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Lan and Malkier


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As is said' date=' Malkier still has a king and there is a brief time since malkier disapear(40-50 years), and the problem is that only the armsmen (some following lan´s aunt, and some with his father) went to the blight, the rest of malkier, wives, sons, grandfathers, craftmen, and maybe a sizeable guard waited back, and the armsmen remaining made the sacrifice to give the new generations the oportunity to fly to the now called the borderlands, so all these orphans will ride for the golden crane, and for their lost fathers and grandfathers, so two or three generations of malkieri will follow lan, and noone will remain to protect their families, because they will be "safe" in their adoptive nation.

and if Malkier was the past borderland (and now the borderlands are four nations) it must be a very big country, with a huge population, so it could be possible that the army gathered by lan will be a very big army.

And the resurection of malkier is not an utopia as Robert A.W. said(in Europe Servia in the XIX century, became independent from the otomans, and now in 2003 it reemerge from yugoeslavia; if i remember)[/quote']


Actually, the only recent land to become a 'borderland' is Shienar. Malkeri basically was just north of where Shienar was ;)


Would it be that hard of an idea to consider that all three of the boys from the Two Rivers will die in the LB?

Three ta'veren, one the Dragon, one the Gambler, one the Wolfking. Their purpose to unite the world against the DO and end this cycle of the wheel and begin a new one where the DO is not remembered and Shadowspawn don't exist.

We have seen them come from simple lads (well except Mat, Mat won't ever change :wink: ) into men. A lord, a Prince, and the Savior. The end of the series will mean the end of their journey, so I believe that it will be death of all three. That perhaps the Aelfinn meant to Rand, that it was in his kids (not the reborn jazz constantly being spouted, just, a part of him living on in his kids) that would live. He has to die, so they may live.

I'm a Perrin fan, but I can understand and appreciate the significance of him dying on the plains of battle, with the wolves and the armies of man. Not some happy LotR ending, a hero's ending. I honestly don't want to read about King Perrin and Emperor Mat and Reborn Rand for the ending. It is the turning of an Age and so we must accept that our most loved may, (should) die, for both realism and opening it for those that do live on.


You heard it here first.

All of the guys die. And some of the girls (please Nyn, please Graendal, please Elaida) too.

And to take their place?



King Olver of course.




Personally I think that Malkier will come back.

The commonly held belief is that when Rand wins TG (Its a book so the good guys have to win) and seals up the bore again in such a way that (to quote Herrid Fell) "No one remembers the dark one". there will be no blight. Even at the end of EoTW the blight pulls back because it had suffered a mighty blow. Sealing up the dark one will be a much bigger knock that simply killing of 2 forsaken and taking some untainted Saidin. and also I see no reason for the blight to exist if the dark one is sealed of again. the blight is a manifestation of the shadow reachen out from the bore. No bore = No blight. So I think that Malkier is very likely to come back.

PS. I like the Idea of the hero's surviving TG.


Here's my thoughts on this, Mat will go to Seanchan, Perrin will take over Saldea AND the Two Rivers, Rand will... Who knows? If he lives he already has Illian so it's the two rivers taking over the world!!

Also if you read new spring than you see that like all the border land was waiting to see if they should go to retake mekilri


That was 20 years ago, when a great deal more people still remembered the living Malkier. As more and more people with that memory dies, so does the memory of Malkier. And we saw in NS that a lot of Malkieri had started to follow the traditions of their new countries. They are not Malkieri anymore, they are Shienarians, Arafellins, etc.


Malkier is dead, stop poking the carcass or it might start to stink :wink:

When Moiraine returns' date=' will she stay with Rand or go help Lan? I think Moiraine will battle with Lan and help him avenge Malkier, then they will all end up with Rand at Shayol Ghul.[/quote']


I think we're going to find Moiraine where the "true battle" lies. She has dedicated the last 20+ years of her life to find the Dragon Reborn, and she "died" saving him....when she comes back, I really feel that she is going to reassume her role in sticking by his side, and I think she'll be one of the very few that will be with Rand when he actually initiates his battle w/ the DO. She will definately not be with Lan- she won't be needed there and her help will serve no direct purpose in helping Rand succede in battling the DO, which has become her life's mission.


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