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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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I just Ordered...


Dang ... Ok I'll have to come up with a really good bribe, because there's no way we can take over Canada without the chickens.




Key left those pencils in the trolloc - she could get more if she needed them - and meandered down the hall. Lost in thought, she found herself back at the Blue wing. Her subconscious must have taken her there since it was her normal route. Or maybe it took her there because again, AGAIN!, there was a Trolloc standing there dumbly. Another stupid bloody bird trolloc.


Remembering and earlier conversation that Elgee and Dar had had about chickens, Key snorted with laughter. It made sense, she mused, that she would be reminded of that conversation upon seeing a bird headed trolloc. Still, she disliked chickens (sorry Dar) and this trolloc looked WAY too much like one for her taste. She wondered if he would walk around without a head like some chickens were wont to do. "Only one way to find out," she said aloud, garnering the thing's attention.


Gathering her skirts, Key made a large butcher's knife out of Air. Then, she raced toward the trolloc. Just like a bloody chicken, he ran around and around, always slipping out of her grasp. Finally, she managed to knock his legs out from under him. While he was laying dazedly on the white marble floor, she swiped down fiercely with the knife. A satisfying KERCHUNK sounded as the knife sliced into the marble floor.


"No chicken for me tonight." Key said as a puddle of thick warm liquid poured out from the scrawny bird neck and the life drained out of the trolloc's eyes.

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Help out with Blue's Clue


I would be. Did the cards ever get made? I might be able to dust off some photoshop rust and help with some basic cards if so. Lately I've had a good bit of free time on the days I work from home.




Daruya continued dancing and singing down the hallway, garnering more than one odd look. Realizing that such behavior, especially that song, was hardly the image she would want to project as Head of the Blue Ajah, she stopped singing and dancing and continued at a more dignified pace. "It might be a good idea to head over to the aspie dorms to see what mischief they might be up to or to see what progress they've made on the Clue game," she mused. So that's what she did. She headed to the aspie dorms and began looking for the aspies that were helping out with the future event.


Suddenly, from the shadows of an alcove, she heard a horrible growl and out of the alcove stepped a Trolloc. This one resembled a wolf in armor and she noticed with some interest that he was able to hold a sword with his paws. "I wonder how he does that," she thought with some surprise. "I bet the Browns would love to study that particular phenonemon. Still, he'll be hard for them to study if he's trying to kill them so obviously, he must be captured."


Looking around the planning room (which, at the moment, was empty) she spied some of the props for the Clue event. Yes, there was a large wrench, a heavy candlestick, a rope . . . those would do nicely! She grabbed the wrench and rope and circled the Trolloc warily. He spun so that he always faced her, his eyes glaring at her suspiciously. With a wrench in one hand and a rope in the other, she maintained his attention. When they reached the ideal spot in their slow revolution, Daruya lifted the heavy candlestick with a flow of Air. It drifted gently toward the Trolloc's unsuspecting back and, when it was just over his head, it dropped. It hit his head with a resounding THUNK and he dropped as if his bones had melted. While he lay there, stunned, Daruya quickly trussed him up with the rope, lifted him and placed him back into the alcove which she blocked with a weave that concealed him and the alcove from view, and headed off to the Brown's wing to let them know she'd caught a specimen for them to study. Pleased with the day's work, she hummed quietly as she glided briskly down the hallway.

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White Weaves


So, I was thinking about this and I have a question:

In the White Tower, what sorts of special weaves would a White AS learn?


Yellows learn special weaves for healing; Greens for battle and Reds for Gentling or detecting saidar, etc. What sorts of special weaves would Whites learn in order to focus their work on the pursuit of logic, philosophy and meaning in life?






After notifying the Brown Ajah of their new specimen, Daruya headed out to the White Ajah wing to visit with the First Reasoner. Sometimes, she really missed her former Sitter but she sure was doing a great job as Head of her new Ajah. There had been some discussion in the White Ajah about weaves and how they are formed, and weaves that are specific to each Ajah. Daruya knew the Blue Ajah weaves were safe; Charis would never share those with anyone who wasn't Blue. But the idea of figuring out how they worked, how they were formed, intrigued her so she set off in search of Charis.


