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Please post your reports here! Please have your reports posted by the 8th so Elgee can get hers in by the 10th. Thanks everyone


Please read this thread for further info on how (and why) we would prefer you do your monthly report: http://www.dragonmou...needed-and-why/




1) Total: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (also add them to Active, or Inactive if they've not yet RPed as full AS)

full handle - full character name


Active: [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character, ie Oct 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


3) Problems, ideas, etc



Example of 1:


(let’s say it's for June)


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)


New: 2 Members, 2 characters

Phelix - Elin Hawes

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel


Active: 4 Members, 5 characters

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva (April 2010)

Phelix - Elin Hawes (June 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (June 2010)

U4ea - Loraine Kilaine (June 2010)

U4ea - Peggy Smith (May 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 4 Members, 4 characters

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel (not yet RPed)

Elgee (Sitter - active OOC) - Larindhra Reyne (Jan 2010)

Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July 2009)

Miya- Miya Kiyoshi (March 2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 12 Members, 17 characters

Jaydena - Jaydena MacAntur (June 2009)

Jaydena - Peggy Sue Parker (2007)

WhiteWolf (Bio Checker - active OOC) - Cara Ramsey (2008)



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]

Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter


Your presence is required - http://www.dragonmou...ce-is-required/

Timeline: 995 NE

Two Old Biddies plot and plan – Salidar novices are born. Darkfriend shenanigans included.

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

Timeline: N&A Retro

With Accepted Miahna “Mimi” Telonne (Keyholder21)


Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head

Putting Two and Two together - http://www.dragonmou...d-two-together/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

More Ajah Heads find each other.



Reports to be done by:


MoN - done

Black - done

Blue -

Brown - done

Gray -

Green -

Red - done

White -

Yellow - done


Report for the RED AJAH – February 2011


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: 0 Members, 0 characters


Active: 3 Members (4 Characters)

Arath Faringal - Rochel Dion - Red Aes Sedai - Jan 2011

Elgee - Larindhra Reyne - Red Sitter - Feb 2011

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head - Feb 2011

Phelix - Elin Hawes (temp link) - Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010



Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 5 Members (5 Characters)

Jagen Sedai - Jagen Halin – Red Sitter – Nov 2010

Kara_J - Raslyn Altearin - Feb 2010

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 - Shevara Edosian – Nov 2009

Minisamus - Saline Wastrel – Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010

Tigara - Jasmyne Ceres – Jan 2010


Removed from Usergroup: 0 new removals

Character Retired / Deceased

Aubrey - Maegan Ryanne – 28-12-2009 – RETIRED August 2010

MiA - not RPed in 12 months

Carise (Carise Doraile - Aes Sedai

Faile? (Faile al´Rahien - Aes Sedai (MIA Left the Site.)

Lyanna (Lauren Arrel - Aes Sedai

Rayne - Rayne Leséduire - Aes Sedai

Zania - Zania al'Denai - Aes Sedai




2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February 2011



Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter


A Silverpike out of Water (attn: Elgee)

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


Zarinen's new Asha'man arrives at her quarters, demanding a place to stay. What's a girl to do? Obviously, she takes him shopping.


Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head

It's like Deja Vu all over again (attn: Arath)

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


The Highest comes to grip with being on the "wrong end" of the Bond.


Phelix - Elin Hawes - Red sister



Timeline: current...


Elin rides in on her horse and chats with whomever she runs into...



Timeline: 20 years before current.


Elin discovers her Talent of Dreamwalking via a dreaming ter'angreal.



Timeline: 10 years before current


Elin explores the Dream, and finds herself in a couple of dangerous situations... she learns a lesson or two though.



