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Welcome Headache01 to the Tainty abode of the BT


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No I visit DM quite frequently, but I was at school about all day.

That leads me to the introduction of me:

I'm 16 years old, live in the Netherlands, and read the wheel of time for about 3 years.

But I feeled like I had to join the BT, cause I feel like channeling and talking with other tainted people.

Now do you have any other questions, or are there some brotips?


/me starts muttering, grabs for the OP, but only gets the taint! Gets a little confused and sick :mad:

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*Sprays Headache with a supersoaker full of Vodka*

ENJOY! *walks off muttering to himself*

Yes precious.. I think he will be just right...

no... I dont think his name will give me one....

Yes... We must watch him closely...

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Omnomnomnom Wodka is nice :P

Muhehehehe, most certainly many HeadAches will come when I am around here some longer :baalzamon:

[taint mode]

Apple pie, apple pie, apple pie is made of apples and pie, Ow OW OWWWW, I know how to spell it! A-P-LE PIE, meh, apple pie is not for me? NO? Apple pie is for me! MY PIE, MY PRECIOUS

[/taint mode]

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WOOOOT points, yeah!

Yeah we Europeans are world famous in Europe :D


/me: Eats brownie, tasts that it is good, feels the taint, and welcomes it like an old friend.


[taint mode]

Nice brownie, nice brownie, my brownie. Its inside of me! NoOoOo, get it out get it out, aaah, it hurts terribly, terrible brownie... mutters on for some more minutes about evil tainted brownie

[/taint mode]


Me doez not liekz tainted brownies.

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ohmy.gif WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't like the brownies...


OMG you must be........*whispers* ...normal!!!!


*hears Talya whisper normal* NORMAL!!!! NO!!!!!

*runs in and tackles Headache* QUICK GIVE HIM A TAINT SHOT!!!

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*obligatory reference to my power as Chosen*





Feel the taint course through your veins!


Accept the madness as your own!















*as much of a smile as you will ever see from me* "Let the Lord of Chaos Rule"

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well its like you can get pure saidin, like that was in tEotW, that means you can also get pure taint, just remove the saidin youve created and leave the taint.

Just put the stuff you get then in injection needle, and wait for some1 who needs it.

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