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Blue Ajah Harry Potter Event: Voldemort's Trial


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Red walked into the Hall, dressed in her best gown of shimmering blue/green silk, cut modestly and sleeveless; her blue shawl hung pristinely on her shoulders and her eyes glanced over the empty seats where the judges woudl sit. Whispers followed her, but she paid them no mind, wrapped in the One Power she could make out the words clearly, even so her mind was on other more important things than what her peers had to say behind her back. It was no secret that her stance in this trial was on the unpopular side, even those in her own Ajah had counseled her of the so called foolishness for defending such a creature as the less than man that walked beside her. In fact, he was the reason she held the One Power even now; Voldemort was an unpredictable creature at best and she was prepared to string him up by his toes if he made a wrong move. It was either that, or have the Warder serve him through with their swords, all parties agreed it was better this way. She glanced at her client briefly and noted how he looked, sighing inwardly at the arrogance pertruding from his every being.




Voldemort walked the way a ruler would when holding court with his subjects, he surveyed them with blood red eyes that shouted his disdain for this mock trial they dare hold against him. A broad sneer on his face, his long fingers gently caressed his wand of yew as he thought of how much pleasure it would be if he could strike out at these fools with the Cruicatus and Avada Kedavera curse. His black robes made a soft whisper as he walked and he ignored the mutterings of all these Muggles around him. they would learn their places soon enough, these fools who thought they were so mighty as to judge the likes of him; he would show them all, once this mummers farce of a show was concluded he would come away victorious as ever and these fools would rule the day they dared to openly defy the will of Lord Voldemort.


His sneer faded to a frown from a warning look from his lawyer; she would be the first to feel his wrath o fcourse, but Lord Voldemort was a patient man, he could wait out this facade until the opportunity presented itself.



They reached the desk at the same time, Voldemort taking his seating and surveying the courtroom as a king would survey his castle; he bristled with anger, then bit it down, at the fact that no one seemed quelled by his haughty stare. Red leafed through her papers and muttered to herself, making last minute notes as the court awaited the arrival of the Prosecuting attorney and her advisor


A timid knock on the door interrupted Mystica's and Daruya's conversation and the Highest bid the knocker to enter. A new novice stood in the doorway and made a move that Myst supposed was to pass for a curtsey.


"Excuse me, Mystica Sedai. Daruya Sedai. Mother sent me to ask you both to make your way to the court room, if it pleases you."


"Thank you, child. You may return to your duties now." Daruya said to the girl, kindly. The child made that awkward move again and bolted out the door.


Myst shook her head at the girl, though her eyes twinkled in amusement. She shared a look with Dar, who had a smile on her face and without a word the two women headed out the door. They glided in unison towards the room that was to serve as a court room and took a seat at the table in front of the judges dias. Mystica didn't take the floor, as they had worked it out between them that Daruya would present their opening speech.


For now, the two Sisters sat, talking quietly, faces unreadable, stance serene.


After her lovely relaxing bath, Elgee dressed in her best finery, draped her stole carefully over her shoulders and strolled off to Hall. She was pleased to see that the gorgeous Whitecloak Commander was already there (with Snarly and a few of his men watching him carefully), but before she could exchange a word with him the Muggle Minister and some weird woman dressed in PINK of all things came rushing up, surrounded by a gaggle of Warders and Aes Sedai.


"Shall we?" She enquired politely, then led the way into the special chamber set aside for the trial. Someone had had the foresight to put name tags on their seats, so they seated themselves without too much trouble. at about that moment it occurred to her that she had no idea what to do next. A hasty conference ensued between her and the Muggle Minister (he seemed a dear, though a bit on the confused side), who apparently knew about this type of thing as it was common practice where he came from.


"Really? I can do that? Cool!" Elgee exclaimed, then grabbed the wooden mallet type thing lying before her and slammed it down the bench.




Hmmmm ... maybe a touch TOO much Amplify Voice, there.


Red blinked at the slamming of a mallet and Elgee's declaration of court being in session. 'Such barbaric practices, these court sessions were. Was the other realms so unruly that they required hitting something with a wooden mallet to obtain order.' Red thought to herself as she looked over her own opening statement.