3) Problems, ideas, etc

Very happy that Phelix has returned. Apart from being a super active person, he's inspired me too :biggrin:


February Report for the Black Ajah



1) Members Info


Total: 6


Members: 6

Characters: 6


New: 0


Members: 0

New Characters: 0



Active: 2




Kathleen - Seherai Mori (Yellow Ajah)

Matalina - Alicatia Sunoma (Gray Ajah)


Inactive: 4

Members: 4

Characters: 4


Raeyn - Raeyn Priya Saethyr (Brown)


Tigara - Jasmyne Ceres (Red)


Eqwina - Eqwina al'Caupthn (Yellow)


Liitha - Cemarillinin Adoa (Green Ajah)


MiA: 2

Members: 2

Characters: 2


Please Purge



Muirenn - Iriana Tenialle (Gray)


ashara - Vera Cadsanome (Gray)




2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February


Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Alicatia Sunoma (Matalina)

Forward into Darkness - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56696-forward-into-darkness/

Seheria is summoned to an inn in the city to learn some secrets of how the Black Ajah work.

Status: Ongoing


Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Eltar Cordwyn (Arlow - FL)

A Deadly Job Offer - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/

Seheria hires a Cairhien Thief (Arlow) to kill the E&E of the Yellow Ajah.

Status: Ongoing



3) Problems, ideas, etc


OOC news:

I've spent the last month updating and reworking the info threads and getting active/inactive/mia members sorted out. We had only character names to go off of but with Elgee and BA member's help we've got things sorted out. I've started reworking Hearts and done about as much with it as I can, we'll see how we use them, and how well they work. Its hard to judge with so few active members and so many people having left but having past RPs with people. I don't plan to be strict with this as I'd rather encourage people to play with who ever is active to encourage more activity, but I want to find a way to work in Hearts as they are big part of the Blacks in the books.


We will be working on coming up with a system for spreading information to our members, like defining the known secret signs and signals the black ajah use to make themselves known to each other and leave messages around the tower that other AS wouldn't notice.


We also still need a bio made up for the IC NSW Head.


IC news:

The Yellow's are doing the interdivision RP (with the FL) now based on the BA having hired some people to kill the E&E. Seheria is hiring the killer and actively being naughty, then as a Yellow she will help ‘track down' the killer.


The RP that is currently being played by Alicatia and Seheria will be leading to Matalina's other character, Kate Al'Ker, being lead to the Black Ajah.


Brown report February 2011


1. Member and Character count


note: every Brown member only has 1 Brown character, so the member/character ratio is 1:1


Total members: 5


Active: 2

Carina Al'Tara (Mystica) - last RPed 2010 October (inactive RP-wise due to lack of time and lack of inspiration)

Cara Ramsey (White Wolf) - last RPed 2011 January


Inactive: 2

Claire al'Windischan (Claireducky) - last RPed 2009 Dec

Bennu Abravanel (Chikara) - last RPed 2010 October


LOA: 1

Raeyn Priya Saethyr (Raeyn) - last RPed 2009 Jan - character put on inactive by RPer



2. RP's in February 2011:


DM Handle: Whitewolf

Character: Cara Ramsey

  • RP with Liitha: The Dream has Ended... But not this day Last date RP'd: January 2011
    *this was only reported to me in February, hence why I'm posting it here though it hasn't been RP'd in since January
    3. Unfinished RP's that have not been RP'd during the month of this report
    (note: that I know of)
    DM Handle: Whitewolf
    Character: Cara Ramsey

    DM Handle: Mystica

    Character: Carina Al'Tara


    4. Interaction with N/A:


    5. What's new?


    As you may notice, this is exactly the same report as last time since nothing new happened this month. I haven't had time to continue any of the RP's I was involved in. Not sure when I'll be able to pick them up again. Not just because of my busy schedule, but also due to the absense of my RP partners.


Mistress of Novices Report – February 2011

Total Members: 44 Members / 48 Characters


Total Active Members: 9 Members / 9 Characters


Total Inactive Members: 19 Members / 21 Characters


Total MIA Members: 12 Members / 14 Characters


Characters Never Roleplayed: 4 Members / 4 Characters


New Members: 4 (Auriane Feidwyn - Myrenna, Aliena Halinor - Christine, Caillean Windham - poetstorm, Mylane Dadric - Serick Kerani)



Active Members - RPed in the past 3 months (9 members/9 characters)