She stopped dead when she saw what looked like goat droppings there on the otherwise pristine marble floor. What on earth was THIS? Daruya knew very well that Charis would not allow any goats into the White's wing, much less one big enough to leave droppings that size. This could only mean one thing . . . Daruya followed the trail of droppings and smeared footprints until she spied the goat-faced Trolloc loitering a little farther down the hall.


Daruya sighed. Today had been very nearly as exhausting as the one on which she killed several Trollocs and Fades and she wanted nothing more than to be able to relax . . . to walk through a White Tower devoid of Shadowspawn. Alas, it was not yet to be.


Strangely, the Trolloc didn't notice her as she approached. As she got closer, she could see his attention was fixed on a crystal cage, in which a beautiful songbird trilled a song. The bird and song were so beautiful that they almost brought tears to Daruya's eyes. But what was that? Was that a tear dripping from the Trolloc's eye? The Trolloc gave a crooning bleat, a low, soft prolonged baaaaaa, and reached what passed for a finger through the crystal bars, yearning toward the little bird. What to do? Daruya didn't want to frighten the bird by splattering it with blood and gore. There had to be a quiet, gore-free way to rid the Tower of this threat. But what? Wait! She had some of that powder, crushed from a dried flower, she'd gotten from the Yellows earlier. They had said it would help her sleep but not to take too much at a time. She had enough for 3 nights, 4 if she stretched it. That should work! But how to get him to ingest it? Daruya looked around hurriedly. She spied a tray sitting outside Charis's study door with remnants from Charis's lunch. For once, she was glad the kitchen staff was delayed for there on the tray was half of a meatroll. It smelled delicious and Daruya's stomach growled as she picked it up, opened it, and sprinkled the entire packet of powder onto the meat roll. Then she snuck up behind the Trolloc and placed the meatroll on the table next to the crystal cage. Almost absently, the Trolloc picked up the meatroll and consumed it in one bite. Within moments, he was swaying on his feet, then he sat down, curled up on the ground, and went to sleep, never to awaken again.

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The Theme Room

Okay, so here's a random thread for regular chit chat. Only, in this thread our posting style is limited to the theme stated at the topic of the thread. I will change it every once in a while and everyone who posts here must play along (otherwise you join the LOSER group with Barm). You can talk about whatever, just do it theme styled. And if you can get all silly about it, all the better. Can't wait for the pirate theme :D


If you want to throw in a theme idea for the next time, feel free to specify. Not saying I'll pick it necessarily but it will give us fun options.







She heard another squawk and Key bolted toward the Yellow Quarters. She was getting really of the trollocs and EXCEPTIONALLY tired of the bird headed ones. Did Aginor have thing for birds or something? "No," she mused to herself as she ran, "it's just that birds are already creatures of the Dark One. They'd have to be, to fly around and poop on people. It's like they have a target for heads."


Sliding into the Yellow halls on her stocking-ed feet, Key found the stupid bloody bird-faced trolloc. He was staring at the Elizabethan costumes that Nyn and Tigs had left laying around. His little bird hard was cocked in confusion.


With a flash of brilliance, or what she took for brilliance anyway, Key squared her shoulders and walked up to the trolloc. "You should try one on!" she said. Hurriedly, she set down what she was carrying and grabbed a dress. She shoved it over the birds head and then stepped back as if to view. "Oh yes, that looks beautiful. But, with beauty comes pain!" She ran behind the trolloc and pulled the corset strings tight. Then, she embraced the Source and pulled them tighter. Tighter and tighter until she heard ribs cracking. Pulling a little more, and she heard the breath go out of the trolloc. She pulled again, just for good measure, and stepped away as the trolloc split in two - just under the bottom of the corset.


Key frowned at the stain on the costume and made a mental note to pay back Nyn and Tigs for their generous contribution to the dead Trolloc fund.

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Ummm . . . I got that one, too, Mills. Sorry!


Since Ithi is probably sleeping, let's see if we can figure out what's what:


Trolloc 1. 2 points plus bonus - Warders - Clue Hmmm - what to watch? Killed by Mills??


