop up so regularly. (Sometimes there are a few just on the front page of the General forum.)


Part of the problem seems to be using either the pure hate or the incompetence/power-hunger/unbelievability that leads to the hate as proof of things related to other topics.


So if I started a thread about "What will Rand do at FoM?" someone might respond with "Well Egwene is so power-hungry and selfish she'll try to kill Rand, or collar him."


While killing and collaring may be legitamate options, Egwene lovers will still object to the underlying, so-presented-factual 'evidence' that she's 'power-hungry' and 'selfish'.


And then it spirals out of control from there. But they do typically stem from a somewhat "on-point" statement, just with a shaky foundation in the eyes of those who like Egwene. Some of us do not simply take it as a truism that Egwene will do the wrong thing at every turn, like others do.


There's the odd comment out of left field which is easy to moderate, but others might be tricky with where the jack actually occurred.


And yes, while there is an implication here that haters start it, lovers will absolutely argue the evidence, even if being right has no bearing on the original conclusion. Like if someone said "Egwene is so incompetent she's basically handed the Amyrlin seat". While I agree with the conclusion, I'd still argue the evidence used to 'prove' it. Can't go letting that stand to be used in the future as some sort of "precedent law" ;)


Now that's a dilemma. What to do when this thread gets hijacked for an Egwene hate/love argument. :smile:



it was meant to happen, or Luckers would have locked it. i think he's being impish.


Now that's a dilemma. What to do when this thread gets hijacked for an Egwene hate/love argument. :smile:




I sent Luckers a pm that we need a great deal more Egwene related threadjacking. Surely, we can band together and overturn this baffling and unjust policy.


I caved before your logic. Sadly I am too lazy to reverse the policy.


Now that's a dilemma. What to do when this thread gets hijacked for an Egwene hate/love argument. :smile:



it was meant to happen, or Luckers would have locked it. i think he's being impish.


Impish. :D


Now that's a dilemma. What to do when this thread gets hijacked for an Egwene hate/love argument. :smile:




Ban Yoni? Why not.


Can we still hate Faile with impunity?




I'm noticing a distinct loophole...


Everyone spam the boards with "Egwene is meh." comments before he fixes the rules!


So we cannot discuss any negative trait of Egwene in any thread other than the "hate Egwene" thread?..considering that she has been written as the main female Protagonist of the series,that seems an odd rule.


Obviously, the mods plan to use discretion. Luckers said he just doesn't want it to devolve into threadjacking. Pretty simple stuff.


What Terez said. If the comment is [very specifically] relevent to the subject under discussion, its fine. But I do not wish to see anymore 'Will Rand kneel to Fortuona?' 'YES!!! That way he can force Egwene to be leashed. Let's discuss Egwene being leashed. I hate her, she deserves it'--and I say that specifically to you XXX47.


It's not just Egwene either, any sort of off topic references to the Aes Sedai, whether in hatred or support, will be subject to this.


Can we express our undying love/ hate for, and any kinky thoughts we may happen to have, about Black Ajah? Or are all AS off-limits except when one has cunningly opened a thread that makes it open season to talk about AS? Also what about the Kin? They're almost AS and some of us hate them bossy old besoms.


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