DM Handle - Character - Last RPed


Traditional Novices

Christine - Aliena Halinor - February 2011

Little Miss - Lyra de la Courcel - February 2011

poetstorm - Caillean Windham - February 2011

Serick Kerani - Mylane Dadric - February 2011

Taren - Alianor Tarawindred - January 2011


Salidar Novices




Traditional Accepted


Leala Gymorraine - Leala Gymorraine - February 2011

Matalina - Kate al'Ker - February 2011

Myrenna - Auriane Feidwyn - February 2011



Salidar Accepted

Phelix - Gera Mondwin - February 2011


Inactive Members - RPed in last 3 -12 months (19 members/21 characters)

Traditional Novices

Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell - August 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Chikara - Fianna Bashalde - October 2010

Craftyreader - Elody Yates - March 2010

DarthRand - Dyrum Alede - July 2010

LT.Nolan0347 - Eiren Saga - March 2010

Minisamus - Rydia Burgess - November 2010

Marta Sedai - Marta Alcair - April 2010

Maryam - Maryam Aldevwin - March 2010

Perine - Kalinde Yarrah - March 2010

Pookie - Yovela Umika - July 2010

Visar Falmaien - Rytali Basim - July 2010

Wintrow - Patience Tilly - March 2010


Salidar Novices




Traditional Accepted


Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nenen Kailadel - April 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nesyer Yoshan - March 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Wilemi Kailadel - October 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Kara_J - Deanne Heillan - March 2010

Moseley - Salandrian Faerhind - April 2010

Raeyn - Milandra Basene - October 2010

Taymist - Kiyissalle Chevra - October 2010

Taei - Kasi Duvan - July 2010 (bio link unavailable)


Salidar Accepted


Grimm - Nanna Tarquin - November 2010one



Members MiA – have not RPed in over 12 months (12 members/14 characters)

Traditional Novices


Elliara - Iraleia Surevin (Temarelin) - November 2009

Far Dareis Mai - Daraniea Rysted - December 2009

Jehaine - Aeryn Shainrahien - July 2009

Kelitor - Ykoria Eranyame - December 2009

Kenny - Venca Konora - September 2009

Knytiri - Knytiri Sari'drea - Feb 2010

Lavinya - Evaline Perry - November 2009

Questor - Rosalia Meneril - January 2010

SerenaMorrigan - N'Daye Kishar - December 2009

Serey - Serey Dorrin - December 2009

TaiDashan - Evanen Phaedrein - December 2009

Tigara - Allrianne Viventi - January 2009


Salidar Novices




Traditional Accepted


Jehaine - Jerinia Zaralyn - February 2010

Tigara - Melianna Hollmen - December 2009


Salidar Accepted





Characters Never Roleplayed (4 members/4 characters)

Traditional Novices


Myriam Finnash - Myriam Finnash - Joined May 2010

Nyanna al’Meara - Nyanna al’Dyn - Joined October 2010

Kathryna - Gatlin Chanse - Joined October 2009

Zhoaya - Zhoaya Faidhul - Joined January 2011


Role Plays for February

Aliena Halinor - Christine


Naive New Novice - http://www.dragonmou...ive-new-novice/

Aliena arrives in the White Tower, and then is escorted to her room by Leala.

Other participants: Valeri Kinaea (MoTN - NSW played by Amadine), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Oh Light, Please Don’t Remember Me - http://www.dragonmou...nt-remember-me/

Leala helps Aliena with her studies and encourages her to continue.

Other participants: Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Pranked! - http://www.dragonmou.../56591-pranked/

Aliena and Caillean ‘accidently’ dye the dresses of a pair of Accepted - Leala and Gera.

Other participants: Gera Mondwin (Phelix), Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Introduction to Saidar - Lesson One - http://www.dragonmou...ost__p__1759866


Aliena attends the Intro to Saidar classes held by Amadine al’Varine (Amadine)


Auriane Feidwyn - Myrenna


A New Arrival - http://www.dragonmou...-a-new-arrival/

Auriane arrives in the Tower to become a Novice.

