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okay, lets see. I am 32 and During school


1. Walk 20 minutes to school in Buffalo in winter. 3 feet tall - 2 feet of snow. If I was late I should have left sooner or walked faster.

2. School - Irish Roman Catholic school. Very old very angry nuns. Nough said

3. Home from school. Homework and study as soon as you walk in the door. 2 hours.

4. Dinner

5. Bed


During break from school

1. Saturday cartoons - only Saturday cartoons. For 2 and a half hours.

2. RUN! Or get stuck doing chores all day OR

3. My mom would literally lock me out of the house. Play outside. My toy? a stick and dirt.

4. Lunch (this needs to be stated as I didn't get to graze all day from treats of spoiling parents. My grandfather had a pocket that always had butterscotche discs. That was my snack.....for the day....)

5. Repeat steps 2 or 3

6. Dinner (always together. We may have sat at T.V. trays watching Startrek but we were ALWAYS together for dinner.


BONUS: There was a bonus during the Summer. We could throw on swim trunks and play in the rain! yayy. And get to stay out a half hour past the street lights coming on to play hide and seek.

In the summer, I went to bed at 8:00. Period. If it was still light out? Too bad. Go to bed.


This needs to be said. COMPETITIVE SPORTS WAS COMPETITIVE. There was no such thing as 'everybody is a winner'. NO!! You win or lose. period. I lost. A LOT. And you know what? I am not some crazy person plottin the deaths of his past classmates who mocked him for eating a dodgeball during gym. HELL! My own brother and cousins were worse! Self entitlement?! GET OVER YOURSELF!. Nobody owes you anything ya little imps! Pick up a shovel or a rake and EARN that 5 dollars a week. If you were lucky. Maybe the end of the year you can buy that whatever the hell thingy you want.


It got a LITTLE easier when my DAD became addicted to Nintendo. A little. I got a half hour a day. NONE on weekends.

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I had a Pick Up Sticks game! I also used to like the Barrel of Monkeys game, where you had to pick up the plastic monkeys by looping them together. And Twister! I had the game Pit for awhile, which I really liked (wish I still had it). I never was much into regular card games (like rummy, etc.).


Clue - yes! (we have my old Clue game, plus my oldest's HP Clue game, and Clue on the Wii)


Monoploy - yes, but it was my sister's game so we "had to play by (her) rules" (the boys now have Star Wars Monoply)


Life - yes! (my boys prefer PotC Life game, which is fun, plus we have it on the Wii)


Ahhhh, the memories . . .


I was a bit of a "tomboy" growing up, too, so spent a lot of time outside, building forts in the woods, playing "war" and "cowboys and indians" and such. When we lived in Germany, we did a lot of sledding during the winter and roamed the German countryside during the summer (climbing trees, "raiding" farmers' gardens - "those darn American brats" - though we only took what we ate at the time and that not much). When we went camping there, we did a lot of exploring, spelunking (near Bundenbach), and hiking.


Oh, and we didn't own any video games (this was pre video game era). We didn't have remote controls for the TV either; my sister and I were the channel changers but the channel got put onto whatever channel my dad told us!

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Fnorrell, I already applied to be a novice... but the rules say I can switch at any time! I'll just have to explore a bit and see what I like.


:biggrin: I like exploring. :biggrin:


(Question that's been floating in my head for some time... in your sig, the guy in the armor... is that you?)




Join warders? :D

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Fnorrie, you crack me up :biggrin:


Millon & Slapper, those were the days, heh? We COULD actually play outside without supervision. There were no crazy stalkers/abductors around. Everyone knew everyone else, so children were safe. Ok so I grew up on a farm and in small towns - could have been the same as today in the big cities, for all I know.

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Fnorrell, I already applied to be a novice... but the rules say I can switch at any time! I'll just have to explore a bit and see what I like.


:biggrin: I like exploring. :biggrin:


(Question that's been floating in my head for some time... in your sig, the guy in the armor... is that you?)




Join warders? :D


My, you're persistent! I'll definitely consider it. :tongue: Also, cute. The armor looks nice on you.



Fnorrie, you crack me up :biggrin:


Millon & Slapper, those were the days, heh? We COULD actually play outside without supervision. There were no crazy stalkers/abductors around. Everyone knew everyone else, so children were safe. Ok so I grew up on a farm and in small towns - could have been the same as today in the big cities, for all I know.


I know what you mean! Around here, during Summer sunset is after 9:30, sometimes as late as 10... so when we were kids, that meant we could play until 10 or 10:30 outside, running around the neighborhood, getting into things and being kids. Now, my older sister makes her kids come in by 7:30 every day, no matter the level of sunlight. They're in bed by 8:30... no chance to play or anything. It's like she forgot how late we used to play.