Trolloc 2. 2 points plus bonus - Main WT Board - Too often left unsaid. Confirmed kill by Daruya.


Trolloc 3. 2 points plus bonus - Blues Clue Erm - this started out as Chickens ... Killed by Key - I Just Ordered . . .


Trolloc 4. 2 points plus bonus - Browns - why spellcheck is important. Confirmed Kill by Key.


Trolloc 5. 2 points plus bonus - Whites Clue Using the one power Killed by Daruya - White Weaves


Trolloc 6. 2 points plus bonus - Yellows Clue Verily, killeth thou the Trolloc Killed by Key - Theme Room


Trolloc 7. 2 points plus bonus - Aspies/Dorms Clue Professor Peacock in the Library with the Wrench Killed by Daruya - Help with Blue's Clues


Looks like we got them all until tomorrow! Ithi will be happy. :biggrin:

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Turns out I had the wrong one for that 'What to watch' kill. Fixed it now though lol.


I think that's all of them huh? I can't find any that are uncalled for until Ith updates everything. I had so much fun. You guys are flippin HI-larious!! lol.


ITHILLIAN!! You iz da total shiz! Thank you thank you thank you.

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Movies to watch.



The Number 23 -- very good, mystery/suspense. Rated R, not bad for the 15 and up; a very good watch.


The Princess Bride -- excellent romance/comedy, for all ages. A good movie to cuddle and watch.


The Prestige -- great storyline, excellent acting; 3 hours long, requires an attention span;well worth it.


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum -- older comedy, will make you laugh til you cry. An excellent movie.


Van Helsing -- Great special effects, good storyline, great actors. If you don't like vampires or werewolves, don't bother.


Legion -- an excellent end-of-the-world type movie. Paul Bettany is excellent. Rated R, but not for anything the average 12 year old doesn't see in video games these days.


Pirates of the Caribbean -- excellent, funny, something for kids and adults. Something I watch repeatedly.






*Millon continues his exhaustive search of the Tower for Shadowspawn.*


The light help the rat bastard I find next. OH and look! there's one now! *He yells into the night as he rushes down on his next target that was perusing one of the event boards.*


Must have liked the pictures of Jhaejay from the Blues. *


*He tackles it down to the ground, binds it and then proceeds to drag the trolloc into one of the dungeons of the Tower. One he had craftily structured himself hehehehe. With a very special Ter'Angreal he had canoodled from a novice watching one of the holds *SNOOGANS ;)* the other night. One that he guesses was used for babies to put them to sleep but now has become something deadly. He ties the trolloc down and places the apparatus on the trolloc's head covering it's eyes and ears. When Millon taps the pattern at the top of the helmet an evil sound emerges and a light shines on the trolloc's now unclosable eyes.*




*the trollocs head begins to vibrate and Millon divves for cover as a squishy POP is heard and a splash behind Millon. The creatures head had exploded from too many repetitions*


One more for Millon!

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Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


This will be the FINAL Intruder alert of the game. The ShadowSpawn are NOT taking this lying down and have gathered together a sufficient number to make one last attempt to destroy the Tower.


Yes that's right - it's Fade-Fest Friday - and with ten of them in hiding, or prowling around the boards, that means up to a massive 100 POINTS are up for grabs.


Who will win in this final struggle? Warders and Aes Sedai - the future of the WT & WG is in your hands.


All Fades!


Fade 1. 4 points plus double bonus - Warders - Blades' End Tavern. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 2. 4 points plus double bonus - Main WT Board - Fathers' Day. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 3. 4 points plus double bonus - Blues - App for that. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 4. 4 points plus double bonus - Browns - Reduced Shakespear - Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 5. 4 points plus double bonus - Grays - Recipe Cook off contest - Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 6. 4 points plus double bonus - Greens - Bonded Appreciation. Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 7. 4 points plus double bonus - Reds - Work Stories. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 8. 4 points plus double bonus - Whites - Get Fit Challenge. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 9. 4 points plus double bonus - Yellows - Funny Hats. Confirmed Kill by Key.

