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The Chicken or the Egg?


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One of life’s greatest questions finally answered: What came first, the chicken or the egg?


“It had long been suspected that the egg came first but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first.”


It turns out there’s a protein, ovocledidin-17 (OC-17), that’s only found in the ovaries of chickens that is crucial to the formation of an egg’s shell.


OC-17 coverts calcium carbonate into calcite crystals, which in turn form the shell. No OC-17, no shell, and since OC-17 is only found in chicken ovaries, the chicken had to have come first.




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We always assume chicken means female. Just like many assume Ewoks are male.

But that can't be true. Look at Verby.


Sexist homosapinenists.


If I was female, I'd never leave the house.



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We always assume chicken means female. Just like many assume Ewoks are male.

But that can't be true. Look at Verby.


Sexist homosapinenists.


If I was female, I'd never leave the house.




You'd have dinner prepared when your husband got hom? You'd do the laundry and tidy up the house and do everything else the perfect house-wife does?

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We always assume chicken means female. Just like many assume Ewoks are male.

But that can't be true. Look at Verby.


Sexist homosapinenists.


Peacocks are innately male because the females are peahens!


when i said hen i meant as opposed to, say, reptile or fish.


i assumed the opposition to roosters went without saying.


except for krak.


Dinosaurs eggs make one hell of an omelet!

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  • Moderator

We always assume chicken means female. Just like many assume Ewoks are male.

But that can't be true. Look at Verby.


Sexist homosapinenists.


If I was female, I'd never leave the house.




You'd have dinner prepared when your husband got hom? You'd do the laundry and tidy up the house and do everything else the perfect house-wife does?


Not exactly the angle I was playing there, Barm.

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