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What talent do you possess?


What talent do you possess in real life?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your real life talent?

    • I can rub my tummy and pat my tummy! At the same time!
    • I can find four clovers in seconds.
    • I can do amazing mathematics in my head.
    • I can do art really well.
    • I can do music really well, or play multiple instruments.
    • I can dowse for water.
    • I can spot birds and tell them at a glance.
    • I have an awesome green thumb
    • I can charm a man quite easily.
    • I can charm a woman quite easily.
    • I have absolutely no talent other than being a gimp. (itself, a talent)
    • ***Add any you think you might have!!!--miscellaneous talent***

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i think the mods have been scarce lately. haven't seen yoniy0 in a long time, anyway. he usually mods this?


but, ya, my sense of humor is odd. people don't get when i'm joking, and i often don't get when they are.


edit - typo (i never notice my own :blush: )

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I have a talent with words.. atleast Swedish ones, lol. I can write an essay, use fancypancy words but I can also explain complicated things to other people so they get it.


I can be extremely organized and disciplined in some areas of my life. I remember obscure stuff, I´m organized at work. But my memory can also be useless. Someone can say something to me and 3 mins later I forgot what they said. Or I´m on my way to do something and literaly walking to that thing I was gonna do I forget what it was... lol. And my discipline when it comes to cleanign is horrible. I could care less if one sock is on the floor and a spoon is left at the table. It doesn´t bother me whatsoever, but it drives my bf crazy.


I think I´m good at listening to people. Or at least other people think I am. I dk how many times people come to me and tell me all their problems and wait for me to give them a clue or some advice. Or they just want me to listen.


My mind is a wonderous thing.. I think differently and see things differently then other people. I can see a situation or hear a comment and think and process it totaly different from anyone else. My co-workers think I´m silly sometimes but I can´t help my mind working in odd ways. But that is also a disadvantage because sometimes I interpret what people say totaly wrong and make them all confused.

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Well, I'm good at math but nothing extraordinary.I'm really good at exploiting rulesets and such so I guess I have the talent of.... powergaming ?


I can lick my eyebrows.



Too easy ?

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i think the mods have been scarce lately. haven't seek yoniy0 in a long time, anwyay. he usually mods this?

Yeah, I was also wondering where he went to.


i'm afraid i bored him away. :sad:


i hope he's just having a nice vacation or something.

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Why is this in the Wheel of Time section?



my real talents/abilities/skills/etc::

-smart at math; only a portion of it in my head

-a prolific writer

-can play piano

-somewhat good at art; though Highschool is the last time I made any

-read alot

There may be more than these.

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i can spot typos on polls ok. :)


tell me where i'll fix it lol


they might just be jokes i don't get. i can pat my head while rubbing my tummy, and i can find four leaf clovers, though they're probably oxalis. but i can't do those similar things listed on the poll. i miss the point of things alot, so it's probably me, sorry.


re talents, i can communicate with animals, especially domesticated ones, much better than with humans. pets find me very easy to train. chipmunks stop me to demand food and chitter with me instead of running away. not sure if that's a talent or a personality disorder. i guess both.


Oooh I didn't think of that. Yes, I do have a talent with animals.

As far as math goes? I used to think I was pretty good. Now I'm covering existential quantification in my computer science mathematics course. I'm...um...huh? whuh? lol.

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I can take stuff out of context really well.


Im fairly fast at simple math. I think I might have some small music ability because I find it easy to pick up stuff on a keyboard or on drums. I could just have watched and learned from other people more than I realized, although Im doubtful because I am a learn-by-doing-er.


I should own up to the gimp one as well, which is funny because this came up briefly over in the Writers section :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I can put the four small toes on my right foot forward while keeping the big toe back, but I cant do that with my left foot.

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Well, I'm good at math but nothing extraordinary.I'm really good at exploiting rulesets and such so I guess I have the talent of.... powergaming ?


I can lick my eyebrows.



Too easy ?


I was going to say, I can lick your eyebrows too.. :biggrin:


..but prob not from this side of the Pond!!

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A thought..


One or two responses on this thread and others set me thinking... I recognise a few things here.


Some years ago I had occasion to consult a training company, well-known to our DWP (govt office Department for Work and Pensions). One result of our conversation was that the lady suggested I try this quiz, used by psychologists.


I scored 36.... :ohmy:


So I asked my GP, who sent me to talk to an expert. He used pretty much the same questionnaire.. and my score went up to 42.




It was possibly the biggest favour I ever did myself, because it answered some 50 years-worth of niggling questions!