Fade 10. 4 points plus double bonus - Aspies/Dorms - Get to know the Monster. Confirmed Kill by Millon


*please be aware that the Fades will appear at regular intervals throughout the day*


All ShadowSpawn on this Alert has now been dealt with and the game is over. Final results will be published shortly.

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I've Got an App for That!




So . . . what apps do you have and/or recommend?




Daruya woke slowly to the sound of the intruder alarm. Clever weave, that, notifying the Tower of Shadowspawn.


As she became more awake she winced. Blast. Another headache today. She'd obviously been overdoing it, searching for and smiting Fades and Trollocs. She sighed. Headache or now, there was work to do.


After she rose, washed and dressed, she stepped out into the common area and looked at the list of apps that people had on their communication ter'angreals but no updates had been posted overnight. As she turned away from the board, she saw a shadow slip into the room. A Fade! Another bloody flaming Fade!


Given her headache, she didn't even bother being too creative. Sometimes, simplicity was best. She lifted a huge Ogier axe off of the wall (it had been a gift) with flows of Air, and it made a satisfying swoosh that ended with a meaty KACHUNK as it took off the Fade's head. Daruya looked with some dissatisfaction at the stain spreading on the marble floor and quickly moved a priceless rug out of the way so as not to see it get ruined.


Time now to seek out some breakfast . . .

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Reduced Shakespeare Company


Have you guys seen them? To give you an idea of them here is there version of Romeo and Juliet.






I think they are just hilerious and while I really dislike Romeo and Juliet it is a good version of the play. *ggls*




Key yawned. It was early in the morning - the sun hadn't risen quite yet - and here she was awake. Blasted Shadowspawn alerts. Well, really, blasted Shadowspawn. Interrupting her sleep. She could quite literally strangle them just for that. She gave a little laugh. She probably would!


The way she liked to take to the Kitchens had her passing a few Ajah wings. It was interesting to see who was up this early. Of course they all kept different schedules, so who knew who would be awake, but it probably would pay off in the long run to know who was awake at this crazy hour. She yawned again.


A ripple moved through a shadow in the midst of the darkened Brown wing and Key snapped her mouth closed. This invasion was getting out of hand. This was the second Lurk she herself had seen and she'd heard of about 19 more that had been killed. This one, much like the trolloc she'd found in the yellow wing last night, was peering curiously at the video of Romeo and Juliet. It was on silent, so as to not disturb the Sisters, but they always had something culturally interesting set-up in their Ajah. This time it was an entire museum type set up of Shakespeare and his plays.


Arching an eyebrow, Key walked toward the Fade. It took her off her path for the Kitchens, yes, but killing a Shadowspawn would merely increase her appetite for breakfast,. wouldn't it? "You like Shakespeare?"


The Fade whipped his head around, the eyeless face seemingly to smile grimly at her.


"Where doth thy protection?" she said, smashing the glass case full of weaponry and grabbing the crossbow. A small vile in her belt pouch carried a deadly poison; the idea was to smear it on the bolts.


The Fade said something to her in a scratchy voice, but she couldn't make it out as he backhanded her across the jaw and sent her flying.


"Oh! Thou art a churlish, dismal-dreaming fustilarian!!" Key screamed. Across the hall now, she hurriedly removed the poison vial, dipped the bolts and then loaded the crossbow. The Fade was back to watch the R&J video. Still fuming from the ache in her jaw, Key let loose the poisoned arrows and smiled grimly as they made a satisfying chunk whilst embedding themselves into the Fade.


He dropped to his knees, hurt but still alive. "Ah yes," she exclaimed, "thou will not perish whilst thou still has a head!" Using Air, she grabbed the halberd off the wall and sliced it cleanly through the woozy Shadowspawn. The head rolled toward her; the body twitching. She shuffled her feet and then kicked it. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as it hit the wall opposite her and bounced off.


Now, time for some breakfast.

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Happy Fathers day to every guy who is a father, acts like a father, or wishes he were a father.


Even if you are just a God father.