Other participants: Valeri Kinaea (MoTN - NSW played by Amadine)


In the Tower Grounds - http://www.dragonmou...-tower-grounds/

Gera Mondwin - Accepted “encourages” a pair of Novices to see how malleable they are.

Other participants: Gera Mondwin (Phelix), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine).


Introduction to Saidar - Lesson One - http://www.dragonmou...ost__p__1745665


Introduction to Saidar - Lesson Two - http://www.dragonmou...ost__p__1745765


Introduction to Saidar - Lesson Three - http://www.dragonmou...ost__p__1746763


Introduction to Saidar - Lesson Four - http://www.dragonmou...ost__p__1748614


Auriane attends the Intro to Saidar classes held by Amadine al’Varine (Amadine)


Silver Archways - http://www.dragonmou...ilver-archways/

Auriane’s raising to Accepted thread.


Rudimentary Geography -- Lesson One - http://www.dragonmou...phy-lesson-one/

Auriane begins teaching a set of Geography classes.


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #1 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-1/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #2- http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-2/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #3 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-3/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #4 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-4/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Caillean Windham - poststorm


The adventure of novicehood begins - http://www.dragonmou...icehood-begins/

Caillean arrives to join the White Tower.

Other participants: Valeri Kinaea (MoTN - NSW played by Amadine)


Pranked! - http://www.dragonmou.../56591-pranked/

Aliena and Caillean ‘accidently’ dye the dresses of a pair of Accepted - Leala and Gera.

Other participants: Aliena Halinor (Christine), Gera Mondwin (Phelix), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #1 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-1/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna), Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #2- http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-2/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna), Gera Mondwin (Phelix)


Gera Mondwin - Phelix


Give me freedom... At least for one day - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/52244-give-me-freedomat-least-for-one-day/

Gera complete’s this revived thread from several months ago.


A conniving woman passes through the Arches - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56368-a-coniving-woman-passes-through-the-arches

Gera’s raising to Accepted thread.


Turnings of the Wheel, or Gera finds her purpose - http://www.dragonmou...ds-her-purpose/

Gera receives word of her son’s murder and takes steps in retaliation.


In the Tower Grounds - http://www.dragonmou...-tower-grounds/

Gera Mondwin - Accepted “encourages” a pair of Novices to see how malleable they are.

Other participants: Auriane Feidwyn(Myrenna), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine).


Pranked! - http://www.dragonmou.../56591-pranked/

Aliena and Caillean ‘accidently’ dye the dresses of a pair of Accepted - Leala and Gera.

Other participants: Aliena Halinor (Christine), Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #1 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-1/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #2 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-2/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #3 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-3/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna)


Daes Dae’mar, Lesson #4 - http://www.dragonmou...aemar-lesson-4/

Gera takes a class of Novices and leads them through a basic form of the Game of Houses.

Other participants: Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna)


Gera takes her final test - http://www.dragonmou...her-final-test/

Gera’s raising to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah thread.


Kate al’Ker - Matalina


Discussing the Art of War - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/55523-discussing-the-art-of-war

Kate takes tea with Loraine and so begins a discussion. This follows on from The Ways of War. This thread comes to a completion.

Other participants: Loraine Kilaine Larind (U4ea)


Leala Gymorraine - Leala Gymorraine


Company - http://www.dragonmou...lealas-arrival/

February sees the completion of this thread. Leala is alone in her room when a new Novice arrives to share her room.

Other Participants: Lyra de la Courcel (LittleMiss)


A Supper to Remember - http://www.dragonmou...er-to-remember/

Leala attempts to start over with Lyra.

Other Participants: Lyra de la Courcel (LittleMiss)


In the Tower Grounds - http://www.dragonmou...-tower-grounds/

Gera Mondwin - Accepted “encourages” a pair of Novices to see how malleable they are.

Other participants: Gera Mondwin (Phelix), Auriane Feidwyn (Myrenna).


Traversing the Arches - http://www.dragonmou...-lealas-arches/

Leala’s raising to Accepted thread.


The Banded Dress - http://www.dragonmou...ds-her-purpose/

Leala begins teaching Novices and considering her future.