Percy Weasly stood up; in dress robes and horned rimmed glasses, he cleared his throat and looked directly at Voldemort as he read the charges.


"Will the defense please raise." Red stood up, but Voldemort just glared at him; muttering some nonsense about blood traitors and no one commanding him. A flash of annoyance crossed Elgees’ face, and Red look at her client with aggravation in her eyes. 'This creature sure does know what buttons to push to drive any Aes Sedia to being un-serene.' She leaned towards her client and whispered an inaudible threat to him.

"If you don't stand up, I'll yank you up by your ear and switch you a good time or two. You could use an attitude adjustment as well, if you like I'm more than happy to provide you with one right here and now."


Voldemort glared murder at Red, his red eyes flashing white hot rage at her and his teeth making an auditable grinding noise. He turned this glare on Percy as he reluctantly stood, taking the time to smooth out his robes. Percy swallowed a bit hard at the look and took a small step back, he tried to speak but had to clear his voice before any sound would come.


"You-Know-Who .." Galad leaned forward and whispered to Percy, clearly not amused by the antics Lord Voldemort. "Do use his name so we know who your talking about, lad. All these nick names could cause some confusion." Percy gaped at him before shutting his mouth with a click of his teeth, nodding his head and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"Lord ... ah ... Lord Voldemort," the name came out weak, and a malicious smile crept onto Voldemort's lips. "You stand accused of Crimes against humanity; the charges are as follows. In the charge of Genocide, how does the defense plead?"


Red spoke clearly, none of the annoyance she felt toward her client showing through; though she longed to stamp on his foot and switch his bottom raw for making a mockery of his trial. "Not Guilty."


"On the charge of Terrorism, to include the formation of a terrorist group known as the Death Eaters, how does the Defense plead?"


"Not Guilty."


"On the charge of Forced Confinement & Torture, how does the defense plead?"


"Not Guilty."


"On the charge of attempted World Domination, how does the defense plead?"


"Not Guilty."


"On the charge of Willful destruction of both public & private property, how does your client plead?"


"Not Guilty."


"On the charge of Defacing Government Property, how do you plead?"


"Not Guilty."


"On the charge of Extortion, Blackmail, Bribery & Grand Larceny, how do you plead?"


"Not Guilty."



Percy folded the sheet of parchment in half and passed it to Elgee, he looked at Rita Skeeter and said clearly "Let the record reflect that the Defense has plead Not Guilty to all charges." He ignored a whispered "Good job Wheatherbee." from Umbridge and went to stand by the door.


Red walked out to stand before the judges as Rita's quick quill quotes recorded the conversation. "Your honors," she looked at each judge in turn before continuing. "I move for a dismissal of all charges laid against my client. These acts my client stands accused of were committed by the gang known as the Death Eaters, not by my clients hand. The Prosecution has yet to show evidence that my client was involved."


Rita blinked and her quill stopped moving at this pronouncement, the court erupted in wild conversation at Red's words.




In the midst of taking a sip of tea from the Sea Folk porcelain cup provided for her, Daruya choked at this pronouncement. After a short bout of coughing, accompanied by Mystica pounding on her back, she leaned over and whisphered in a constricted voice to Elgee


Of course we haven't proven the charges. The trial hasn't even begun yet! I hope Mother doesn't slap her TOO hard for that . . .


Mystica suppressed a smile but her eyes flashed with scornful laughter as she looked at Red*


Elgee didn't know how the Grays did it. They seemed to love participating in trials, but for the life of her, she couldn't understand why. One day a defendant was still going to plead guilty, and everyone was going to keel over dead from shock. One round through the Chair of Remorse, and all of this would be over ... now there was a thought! She stared into space, tapping her lips with one finger ... hmm, maybe later, when everyone had had their fun. Probably best to stick to the formalities as demanded ... DEMANDED! by these silly Earthlanders.


"It is noted that the Defense pleads Not Guilty."


"Madame Prosecutor, you may proceed with your opening statement."


She wondered if she could get away with banging the wooden mallet thing again - that was fun!