Wolf walked around the White Tower after recovering slightly from a painful sickness. He walked down one corridor where there were a number of sisters talking about Father's Day. Wolf grumbled. He hated his father. Even his God Father acted like he didnt exist. Rage bboiled up in Wolf but he managed to quell it. For the moment anyways. A Fade lurked out from the shadows and sprang at Wolf. Using the bottled rage Wolf drew Clarence and cut the Fade in two while it was in mid-air. Wolf never turned back t watch the Fade writhe around and die. He walked on.

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Well, you take the head and do things with it and then you stick it somewhere.


I believe you have to remove the brains (not needed, in this case, since it's a male Trolloc) but what else they do with it I don't know. As for where to stick it ... well, the Tavern could use some ambiance so what about above Talmanes' booth? In fact, each person who gets rid of some of these pests invading the Tower can mount the heads above their favourite spots in the Tavern!




Needing a very stiff drink, Wolf headed to his favourite Tavern, The Blade's End. As he opened the doors and walked in, he could sense an eerie air. Shaking his head he walked up to the bar and ordered a Guinness. He had not taken one sip when a Fade came from the shadows and lunged for him. Wolf grabbed a nearby bottle of whiskey and smashed it off of the Fade's head. He Fade lay on the ground, eyes bulging out. Wolf took his pint and stood over the Fade. "Never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER! come between an Irishman and his drink." Wolf lifted his boot and crushed the Fade's head before going back to his pint.

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Cook-off Recipe Contest




SO bring us all that you got! Even if you're not one for grilling or cooking or anything, we all eat. PLEASE! tell us of your favorite snacks you had from the Summer days of YORE! That amazing cocktail you had at the pool party, those fall from the bone ribs, those inappropriately shaped Jello Jigglers from your friend's birthday party! I would LOVE to hear all of it.


So come ON! And lets get COOKIN!!!




Daruya left the Blue Ajah quarters and headed to the Gray Ajah wing. They always had something special and delicious in their private kitchens and she really needed some pampering this morning. After taking a remedy for headaches, her head felt a bit better but she needed some food in her stomach to buffer it a bit. Maybe then the knife stabbing her through the eye, temple and right sinus cavity would ease up on her and that was something she truly looked forward to.


As she neared the Gray Ajah, she caught a whiff of something that smelled so delectable, so tantalizing that her mouth immediately began to water. It smelled almost like a stew of some sort. Could it be wolfbrother's Irish stew? Her pace quickened and she burst into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. But where was wolfbrother? He wasn't there watching his stew . . . but there was a Fade there, standing by the huge stewpot and unscrewing a small vial. "STOP!" Daruya screamed. "Don't you DARE ruin that stew with poison! That's my breakfast, you fiend!" She dashed across the space between them and tackled the surprised Fade. He grunted as she drove her shoulder into his midsection and took him down, and began pummeling him with her fists. He finally regained enough of his senses to push her off of him and she skidded across the kitchen floor, coming to rest against the wall. He stood up, picked up the vial and again began to unscrew it. Daruya leaped to her feet, grabbed a huge meat cleaver that was stuck into the lamb carcass on the table and, screaming with rage, ran back at the Fade and buried it into his neck. Pushing him away from the stewpot (so as not to contaminate the stew with the Fade's blood and tissue) she continued hacking until his head separated from his shoulders. "There," she thought, grimly. "Now I can eat!" She pocketed the vial of poison (you never know when you'll need something like that nowadays), checked the stew and noted with some relief that he hadn't succeeded in poisoning it. Smiling, she snagged a bowl out of the cabinet and ladeled a generous portion of the stew into the bowl, grabbed a spoon and sat at a table on the other side of the kitchen (away from the carcasses). On the table in front of her sat some of Mirsh's tea. Brightening even further, she poured some and enjoyed a hearty breakfast. The ache in her head eased even more after the delicious meal.

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Work Stories




I'm currently sitting at my desk at work, and I feel the urge to share something that happened this morning. After I've shared my little story, feel free to share your own. :smile:


Some background information: I work in the dormitory for a college prep school with coed high schoolers, mostly from Asian nations.


So, my shift begins at twelve thirty in the morning... aka midnight thirty. One of my first tasks is to lock the kitchen up so the kids don't go in at all hours of the night and make messes. I unlock it in the early morning so the first risers can get at it too, but for a few hours it's shut. The kids know this, I know this, and there is no ambiguity about the rule at all.


