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Nae Bliss?


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Okaaaaaaaaay. You could all bow and scrape and whatever. I'm down with that. Or if you don't want to, that's fine too. Whatever. >.> But if you want points, you better post here! You just need to impress me... which isn't that hard. Unless you're ed, in which case it would be bloody impossible.


Also, I'll need a human chair because... well, I don't need to excuse myself <.< So, volunteers would be nice. You have to wash first, though. So this immediately disqualifies Krak. And as a final note, I would like Verbal to give me a lapdance. You know what they say... what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!



I know, I know... you're supposed to offer stuff to me and all. But doesn't it make it so much easier if I tell you what I want? :P


Extra points to whoever refers to me as supreme sauciness. ;)







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Have you washed your hands after picking up that horse, though? >.>


As I wait for your reply, I shall give you three points for having your heart in the right place. Because if you didn't... well, you'd be dead. And that would be a damn shame!







TinHal- 3 pointies

Moon - 5 pointies

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*walks in with a mustache*

Oh evil Boobness, hihi. My name...my name is not worthy to be spoken in your presence.



I bring thee Aust on a chain. Now, you can finally get rid of him! We're all waiting for it....

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Ed, ZERO points. Really, what are you doing? :P You bring me someone to dispose of instead of disposing of him yourself? Not very bright there, kiddo.


Blackhoof, I was going to give you no points initially upon your 'annoying' and 'almost tolerable' comments. Seeing as I smite everyone who badmouths Nynaeve. However, after laughing my ass off reading that, despite the fact that you did not draw it, you still deserve to be commanded for bringing this to my attention! :P So, 5 points!


*sits on TinHal* mmmm... nice. 2 points!






TinHal- 5 pointies

Moon - 5 pointies

Blackhoof - 5 pointies

Ed - Is a loser

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Verbal - 1 pity point.


Adella - 5 points (even though I can't see the image for some reason... I still like that you know what I like ;)).


Play3r - 5 points. You almost didn't get those due to your first post (wtf?). The second one saved the day, though :P




COME ON PEOPLE! The month is almost over and you're missing out on easy points. And an easily pleased Nyn >.>







TinHal- 5 pointies

Moon - 5 pointies

Blackhoof - 5 pointies

Verbal - 1 pointy

Adella - 5 pointies

Play3r - 5 pointies

Ed - Is a loser

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Well they do say Krak gets the job done. When the job is scratching his own butt and sitting at a cafe place all day long.... but this sounds promising, so I have chosen to believe you this time around. I promise not to make a habit out of it. 5 points to Krak!


-1 points to Verbal for using an exclamation point at me. It was uncalled for. UNCALLED FOR, I SAID!






TinHal- 5 pointies

Moon - 5 pointies

Blackhoof - 5 pointies

Adella - 5 pointies

Play3r - 5 pointies

Ed - Is a loser

Verbal - A shedding loser.

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*laughs* 5 points to Hax.


If you bring me a weeping Rox, you get more. ;)






TinHal- 5 pointies

Moon - 5 pointies

Blackhoof - 5 pointies

Adella - 5 pointies

Play3r - 5 pointies

Hax - 5 pointies

Ed - Is a loser

Verbal - A shedding loser.








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Oh I very much approve of this plan, only once it's done we're gonna send it to ed! ^_^


5 points to moon!



And yeah, Krak, I do. I thought about taking away points for that, but I'll refrain :P







Krak - 5 pointies

TinHal- 5 pointies

Moon - 10 pointies

Blackhoof - 5 pointies

Adella - 5 pointies

Play3r - 5 pointies

Hax - 5 pointies

Ed - Is a loser

Verbal - A shedding loser.

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