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What would you like to see in a new Star Trek Series?


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I guess the first question... do you even want to see a new Star Trek on TV or do you want to keep it on the big screen? Next up... if you could pitch a series concept to a network, how would it go.



Here is an interesting article about a long lost script that was rejected at the networks.


Many years ago I sat in a friend's office and held the script for the proposed Trek series pilot, but did not have time to read it. If memory serves me correctly, this is what I recall getting out of my friend about the series. Begin brief...


The Singer universe was written before the Abrams reboot and follows the original Trek timeline.


We are somewhere just beyond the 30th century.


The Klingons are less warrior-like and more political.


The Romulans and Vulcans completed reunification and are busy with that (obviously this doesn't take into account Romulus's destruction).


And the Federation has expanded through a huge portion of the galaxy -- so far in fact, transmissions from the frontier to Starfleet HQ takes years at subspace frequencies.


Ships sent to these distant areas of the galaxy are near autonomous, expanding the Federation while exploring new worlds and civilizations unknown to the Trek universe.


In a way, this parallels Voyager exploring the far Delta quadrant and DS9's wormhole access to the Gamma quadrant, except our hero ship is not trying to go home, yet the crew is literally on thier own to deal with whatever gets thrown in the way, while still making headway on thier mission of exploration and expansion.


I cannot comment on the principal characters or the story itself, as I did not read the script, nor do I recall where in the galaxy this takes place (i.e. what quadrant).


As I said, a few years have passed and I may be off on a couple details. Hope this is of interest,



I would like to see this series! I’d also like to see Bryan Fuller’s, which would follow a different Starfleet crew full of Kirk’s contemporaries in the Abramsverse.


I miss Star Trek. I miss televised space shows. I’m bored to tears with poorly written “War of the Worlds” rip-offs. Maybe “Galactica: Blood & Chrome” will get it done at some point. But I do hope Bad Robot and Paramount soon let Star Trek out of its cage.

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My favorite ST series were the original and DS9.


I don't think a post-Voyager series would work well, as the technology has advanced too far by then.


I still haven't seen Abrams' Star Trek, so I don't know much about that universe (aside from my brief flirting with STO)


I guess I'd basically want either a pulpy, campy episodic series like the original, or a well crafted continuous series with a cool setting and engrossing characters like DS9.

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I would love to see a miniseries about the Earth-Romulan war.

What is funny is I was just saying this to one of my coworkers. I had thought they would have explored this in Enterprise instead of that time war garbage.


Yeah, that was what I was hoping for when Enterprise started. And then something went horribly wrong...


But thinking about it, a really focused miniseries would probably be the best way to show the war, as that way it would be easier to control the writers urges to find creative ways of bringing in the Borg, or some other ploy to screw the cannon.

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I would love to see a miniseries about the Earth-Romulan war.

What is funny is I was just saying this to one of my coworkers. I had thought they would have explored this in Enterprise instead of that time war garbage.


I think that had been on the drawing board for the further seasons of Enterprise before it got cancelled. Whatever they might have done would have been better than what the tie-in novels have done: release a few novels of buildup, then put out one novel in the Romulan War miniseries, give it a subtitle making it obvious there'll be more installments, and then leave everything hanging for two solid years. During the whole process, the authors cheerfully tossed in the trash any canon they decided they never really liked rather than trying to work within what the shows and movies established. Revisionist fictional history wasn't the brightest idea in the history of the franchise.

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Ya know, I would just be happy if they would show all the tv shows, in order, both by episode, and by series. I would love to see them all again, but don't want to spend the money to buy the DVDs. And while I enjoyed Abrams' Star Trek quite a lot, I feel that another series wouldn't be as well done as, say, TNG was.

And, since I never saw all of DS9 or Voyager like I did the original series and TNG, that would be a bonus for me, too.

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Ya know, I would just be happy if they would show all the tv shows, in order, both by episode, and by series. I would love to see them all again, but don't want to spend the money to buy the DVDs.


Spike and Space (American and Canadian networks, respectively) Used to show TNG, DS9 and Voyager eps in the mornings (and Space would show them again in the evenings).


Space was really good at showin them in order, and since I worked graveyards, it was cool because I could get home from work, catch a quick nap, wake up and watch a few hours of Star Trek while I played on the computer, eat something, catch a few more hours of sleep, then bail off to work.

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I miss star trek tv, would be great if someone came up with a compelling premise for a few seasons for another series.


I suppose I'm a 9er as far as which series I prefer but I've watched a few eps here and there of the other ones and I like them for different reasons.


As for putting science "back in", I've never really thought much about star trek being scientific. They make a lot of stuff up and get a lot of terms plain wrong from what I've seen. It's more soft sci fi in that a lot of it's made up than really trying to be scientifically realistic.


I don't think future wise the federation is necessarily going to expand that rapidly. After all it has such large and overwhelmingly powerful opponents in the Romulans, sometimes in the Klingons, the Borg, the Dominion, et all. I think the whole point of ds9 was to challenge the ideals of the federation with external threats that are the opposite of what it stood for.


I would like to see something different in a future series than the tried and true "we're exploring space" (though that can probably be done again successfully if people plan it right) or "we're guarding the frontier".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Community Administrator

I'd love if they brought a new one back;

Part of the issue with Enterpise was, it was all very conflict orientated.

And as much As I liked the new captain, seeing how he was SAM from QUANTUM LEEP in my eyes, Sam and that captain didn't mesh, they were two very different people, one hostile, and the other, could easilly have been a great star fleet captain.


Star Trek =/= Star Wars, its not all about Conflicts, wars, but really its always been about exploration of science, morals, philosophy, and beyond. Even the original treks were nothing more than moral plays, and quite honestly, thats what made them great. Unfortunatley, all anyone wants to watch on tv now days is people getting their face knocked in, or knockers in their face.

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I used to write fan fiction in various universes, including ST. It's been 8 years or so since I finished anything but just before I dried up, I'd planned a ST series where Nog, commanding a new Enterprise, would be leading a small fleet of colony ships (with most of the future colonists in stasis) to a distant corner of the Federation. The entire fleet was snared by something similar to a Tholian web and winds up getting tossed almost 3,000 years in the future. There's nothing on subspace or any communications channel, none of the ships are in condition to try a whiplash trip back to their home time and, to make things totally screwed up, all of the stasis chambers are on auto-defrost because all contact with the Federation has been lost. My general idea was to show the Enterprise crew re-forming the Federation as they hunted for an explanation of just what the H*** happened.


That's what I'd want in a new TV series -- a situation where the writers and producers could keep true to the basic premise of the ST universe but not have to over-worry about 40+ years of accumulated continuity.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to see something like Voyager again but have them better equipped. With the way the tech had evolved it would be cool to see what else they could come up with. I love the idea of having a borg crew member. I mean the show is supposed to boldly go where no man has gone before so they need to explore.

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