*Looking at the face of the being that had caused untold pain, anguish and abject terror to thousands of his fellow compatriates, the Muggle Minister stared at Voldemort as he entered the court room and ascended to the Judges Seats. Luckily years of legal training allowed him to detach himself of the horrors that had occured recently and keep an open mind on how long it was going to take to reach a guilty verdict. He was still pondering this when that Amy ... Amy? hmmm, should probably really ask for a surname one day, leaned over to ask for advice.*


What? Erm ... well it's a gavel. No I said gavel. G. A. V. E. L. ok it's a little hammer. You bang it. Yes bang it on the desk and everything can then start.


*He turned away to gather his thoughts once more when she seized the 'little hammer' and banged it several times, following it up with the LOUDEST announcement that court was now in session he has ever heard. And from such a petite and delicate looking woman too. Covering his ears in case she decided to speak some more, he listened carefully to the charges and opening arguments*


Daruya rose hesitantly and looked at Elgee in consternation. Glancing over at Red, she saw the dumbfounded expression on her face as Mother ignored her motion.


Ummmm . . . permission to approach the bench, Mother?


Elgee gave a languid wave and said, "Yes, yes, come on up, both of you."


Red and Daruya approached the bench and Elgee leaned forward. The other judges craned their necks toward them so as to hear as Daruya said in a near-whisper,


Mother, you have to address Red's motion before I can give my opening statement. Ummm. . . that is, you can either grant the motion and order the prisoner's release (Light forbid!) or deny the motion and allow the evidence to be heard.


Daruya could tell Elgee's mind was elsewhere as she and Red waited for a response. A small smile crossed Elgee's face and she murmured, Yes, yes, the Chair of Remorse is a wonderful idea . . . Daruya leaned forward and hissed . . . MOTHER! Don't make me slap you! We have appearances to maintain!


Smoothing her features, Daruya took a small step back and waited for Elgee to respond.


Dolores Umbridge filed in with the muggle Prime Minister. She tried to keep her feelings about the muggle in cheek, sneering only when no one appeared to be looking. It wasn't as if she could openly admit her ...annoyance with these people would couldn't do magic. Especially not this one. Apparently he was important in the muggle world. Why, she had no idea, but he was and in this "Randland" people were being very polite to him. She was assaulted as soon as she arrived, but he received every common courtesy. Catching herself sneering again, Umbridge fixed her bow once more and sat in the seat with her name on it. Two chairs over, the woman that was called "Mother" or "Amyrlin" sat. It was an interesting title. Not something that just rolled off the tongue easily - perhaps that was why the nickname Mother hung about. For someone who was in power, the woman seemed very clueless. Umbridge shifted in her seat, fingers itching to bang the gavel. Wincing as the "Mother" shouted for court to start, Umbridge narrowed her eyes and surveyed the crowd. Hiding her annoyance at not being announced properly turned out to be a good idea, as she saw many "Randland" strangers staring back at her. She skirted by Voldemort's stare, choosing to flick her eyes to his attorney instead. No doubt he would wish for her to free him somehow, but their wands did not work here. Besides, he gave up his power by insisting he kill Potter himself. He should have just had him "taken care of" by someone else. Power is all that matters and Lord Voldemort now has none. Pity.


Surveying the crowd, Umbridge realized that the women were the ones in power in this world. She smiled faintly, thinking of how nice it would be to be at the Tower, no man keeping her from being the Minister - Ministress? of Magic. Perhaps when I return I can convince everyone that the men's magic is corrupt somehow. Yes. And as the highest woman in the Ministry, well, I would just have to take over power. Yes. That would be favorable indeed. Giggling to herself, Dolores Umbridge returned her attention to the trial as the women for and against Lord Voldemort began their opening statements.


"I have to address Red's motion? There's nothing wrong with her motion. At least she doesn't waddle like a duck."


Daruya whispered furiously to her again. "Ooooh ... sheesh. Ok." Elgee waited till they were all seated again, then announced loudly:


"Bollocks to those motions! Denied. Go ahead and show us the good stuff. I mean present your evidence."


She banged her hammer thingy again for good measure, then whispered to her fellow judges. "Looks like this is going to be a loooong morning - would you like some Kaf?"


