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Question About the DB and Moridin


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When/if Rand is collared, does the same effects of the Dominion Band effect Moridin too exactly the same way? Or, maybe in a different light, If someone gained control of Rand, would they also have control of Moridin?



Does anyone think Rand will get collared again? Or, perhaps another male channeler?



Thanks. Here's a cookie.


Huh. For some reason, I thought this thread was going to be about Gawyn and Moridin.




Maybe the fact that I understand what you are talking about means that I have been spending too much time in none-PG13 forums.

When/if Rand is collared, does the same effects of the Dominion Band effect Moridin too exactly the same way?
I'm pretty sure the sensations of pain do, but I don't think it was sufficient to start controlling Moridin's weaving of saidin or making his body move like a puppet as of TGS. I could be wrong, and also the link may have increased since TGS22.
Does anyone think Rand will get collared again?
Yes, in the circle that will control Callandor.
When/if Rand is collared, does the same effects of the Dominion Band effect Moridin too exactly the same way?
I'm pretty sure the sensations of pain do, but I don't think it was sufficient to start controlling Moridin's weaving of saidin or making his body move like a puppet as of TGS. I could be wrong, and also the link may have increased since TGS22.
Does anyone think Rand will get collared again?
Yes, in the circle that will control Callandor.


I don't consider being part of a circle and not wielding the flows to be the same as being collared. Would you say that Aviendha was collared during the Bowl of Winds circle? Or Nynaeve during the cleansing? Or the novices Egwene linked with in TGS to fight the Seanchan?


I also think that the domination bands are done with now. They served their purpose (and admirably at that) and now the story has moved on. However, in the outriggers with Mat and Tuon in Seanchan, it'd be interesting if the Seanchan had invented domination bands for the no longer mad male channelers in their country(ies).

When/if Rand is collared, does the same effects of the Dominion Band effect Moridin too exactly the same way?
I'm pretty sure the sensations of pain do, but I don't think it was sufficient to start controlling Moridin's weaving of saidin or making his body move like a puppet as of TGS. I could be wrong, and also the link may have increased since TGS22.
Does anyone think Rand will get collared again?
Yes, in the circle that will control Callandor.

Yes. I thought you where the one who had that idea in another thread. I have a hard time believing Rand would do that(be collared I mean) voluntarily as you suggested though.


However, in the outriggers with Mat and Tuon in Seanchan, it'd be interesting if the Seanchan had invented domination bands for the no longer mad male channelers in their country(ies).


They have already made copies of the original. We know that from when Semi was captured, the Seanchan with her had a half a dozen of them IIRC.


However, in the outriggers with Mat and Tuon in Seanchan, it'd be interesting if the Seanchan had invented domination bands for the no longer mad male channelers in their country(ies).


They have already made copies of the original. We know that from when Semi was captured, the Seanchan with her had a half a dozen of them IIRC.


Semirhage had copies made, but that doesn't mean that the Corenne or the Seanchan back home know about them.


In the dream in TGS where Moridin and Rand 'meet', Moridin seems to discover he's connected to Rand. And that was already after the scene Rand was collared, isn't it? So I would say no.


Being in a circle is not the same as being collared, although there are some similarities. The thought does come, though, what happens if a channeler is in a circle (not controlling), and suddenly gets collared?

I don't consider being part of a circle and not wielding the flows to be the same as being collared. Would you say that Aviendha was collared during the Bowl of Winds circle? Or Nynaeve during the cleansing? Or the novices Egwene linked with in TGS to fight the Seanchan?
No, not at all. I'm suggesting that the circle involving Rand and Callandor will literally involve a Domination Band collar and two bracelets, the black cuendillar of which is symbolized in Min's viewing as an onyx fist. Three will become one: a damane, a free female channeler, and a male channeler, mirroring the political alliance that will fight the Last Battle. There are several of Egwene's dreams that come into play, too. It will involve Rand (and Egwene) finally overcoming their PTSD symptoms, and I believe Rand will submit willingly, though he won't like the idea at first.


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