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True Blood Season 4


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I do not know what to say about the opener. Fairly land was dumb. I dislike about half the main characters including Sookie, Bill, Tara and Marlene. Eric and Pam were awesome per usual. I think this may the season that sinks the series to be honest.

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But, but, it could get better... couldn't it? I mean, please?? Please?! PLEASE GET BETTER!! Fairy land was SO LAME, and I'm not excited about the witches either, though I like Jesus and Lafayette as a couple. Also, they better bring Tara back pretty damn soon or her entire storyline is going to feel (more) irrelevant.


And I swear to the great spaghetti monster if they keep teasing the Erik/Sookie hookup without actually getting around to it for a FOURTH SEASON, I'm going to... something. I'm not sure what. Yeesh. :dry:

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  • 2 weeks later...
The HBO series' third episode of the fourth season pulled in 6.1 million viewers over two airings on Sunday, with 5 million tuning in at 9 p.m. and another 1.1 million at 11 p.m.


That's up on the season premiere’s 5.42 million total viewers. It's significantly up on the 2.9 million viewers who tuned into the second episode which saw a big drop due to the July 4th weekend and the episode being available the weekend before on HBO Go and On Demand.



I'm not too entertained with what's happened so far, but I'll continue to watch and see how it unfolds. Although the inclusion of Shiva is interesting. I'd like to see where Sam's shifter story goes.

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Eric is truly the reason I am sticking with this season. He played the part of lost memory pretty perfectly. The looks he gave were awesome, especially after he kills the fairy.


Ok... so Jason is being raped now... by underage girls? Err... did that story take a twist or what...


Really, I hate Andy's "Hooked on V" plot line. Wow is that acting bad. I do not see where this is heading and just seems like a distraction from main plots.


So was the whole purpose of Tara going to New Orleans was to establish her character as a lesbian? Was this suppose to make me like her more? The ONLY reason I care about Tara is because Sookie got a flash when she first saw Tara.


Sam and his brother. I could care less. The brother plotline got old last season... dragging it out another season isn't helping the show at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still kind of Eh about this season.


Sookie seems to have forgotten that the Fae are pissed off and coming for her. She is too busy getting it on with Eric.


Wow Jason healed up real quick. I guess if you rub dirt in the wound it will make you look perfect.


Tara and her girl... yawn. Talk about crowbarring some hot girls into the show for no reason.


Sam's brother steals his brother's shape and then passes out. Ok I admit I am interested in this arc now.


The witch is full possessed now. I just hope she kills Bill.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm more interested in what's happening with Alcide and Sookie. I haven't read the books, but I feel like there needs to be something more with them. His g/f Debbie is starting to annoy me!

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Ok I am at the point where I can't look away from the trainwreck, the show is getting that bad. Granted the last episode was a bit better... and they ended it with the four dressed in leather doing a slow walk.

Agreed. I hate to admit it, but it's so bad I keep watching to see if it will get better. Eric in leather...well....RAWR.

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Ok I am at the point where I can't look away from the trainwreck, the show is getting that bad. Granted the last episode was a bit better... and they ended it with the four dressed in leather doing a slow walk.

Agreed. I hate to admit it, it's so bad I keep watching to see if it will get better. Although...Eric in leather...well....RAWR.

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wasn't jason supposed to become a werepanther though?




According to the books as written by Charlene Harris, .. yes.

However, the True Blood series.. while enjoyable for the most part... have only a passing resemblance in it's plot lines as compared to the plots and story lines written by Charlene Harris in the much more enjoyable series of books known as The Sookie Stackhouse series... also known as the Southern Vampire mysteries.


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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the WORST season finales I have ever forced myself to sit through. Man is the dialogue awful.




Tara is dead (I hope)




The writing for this show is terrible

Everyone else is alive

Sookie is one the weakest main characters in a show I have ever seen



Emps Thoughts: This show is terrible and is no longer worthy of my attention. I only stuck with it this long because it slipped into the "it is so bad, it is good" territory. I hope this show gets canceled soon.

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