Not waiting for a reply (damned if anyone was going to deprive her of her 10th bell Kaf!) she embraced the Source. A Weave of Air lifted the specially adapted tea tray that had been place behind a screen in the corner of the room and wafted it over to the table they were seated at. Completely ignoring the proceedings, she used Fire to heat the water in the kettle, then poured it into the Kaf pot. She tapped her fingers impatiently as she waited for the Kaf to brew to perfection, then lifted the pot with another Weave of Air and poured 4 cups, which she floated to each of the judges. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Myst glaring at her, and hastily filled a fifth cup and floated it to her.


"Milk? Honey?" She sent jars and jugs flying around, not noticing the Muggle Minister's bug-eyed reaction, or the slight wince from the pretty Whitecloak. The expression of the weird woman ... Highbridge? Humbridge? intrigued her, though.


Red opened her mouth to argue about her motion being denied but winced as Elgee hit the desk with the Hammer. giving a resigned sigh, Red nodded her head and made her way back to her seat. Voldemort leaned over to say something, but Red held up her hand to stave off any snide remark her client might have and riffled through her papers to dig up her case. She had anticipated her original motion woudl be denied, but even so it woudl have been nice to have this over sooner rather than later. She was sure that the longer this case went on, the less chance Vodlemort had to win due to his bad attitude and lack of being anything remotely close to human.


Patiently she waited for Mystica to present her case of how her client was involved in these absurd charges, and formed a plan of action in case things didn't go the way she expected them too.




Voldemort fumed at his lawyer, how dare she tell him to quiet with the palm of her hand as if he were some common muggle or worse a dog. Sighing and shifting his seat to it striaghter, he glanced over the judges to see whom he might appeal to and maybe sway to his cause. his eyes brushed over the one these twits were calling Mother, obviously she had a worse ego complexe than he did to go by a name such as that; the muggle he dismissed even faster, as Muggles worse worse than impotents and likley this man wouldn't be able to talk stright let alone understand how Voldemort was in the right. The bloke in the whitecloak sitting so ridged that he must have a broom up his butt looked to be no good either; he knew the righteous sort by sight, and this guy woudl make that Potter brat look like a scoundrel. So his red gaze came to rest on Umbridge, he knew of her and though her blood wasnt pure he did know that she had her mind in the right area. As he remembered, she had championed the anti-muggle registration and also agreed that non-human creatures were below Wizards. Voldemort tapped his chin with a long white finger and grinned to himself. yes, Umbridge just might be the key to getting out of her, steepling his fingers, Voldemort tried to devise a plan of action since his lawyer was obvious incompetitent.


Daruya stood, smoothed her skirts, and settled her shawl around her shoulders before going to stand before the judges' bench.


Mother. Daruya curtseyed toward Elgee. Lords and Ladies of the Court. Daruya nodded at each of the judges. Her eyes rested momentarily on the woman in the horrid pink outfit whose mouth tightened when she was afforded only a nod, rather than a curtsey.


Today, you will hear a tale of terror and terrorism, death and murder, arrogance, destruction, blackmail, theft, bribery, and, indeed, even Compulsion such as you may never have heard before.


Sadly, though, this is no child’s tale, meant to scare unruly children into good behavior. You will hear the biography of the defendant: about how he tortured school children in the orphanage in which he grew up; how he formed a gang of miscreants in boarding school who later became known as the Death Eaters and who followed him with unswerving loyalty; how he murdered his uncle and stole a family heirloom; how he murdered his father for the sole reason of being a Muggle (that would mean non-Magic folk for those not of his world); how he committed various other murders while constructing devices, called Horcruxes, which would give him vessels to store pieces of his soul so that he could live forever through those pieces; how he even constructed a living Horcrux when he attempted to murder a 1-year-old baby after murdering the baby’s parents, based soley on an incomplete prophecy.


And that’s just a tip of the iceberg. Using the equivalent of Compulsion, known in his world as the Imperius Curse, he controlled others and made them do his will. His list of victims is astounding and the crimes he personally committed include murder, kidnapping, forced confinement and torture, willful destruction of property, theft, blackmail, bribery and more . . . all in an effort to effect World Domination under his rule. And, yes, while many crimes were committed by the very organization he founded, the Death Eaters, he cannot be absolved of responsibility for their crimes, either, for they were committed at his command or with his approval.