Turning of the Wheel - http://www.dragonmou...g-of-the-wheel/

Leala receives word of her father’s passing.


Oh Light, Please Don’t Remember Me - http://www.dragonmou...nt-remember-me/

Leala helps Aliena with her studies and encourages her to continue.

Other participants: Aliena Halinor (Christine)


Pranked! - http://www.dragonmou.../56591-pranked/

Aliena and Caillean ‘accidently’ dye the dresses of a pair of Accepted - Leala and Gera.

Other participants: Aliena Halinor (Christine), Caillean Windham (Poetstorm), Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Naive New Novice - http://www.dragonmou...ive-new-novice/

Aliena arrives in the White Tower, and then is escorted to her room by Leala.

Other participants: Valeri Kinaea (MoTN - NSW played by Amadine), Aliena Halinor (Christine)


Lyra de la Courcel - Little Miss


Company - http://www.dragonmou.../55623-company/

February sees the completion of this thread. Lyra is escorted to her new room within the White Tower and is not happy about finding herself with a roommate.

Other participants: Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


A Supper to Remember - http://www.dragonmou...er-to-remember/

Leala attempts to start over with Lyra.

Other Participants: Leala Gymorraine (Leala Gymorraine)


Mylane Dadric - Serick Kerani


First Meeting of the Mistress of Novices - http://www.dragonmou...ess-of-novices/

Mylane arrives at the Tower to meet the Mistress of Novices.

Other participants: Valeri Kinaea (MoTN - NSW played by Amadine


From the desk of the Mistress of Novices...

Phelix returned! He was missed!


Work has begun on getting a list of classes into order to make available to the general WT population.


Raised to Accepted


Phelix - Gera Mondwin

Leala Gymorraine - Leala Gymorraine

Myrenna - Auriane Feidwyn


Raised to the Shawl


Phelix - Gera Mondwin raised to the Blue Ajah



Posted (edited)



1. Member and Character count


Total members: 7 members, 7 characters


Active: 4 members, 4 characters

  • Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_Fool) - last RPed 2011 Feb
  • Amadine al'Varine (Amadine) - last RPed 2011 Feb
  • Carys Demot (KeyHolder21) - last RPed 2011 Feb
  • Seharia Mori (Kathleen) - last RPed 2011 Feb


Inactive: 3 members, 3 characters (*sad* Please come back soon... )

  • Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve) - last RPed 2010 November
  • Eqwina al'Caupthn (Eqwina) - last RPed 2010 November
  • Celestine Erebruz (Jagen Sedai) – last RPed 2010 November


2. RP's in Feb 2011:


DM Handle: Wayward_Fool

Character: Camigwen Klatsang Marivin


1) A Summoning - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/'>http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/ - Feb 2011

Major Yellow RP. The Yellow Eyes and Ears are being killed off by the Black Ajah. Camigwen sets up a task force to investigate this.


DM Handle: Amadine

Character: Amadine al'Varine


1) A Summoning - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/ - Feb 2011

Major Yellow RP. The Yellow Eyes and Ears are being killed off by the Black Ajah. Amadine is set to lead the contingent


DM Handle: keyholder21

Character: Carys Demot


1) An Incident in the Tower: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/54401-an-incident-in-the-tower/ - Feb 2011

Carys and Rasheta (a Green) come across a Dedicated trying to kill a man on White Tower grounds.


2) A Summoning: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/ - Feb 2011

Carys, along with several other Yellow sisters, is summoned to the First Weaver's office.


DM Handle: Kathleen

Character: Seheria Mori


1) The Infirmary: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56937-the-infirmary/page__gopid__1764898#entry1764898 - Feb 2011

A day in the infirmary with an Accepted, a Red and Gentled man. We got talking about what can and cannot be healed, and why.


2) A Summoning: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56276-a-summoning/ - Feb 2011

Seheria, along with several other Yellow sisters, is summoned to the First Weaver's office.