And despite the hours, we never met any creepy guys or dangerous people. Maybe it's rose colored glasses, but things were safer back then! (Even if it was only 15+ years....)

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My, you're persistent! I'll definitely consider it. :tongue: Also, cute. The armor looks nice on you.







Ahem. Thanks..




Join Novices?







Mirsh: I believe you simply slide the clear plastic bit up and down and it gies you readings in all the various scales. Like a converter.

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My, you're persistent! I'll definitely consider it. :tongue: Also, cute. The armor looks nice on you.







Ahem. Thanks..




Join Novices?






I see how it is! Now you don't want me! I'm tempted to join Warders now anyway! :wink:

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My, you're persistent! I'll definitely consider it. :tongue: Also, cute. The armor looks nice on you.







Ahem. Thanks..




Join Novices?








*Screams with laughter* :biggrin:


I do believe you're the first person who was able to stop Fnorrll in his tracks, Phelix! *High Fives, sniggering*

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My, you're persistent! I'll definitely consider it. :tongue: Also, cute. The armor looks nice on you.







Ahem. Thanks..




Join Novices?








*Screams with laughter* :biggrin:


I do believe you're the first person who was able to stop Fnorrll in his tracks, Phelix! *High Fives, sniggering*


I'm tempted to get that added to a signature... I'm not sure how it'd work, but it would. *high fives back*

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Ok, enough is enough.


Y'all think you had it bad when you were kids well get this


I would walk to school, then work 18 hours down pit, and when i got home our dad would kill us and chop us into little bits


So before y'all get excited about how tough your lives where just spare a though for those of us who lived in a hole by the side of the road.......damn kids today, y'all don't even know you are born :rolleyes:

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Nahhhhh, all those creepy buggers were definitely still there. I VIVIDLY rmemeber I guy trying to get me to go in his car once by offering me these super-huge sweet tarts. I ran my ASS off. I can still even picture the car. I was like 8 and walkin around the corner to a candy store. When I told my parents the guy was found by the end of the day. Seriously.

I was really lucky I guess in the neighborhood I lived in. It was in the city but the few blocks that were my global sphere growing up, all the parents knew each other. If they were not friendly they at least communicated about the kids. It's really funny to me to. One of the main reasons I liked WoT in the first place was the village council. I swear I lived in a modern clone of Emmond's Field. lol All the parents would gather at my Grandmother's house across the street from me. In the Summer they would all sit in there appointed chairs on my grandmother's front porch and watch all the kids playin or in the winter they would play Yhatzee inside. You could go on the porch after they left and you could tell where each one sat by the rings of there coffee mugs on the railing lol. Every week it was like that. Like was said before me here to, each parent had permission to slapp the tsate out my mouth if I ever stepped out of line. It's the loss of neighborhoods more than an increase in predators.

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Ok, I am 22, but some of this still applies to me. I remember looking forward all week to watching Bugs Bunny and the rest on Saturday morning. I watched Doug, Recess, and Pepper Ann, too. I was homeschooled, so I played outside all the time. I grew up on a farm, so I didn't have to worry about creeps. I had to worry about mountain lions.


I knew what the slide rule was...never actually seen or used one, tho :tongue:


I got a Playstation for my 11th birhtday, and there the resemblance ends. I turned into a die-hard gamer after that. And yes, I text. But I had a penpal or three when I was 9 or so.


So I guess I'm kind of a mix between old school and new school...?

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Sakea-I'm not a die hard gamer but I am a hard core texter....and being in Spain is torture as i don't have international texting :( I could send international but they're sooo expensive. I'm used to texting my boyfriend almost 24/7 and now there have been days where I haven't been able to talk to him at all...it's torture! I would not survive if we were still on snail mail only lol

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our first electronic game:



Pong for Television





Kids got to play under adult supervision only. And none of that 'oh let him wim! he's only 8'. Learning to lose was as much a part of your upbringing as learning that talking back to your elders got you a night in bed with a rumbling belly (and/or a ringing ear).

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I was taught the rules of life via Scrabble.


  1. You play the best you can, even if that means you crush the other player (or they crush you!).
  2. The rules exist for a reason... to be gotten around. If you can convince everyone else playing the game that you're right, then you're right. If you can't, take your Zero and be happy that your turn will come again.
  3. Don't talk back to the older folks playing the game unless you don't want to play anymore.
  4. Don't be mean about it... you're only one person playing against three others. If you pick on someone, the rest of the players will get you.
  5. If someone's learning, let them learn... don't let them win.
  6. There is one, official Scrabble Dictionary. All other dictionaries are not to be considered. :wink:

Simple, no? (That last one doesn't have many real life applications... but it sure matters in a family tournament!)



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