Evidence will show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is guilty of these crimes. It will be your duty, Mother, and Lords and Ladies of the Court, to ensure this . . . this man-creature is punished for his crimes and is not afforded the opportunity to wreak further havoc upon his, or any other, world. After seeing and hearing all of the evidence, you will have no choice but to pronounce him guilty and to pronounce the ultimate sentence for the seriousness of his crimes . . . Death.


Daruya curtseyed again toward Elgee and, nodding to Red to indicate her opening argument was complete, made her way back to her seat.


*After hearing the water drain and all the noise mother makes when changing Al Jenn headed to the courtroom easing his daggers into his hands as he went. He found a dark shadow and stayed out of sight keeping his eyes on the other world forsaken ready to end his life with his knives should the moment arise...*


*fnorrll walks into the courtroom as it begins and takes his place in front of and to the right of the Amyrlin, with one of those huge final fantasy style swords over his shoulder to look extra menacing. Unfortunately he doesnt really hear much of the preceedings as the amyrlin does permanent damage to his left ear drum early on. But it doesnt really matter. The gaidin cared little for the passing of sentance. Merely the execution of said sentance...or of the defendant.

Idly, Fnorrll wondered wether mother would let him smite the Muggins' instead, for wasting court time should volderchops somehow be found innocent*


Red listens to Dar’s opening statement patiently, making notes of the tings she says and ruffling through her own papers. As Dar concludes, Red inclines her head respectfully and stands.


“Your Honors,” Red curtsey’s to the judges. “I’m not going to deny that the tale Dar has told you is true, the crimes she list were committed,” Red pauses dramatically. “But they were not committed by my client, and instead by the gang known as the Death Eaters. The prosecution claims they have evidence, yet their only evidence is hearsay and slandering rumors spread by people who not only misunderstood my client as a boy, but also held a deep seated resentment for his accomplishments as both a boy in Hogwarts and a Young Adult with a bright future. A future stunted by these same rumors which forced my client into hiding for 10 long years. You will see for yourself that this “evidence” the Prosecution claims to have, comes from a tainted source; that they are using known members of this vile gang to support the case against my client. How can we trust the statements of gang members, who have been plea bargained by the Prosecution to sell out an innocent man so that they can escape justice themselves.”


She gave each judge a measured look to express the gravity of her statement, “Your honors, the wrong man is on trial here, it should be the terrorist organization known as the Death Eaters who are on trial; not my client, whose only crime was to believe in an ideology that a lot of wizards in Earth realm also support. The same Ideology that the Ministry of Magic tried to enforce not even a year ago, this same Ministry that stand to accuse my client of crimes he didn’t commit. One might question their judgment in this, their true motives; as I understand it, have a set of beliefs have never been cause for punishment, let alone one as sever and punishable as death.


While all of us may not personally agree with the set of beliefs my client has, it is not the place of any government or court to decide if those beliefs are wrong or right. I must ask you, implore you to consider the ramifications of a case such as this; what type of world would it be if the Government was allowed to tell it’s people what to believe and put to death those people who differed in the opinions of the elected officials. As judges, you must consider the far reaching effects that this case will have, today it is ideology’s, tomorrow it might be the type of clothes we wear or the food we eat.


In short, this case is not about proving my clients guilt or innocence; or even the crimes he has been accused of. The aim of this case is to give the Government of his world absolute power. Ask yourselves, would you want to live in a world where the thought police are in power; where questioning those in power, or even believing differently than them could end your life. My answer to this is no, for that is a world that would breed such fear, such distrust and confinement of ones spirit on a scale that even a terrorist organization such as the Death Eaters couldn’t accomplish. It would kill what we humans cherish so freely … Freedom.”


Red curtseyed once again and took her seat, Voldemort had a blank look on his face and for once was at a loss of words.


Myst sat her chair and listened to Red present her absurd spiel. The woman must believe what she was saying because, well she was Aes Sedai after all. How could one be so totally oblivious? She cast a quick glance at Dar and shot a quick prayer to the Light to help her fellow Head to be strong. Putting down her cup of coffee, she took her time to rise and arrange her dress just so.


"Mother, Judge people," She curtsied to the Amyrlin Seat and gave the others a slight nod of the head.