This morning, around 1:45am, one of the boys comes into my office, his mug and instant cocoa in hand, and asks me to unlock the kitchen for him. I ask him why, just to make sure it's actually said. He tells me he wants some hot water, for cocoa, and I ask if he really needs it at almost 2am. He says he does want the cocoa, at which point I remind him of the locked kitchen rule. He looks me in the eye and says "When did that rule get made? I didn't know that!"


I arched my eyebrow at him, and just waited. He blushed, stammered at me, and then backed out of the office. A heartbeat later, I hear him speaking to another student "Don't bother, he follows the rules!"


It made my heart glow for a moment. :smile:


So, have any stories to share?





*Millon continues on his quest for shadowspawn. He can still sense there presence in the Tower. He decides to make his final stand protecting the Ajah of his bondeds. Taking srength of the feeling of them in his mind. He smiled*


This is what I am here for. This is why I am a Warder.


*a voice like rotted leather rasps from behind Millon* And that is why you will die human!


*through pure instinct Millon ducks into a roll and comes up with his sword drawn from his sheath as the fade's sword rips the night air* Your time of death is nigh human. Make peace with your useless creator!


Now now hold up. You kow I will kill you with a sword so lets do this the MAN way. I declare...............A THUMB WAR!! I double DOG dare you.


* it was the dreaded duoble dog dare. The fade began to sweat when he notices just how large Millon's thumbs were from entirely too much time palying video-crack. But, it also knew, you never, never, NEVER back down from a double dog dare.


The fade reached out his hands and in unison they say*

One, two, three four, I, declare, a thumb, war


*and they begin. never had there been such a feirce dual. Thumbs flashing, dipping dodging, feinting and re-engaging. They struck so hard it was like the snapping of fingers. Those being the fingers OF THE GODS THEMSLEVES!!!!!! *thunder crackles* The fade new it was over he had np chance against such a skilled adversary and then with a quick* ONE TWO THREE! * Millon thrusts his hands in the sky and begins to sing 'I am the champion' while ythe fade kicks dirt and mumbles 'awwww shucks.'


You know the rules. You have to give me your great masher and your cats eyes. Won't see you in the marbl;e circle ANY more. Nyah! *Millon sticks out his tongue at the fade*



........................................*they both realize at the same time that they are in fact NOT in the school yard anymore and Millon quickly dispatches the fade*

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Wow - you guys HAVE been busy. I'm so sorry I've not been tallying the points as you have been going along. I loved reading all of your kills though and am going to give you all MAXIMUM POINTS for any kill done today. Yep, that just how generous I'm feeling and how awesome you all are.


I will get onto it now. I think there are four ish left!


Points and kills updated soon.

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Bonded Appreciation

This week here at the Greens we decided to honor those we are bonded too, not just the sisters/brothers but Warders as well. So please come and post your love/hate/indifference/whatever of those you are bonded too. We at the Greens wish you all a long loving bond. :)




Having just left a lovely gathering, Key was feeling warm and fuzzy. The Greens had just prepared a nice speech to congratulate all their Bondeds - leaving it open for others to discuss and spread love to their Bondeds as well. In that room, it had been easy to forget that their were Shadowspawn running around the Tower.


Easier to remember in the Green's antechamber, however, because there was a Fade skirting around the edge of the room. On his back, he held a bag full of pointy things - the shapes suggested weapons. In fact, the sack looked large enough to have all the weapons from the Green Sisters rooms!


Not wanting this blasted Fade to ruin the nice feeling the Greens had going, Key squared her shoulders to deal with him. She embraced the Source and Delved the thing. Believe it or not, it had a heart. Wrapping a flow of all five Elements around it's tiny heart, she melted the flows in and then pushed outward. The weave was similar to Healing, but instead it forced the object to grow. She forced it to grow and then grow again until it was now 16 times it's original size.


The Fade gasped and looked at her confusedly. "If I thought you would reform due to this, like the Grinch, then I would leave you. But somehow I don't think that's going to work." Grabbing the bag, Key found a short sword and loped off it's head.

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