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Please welcome Cindy to the Black Ajah


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thank you so much for your kind welcome, Mistress of Darkness :myrddraal: (i would say Dark Lady, but i don't know how you feel about cher in this century). i look forward to a future full of stabbings and subversion, may it please Yourself and the Great Lord, and i hope to always serve you to the best of my abilities and evil inclinations.

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while i, of course, recognize and respect mr funy's exalted rank, i must serve as duty calls. i could not stab one such as he. . . in public. . . but i might be careful of what i ate and drank from this point forward, if i were outside the Blessed Ajah of Those who Serve the Great Lord...


BwahahahahahahaHaHAHAHAHA . . . * cough cough* . . . ahem, i mean :smile: walk in the dark, brothers and sisters.

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Oh silly lil Black



But good stab. You still need some work of course, and I think the limp wrist comes with being BA....


Oh eddie...I wanna burn you so bad with that 'limp wrist' comment.......but I know I shouldn't.

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while i, of course, recognize and respect mr funy's exalted rank, i must serve as duty calls. i could not stab one such as he. . . in public. . . but i might be careful of what i ate and drank from this point forward, if i were outside the Blessed Ajah of Those who Serve the Great Lord...


BwahahahahahahaHaHAHAHAHA . . . * cough cough* . . . ahem, i mean :smile: walk in the dark, brothers and sisters.


I'm sorry, did you just call Ed exalted in some fashion? Is Lily spiking the punch bowl again?





Oh silly lil Black



But good stab. You still need some work of course, and I think the limp wrist comes with being BA....


Oh eddie...I wanna burn you so bad with that 'limp wrist' comment.......but I know I shouldn't.


No problem - I'll take this one.


Ed, you must know all about the limp wrist - I mean, you've been trying to woo the witches for a while now, and I'd imagine you're getting lonely.....it's ok....a Dreadlord's gotta do what a Dreadlord's gotta do.


Just be careful, I'm supposed to be the eyeless one here....we don't want you going blind. Yet.

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while i, of course, recognize and respect mr funy's exalted rank, i must serve as duty calls. i could not stab one such as he. . . in public. . . but i might be careful of what i ate and drank from this point forward, if i were outside the Blessed Ajah of Those who Serve the Great Lord...


BwahahahahahahaHaHAHAHAHA . . . * cough cough* . . . ahem, i mean :smile: walk in the dark, brothers and sisters.


I'm sorry, did you just call Ed exalted in some fashion? Is Lily spiking the punch bowl again?




i have learned the hard way that that there is no such thing as too much sucking up. but i will of course defer to your malicious supremacy in this area, so if you want me to abuse the funny boy, i hear and obey.


*stabs ed in the ear, and steps back as he crashes to the floor; then stabs him in the back, regretting having left that part for last because of the extra bending now involved. oy.*


really sorry, mr. 2funy. just following orders. :blush:

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heh. He'll still have a problem with you calling me funny boy. Especially if you hadn't called him funny.

Have you ever heard a depressed Ewok cry?



*weaves a trickle of air as she stabs him in the back to gag her*

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heh. He'll still have a problem with you calling me funny boy. Especially if you hadn't called him funny.

Have you ever heard a depressed Ewok cry?



*weaves a trickle of air as she stabs him in the back to gag her*



he knows he's funny without an idiot noob minion like me telling him.


*stabs ed in the organ of channeling, right next to the pineal gland*

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as the brain draining effects of my pathetic work recede, i finally begin to sense the unimagined and undeserved honor done me by allowing me to become a member of the Black Ajah, the most prestigios, nefarious, and evilly effective faction of Shayol Ghul. i don't know that i could ever truly become worthy of The Great Dark Lady's notice and condescension, as i am but a wretched, debased, loathsome, vulgar, ignoble speck of dust mite feces in the fine berber carpets of gehenna. but i will do all in my power not to disappoint Her faith.


i tremble and abase myself before my Mistress and her mighty minions.


*briefly rises from the fawning crouch maintained since the top of the post to stab Vambram with a serrated bread knife in thanks, and correction for his brazen disrespect of The Ajah*

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He'll still have a problem with you calling me funny boy.


Yeah, cause you spelled it wrong in your handle!




he knows he's funny without an idiot noob minion like me telling him.


I like her. Good catch, Lily.




by allowing me to become a member of the Black Ajah, the most prestigios, nefarious, and evilly effective faction of Shayol Ghul.


Hey now, don't make me take back my previous statement. Gross exaggerations are fine, but complete fabrications of reality are just too much for me to handle. *nodnod*

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Hey now, don't make me take back my previous statement. Gross exaggerations are fine, but complete fabrications of reality are just too much for me to handle. *nodnod*


And yet you continue to believe that those dolls you ordered off the internet are your wife and son.

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