"The Defense is correct." A gasp rang through the room and Elgee lifted her eyebrows slightly. Daruya, however, sat with a smug smile on her face. The woman hadn't become Head of the Blues just for her good looks, after all.


"We will present hearsay as evidence. We will hear first hand witnesses saying what they saw, experienced and underwent at the hand of this so-called Voldemort and his band of merry idiots, the Death Eaters. Now, I don't know what the Mistress of the Kitchens has served our Sister Red, but I suggest we start an investigation in to her sanity once this thing is over. For no one in their right mind could possibly believe the goat droppings she's been saying so far. And yet, she said it, so she must believe it. Daruya has enough on her plate as is, so I'll gladly take charge of healing our Sister back to normality."


Elgee banged her mallet with enthusiasm, almost breaking the handle. Myst raised an eyebrow and waited for the Amyrlin Seat to speak.


"We are not here to determin the mental status of a Sister, Daughter! Get on with it!"


Myst inclined her head, "Of course, Mother."


"let's get this show on the road, shall we? Bring in the pensieve!" Four muscular young men, bare to the waste, wearing scarlet harem trousers held up by snow white sashes, carried a large, marbel basin in to the room along and deposited it on the table in front of the judges table. Bowing to the Mother and Myst, and winking at Dar, they filed back out again. Winking! In public! Myst made a mental note to have a little talk with them later. Honestly.... Fnorrll's grin was whiped off as soon as it appeared but she had noticed. Taking a deep breath, to retain her calm serenity, Myst turned to the pensieve.


"This is a pensieve. You all have been briefed on what it does, how it works and what it can do, so I'll skip this part. But for the record, let it be known that the pensieve allows people to witness the memories of other people as though you walk along side them in the past. I now invite the judges, the Defense and my assistant prosecutor to join me." She waited until all were gathered around the pensieve. The crowd became restless, for obviously they were not invited.


"To save time, we will jump from one memory to another. First we shall visit the memories of Professor Dumbledore at the time where he went to fetch Tom Riddle as a child to bring him for studying to Hogwarts. Next we shall visit the memories of Professor Slughorn, who was a professor at the time Tom Riddle, now known as Voldemort, was an older student at Hogwarts. And finally we shall visit the memories of Professor Snape, a once Death Eater himself who turned back to the Light and has been working against Voldemort as a spie for Dumbledore for over 11 years. Prepare yourselves please. I'll go first and you all follow. We must stay together."


Myst bent over and put her face in to the liquid twirling around in the pensieve and was pulled in and found herself in a little alley. She waited for the others to join her and they all set off to witness the memories of the mentioned people.


A long time after, they all resurfaced and it was a very subdued group that took back their place.


"As you have seen," Mystica addressed the judges again, "The defendent showed evil even as a child and never made any effort to oppose it. In fact, he actively sought to increase it by any means possible. Even the most revolting manner. There can be no doubt! This man, if man he can be called, is evil on the same level of any of the Forsaken!"


She waited then and watched the judges. Slowely they started to show signs of agreement and she retook her seat.


Red stood up calmly and smoothed her skirts, unperturbed by the slights at her sanity that the Mystica had made. Inside she bristled at the comments ‘To think!’, Red thought to herself, clucking her internal tongue, ‘I almost declared for the Reds while I was a novice. At least the Blues follow the rule of Innocent until proven guilty; if the Reds had their way, my client wouldn’t be given a fair trial even in our realm.’


Red spoke in a clear voice, “Your honors, I object! What counsel refrains from telling you is that memories can be manipulated, they are subjective and partial. Allowing such things as evidence is no more than making a mockery of this entire proceeding and I ask that you omit these memories as evidence.


One of the prosecutions own witness’s memories have in fact been tampered with, but I shall get to that in a minute. As I’ve stated previously, memories are subjective and biased at best; the memories we have seen are taken from none other than the late Albus Dumbeldore, who is known to have had a personal vendetta against my client since my client was a young boy. It is from the actions of Dumbledore that my client was forced into hiding so long ago, for the slander that Dumbledore bore against my clients name made it impossible for my client to live a normal life. Least we not forget how prominent of a figure Dumbledore was in the community, which made his slander even more dangerous to my clients reputation and welfare. It’s something that has haunted my client since his years as a schoolboy.