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I've taken that test before, and I always score high on it. I couldn't afford the expert, though the school's free counselor recommended me to one. But I think the test is flawed in many ways and demonstrates the lack of understanding in the field. For example, the thing about finding it easy to create a picture in your mind of something. This is a skill for which the visual aspect is only one aspect of many.


By the way, Luckers says yoniy0 is working on his thesis.

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thanks for the info on yoniy0. good luck to him. i thought he'd just huffed off.


re online psych tests: i'm sure some of us are on the spectrum, but you can't self diagnose. you'd need a neuropsych type professional, generally before adulthood, to put the stamp on your forehead. and they need to do more than review your answers on a test.


not that it would matter at this point. we're most likely beyond the age where outside intervention would help much. and probably not very far into the spectrum anyway, meaning we can care for our own daily needs well enough to get along. it's OK to be a little offsides on the bell curve of normalcy. and it's OK not to have a name for all your demons. they're easier to live with that way.

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Anyway, my many talents include: charming a woman, charming a man, reading upside down, sideways, in a mirror, writing backwards, quick learner in general, good memory, and more besides pissing people off.

Fixed that for you.

Good to see my talents getting the recognition they deserve.


I can read upside-down. (The paper's upside-down, not me.. oh nvm) I've had a number of experiences when I'm being interviewed / talking to a doctor / etc and they have a note about me in front of them on the desk and I can read what's on it.

Apparently you also have another rare talent - reading a doctor's writing.
It was typed.. :tongue:
I knew it must be too good to be true.
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thanks for the info on yoniy0. good luck to him. i thought he'd just huffed off.


re online psych tests: i'm sure some of us are on the spectrum, but you can't self diagnose. you'd need a neuropsych type professional, generally before adulthood, to put the stamp on your forehead. and they need to do more than review your answers on a test.


That's why I went to an expert - a clinical psychologist, I was referred by my GP (doctor I'm registered with under the UK NHS) on my request. And he did a lot more than just take me through the quiz. He examined my life quite closely, and gave his opinion on that basis.


not that it would matter at this point. we're most likely beyond the age where outside intervention would help much. and probably not very far into the spectrum anyway, meaning we can care for our own daily needs well enough to get along. it's OK to be a little offsides on the bell curve of normalcy. and it's OK not to have a name for all your demons. they're easier to live with that way.


Oh no they aren't...


The psychologist did not actually put in writing that 'Mrs FSM has Asperger's Syndrome' but told me to go and read up on the subject. It's true that I have a sufficient level of intelligence to manage day-to-day living - I don't need a carer - but the subtleties of interpersonal communications elude me completely. So much so that for most of my life I didn't even know those subtleties were present. I was aware of moderate to severe problems in understanding and being understood, but I put that down to having grown up outside the UK. Now I know what the situation is, I can deal with it much better. The knowledge doesn't give me the missing perception, but I know it's missing and know when to ask for clarification.


It would have helped had this been found earlier - perhaps.. If I had been diagnosed as a child (in the 1950's) I would, quite possibly, have been sent to a children's home as a hopeless case, which is what they tended to do to autistics in those days. But as I say, I had enough of other attributes to function more or less normally, and appear no more than a little odd. It would have been better, though, if this had been picked up before I became a parent myself - that would have avoided a LOT of misunderstandings with teachers and doctors!


And the condition does have certain advantages. Not for nothing is Asperger's known as 'engineers' disease'.


Oh, and just in case.. this isn't a fish for sympathy, more a warning and an attempt to help others who may be in the same boat.

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I am totally incapable of functioning in real life without assistance. Ask my mom and my best friend. I can't get a job because no one will hire me; I can't do an interview to save my life. And I'd rather kill myself than go back to foodservice. I have spent seven years trying to get a bachelor's degree and have still not managed it, and it's not because I'm stupid or lazy.

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i guess i have been blessed by a family that would not assist me and friends who would. that gave me the time, and distance, i needed to be a hermit, and to slowly put things together. the internet helped me socialize a bit better as well. but i was non-functional until my mid thirties at least.


this is kind of an interesting place to lurk http://www.wrongplanet.net/

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great thread!!



i'm great with Algebra equations, can play multiple insturments (whistle, piano, clarinet, air guitar, air drums), the art stuff, and can rub my tummy and pat my head. i can also, chew bubble gum and walk at the same time :happy:



my other talents are Dog's, both grooming, training and reading their behavior. i can also have multiple crafty talents (croecheting, cross stitch, quilting).



and, i might say, my ability to post typos in every post is in itself a talent :baalzamon:

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