3. Ideas:


Yellow Ajah major RP is on!! Hopefully it'll recharge our members. Not much ideas else at the moment. Exciting that Kate (Matalina) is joining us. YAY! More darkness in the Ajah.


4. Problems:


I'm on semi LoA. I've been a bit depressed and exhausted and sick and tired of alot of things. And I'm barely able to function. So... yeah... goodness knows how I'm gonna recover from this but... for now... yeah. Needing the love and prayers.

Edited by Wayward_fool

February Report for the Green Ajah


1) Total:

Members, 7

characters 7


New: 0






Members, 3

characters 4

Ajah Head- Amena Linoram

Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir- February 2011

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- February 2011

Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- February 2011


Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):

Members 3

characters 3

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- July 2010

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- April 2010 (active on GA Board, April 2010)

Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- October 2010


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):

Members 1

Characters 1

Quibby- ???- ???



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during November:



Pieces of the Puzzle


Amena breaks into Jade's personal quarters and finds her "asleep." CSI, anyone?



The Ways of War


Loraine meets an Accepted with an acute interest in the Green Ajah! Will molding new minds commence?



Contemplation: Attn Rasheta.


Rasheta and Mia finish up there talk of Warders


Greenie field trip.


The Greens teach kathleen her battle weaves.






Open RP where a Red sister returns to the Tower - no real plot, Just having a welcome home chat.


Greenie Feild Trip: What will get us first


The Greens go traveling and teach Kat her Battle weaves


3) Problems, ideas, etc


Time, time, time..


Blue Ajah Report


1) Total: 5 Members, 5 Characters


New: 1 Member, 1 Character

Phelix: Gera Mondwin


Active: 3 Members, 3 characters

KeyHolder21: Miahna “Mimi” Telonne Sedai (February 2011)

Wayward_Fool: Regalia "Ray-ray" Frantelle (December 2010)

Phelix: Gera Mondwin (February 2011)



Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 2 Members, 2 characters

Miya: Miya Kiyoshi (Feb 2010 - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/43143-at-the-request-of-an-old-friend-atn-alin/)

SerenaMorrigan: Serena Morrigan (July 2010)



MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 1 Member, 1 character

Elyssa: Elyssa Lliet



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February:

KeyHolder21 – Miahna “Mimi” Telonne – Blue Aes Sedai


A. Tar Valon: Encounters : http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/55648-encounters/

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: Current

-Miahna makes her way into Tar Valon to find and Eye and Ear when darkfriends start following her and a stranger comes to her aid.



B. Aes Sedai Relationships: Contemplation: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/54385-contemplation/

Status: Finished

Timeline: Slightly retro

-Miahna discusses bonding with Rasheta Sedai.


C. Initiate Interactions: A Path Discovered: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56553-a-path-discovered/

Status: Ended

Timeline: Retro

-Miahna is surprised when an Accepted shows up to document her latest journey.


D. Reuniting with a friend/darkfriend RP: Reuniting Over a Common Foe : http://www.dragonmou...r-a-common-foe/'>http://www.dragonmou...r-a-common-foe/

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: Current

-Miahna returns to the Tower hot on the trail of a darkfriend. Regalia comes to her with some useful news.


Wayward_Fool - Regalia "Ray-ray" Frantelle - Blue Aes Sedai


A. Reuniting with a friend/darkfriend RP: Reuniting Over a Common Foe : http://www.dragonmou...r-a-common-foe/

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: Current

-Miahna returns to the Tower hot on the trail of a darkfriend. Regalia comes to her with some useful news.


Phelix - Gera Mondwin - Blue Aes Sedai


A. Oaths: Gera Takes Her Final Test: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56754-gera-takes-her-final-test/

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: Current

-Gera is inducted into the Blue Ajah


3) Problems, ideas, etc


Wayward_Fool, me, and a few (other) Yellow AS will be writing in a string that combines Miahna and Regalia's “Reuniting with a Common Foe” darkfriend search to Yellow Eyes and Ears dying. The Yellow congregation and the two Blues will meet up in Cairhein.


Was thinking of reenacting the Blue Ajah class that Serena did awhile back once I'm done with wedding stuff.

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