You see, it is much more than a personal grudge Dumbledore seemed to bare against my client, it ran deeper than that some might say. As you can see in exhibit A “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbeldore” by Rita Skeeter, even Dumbledore once hailed the same beliefs that my client now stands accused of. As I said, Dumbeldores personal vendetta against my client started when Voldemort was no more than a schoolboy. Though my client earned top marks in all his classes, was a favorite among faculty & students, and went on to hold both the privileged stations of Prefect & Head Boy, a privilege only given to students who excel as both role models and in academics mind you; Albus Dumbeldore, then Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts felt the need to spread slander then about my clients reputation among faculty and even proceeded to violate my clients personal rights and have him both watched and followed.


Let the record also reflect, that my client was also responsible for single handedly bring to justice the so called “Heir of Slytherin” who set upon his classmates a most foul beast, killing a muggle born in the process, a muggle born who still haunts the castle of Hogwarts to this day.


No to move on, I’ve also stated that memories are subjective by the person they come from; in other words, if a person believes that the sky is green, in their memories the sky will be green; so because the memories were obtained for a person who so obviously believed in my clients guilt, it’s not a far stretch to say that the memories could be tainted by that person to reflect this belief. Furthermore, memories cannot be trusted as concrete evidence because they can be altered. For proof, I bring to your attention Professor Slughorns memory, which is obviously altered as we can all see; and crudely done so I might add.”


Red surveyed the judges to make sure they took in her words; Voldemort steepled his fingers and nodded, feeling that maybe his lawyer was a bit competent after all and deciding her death would be quick instead of drawn out. A small smile played on his thin white lips as he contemplated the ability to torture these fools who thought they could judge him.


“As such, the Defense calls Professor Slughorn to the bench.”


Slughorn raises timidly and looks around, casting a furtive glance at the door and wondering if it was too late to fain his death once again, he approached the bench and took a seat. Voldemorts red eyes spoke volumes of malice as they drilled into Slughorn, Red bit back a retort and itched to slap her client for this obvious non-sympathetic look and sighed heavily at what this would cost the case she had so tiredly worked to build. Slughorn swallowed hard and pointedly looked anywhere except where Voldemort was sitting.


Red: “Professor Slughorn, can you testify to the accuracy of which I’ve presented my clients school record?”


Slughorn: “Erm, yes. He was a very agreeable boy, but..”


Red: “And can you attest to the fact that he won an award directly resulting to the capture of the culprit which resulted in a terror filled year at Hogwarts and the death of a student?”


Slughorn: “Yes, but Dumbeldore …”


Red: “Please Mr. Slughorn, just answer the questions. Can you also testify to the fact that on a night long ago, you gave Albus Dumbledore a memory; a memory that had been altered by your own hand to reflect the events as untrue and something other than what had in fact occurred.”


Slughorn swallowed rather audibly and pulled out a handkerchief to dab at his forehead. Red watched him with expectant eyes. Slowly, grudgingly, Slughorn weakly answered.


Slughorn: “Well yes, but I …”


Red: “And Professor Slughorn, would you agree that your strength in magic lies not in memory manipulation, but instead in potions.


Slughorn: “Well of course, I am the Potions Professor after all; but if you let me ..”


Red interrupted Slughorn mid sentence, turning her attention back to the judges. “You see your honors, Slughorn admits to altering his own memory. From his own mouth he admits that memory manipulation is not an area that he excels in; yet Dumbledore, the source of all this memory evidence, is said to have been one of the greatest wizards of all time. A wizard that accomplished many great things both large and small and was able to achieve magic that most wizards only dreamed of. So how can we trust that these memories haven’t been altered in a more subtle way that avoids detection by such a master wizard such as Dumbledore; especially when concerning my client.”


Red slowly walks back to her seat, folding her hands quietly on her desk and awaiting the judgement of the memories as evidence.


Galad ponders the current evidence and reflects on the first testimony that they have. Aes Sedai can't lie, and in his short time as Lord Captain Commander he learned that many witnesses do. Keeps his thoughts to himself and continues to listen to the trial


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