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Have you ever dreamed that you were in T'A'R?


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Last night I dreamed I was in T'A'R. My clothes kept changing, as did the things in the room around me. About halfway into the dream I figured out where I was and teleported to Caemlyn. Then I wandered around until darkfriends attacked and I used my dream-given warder powers to own them. It was the best dream ever.


Has anyone else ever dreamed that they were in T'A'R?


i used to always know when i was dreaming, and i could pretty much control the dream once i realized it was a dream. it got so boring i mostly stopped dreaming, or at least stopped remembering my dreams.


interesting study recently - people who play video games a lot tend to know they're dreaming more often, and to manipulate their dreams more, than people who don't.


makes sense to me - you get used to manipulating your visual world, and it carries over. it doesn't happen as much since i stopped playing so many video games.


so maybe you're playing a lot of video games and reading a lot of WOT?

Last night I dreamed I was in T'A'R. My clothes kept changing, as did the things in the room around me. About halfway into the dream I figured out where I was and teleported to Caemlyn. Then I wandered around until darkfriends attacked and I used my dream-given warder powers to own them. It was the best dream ever.


Has anyone else ever dreamed that they were in T'A'R?

Joking about that first paragraph?

A dream-like state where visitors can get hurt, I doubt that applies to our universe.


interesting study recently - people who play video games a lot tend to know they're dreaming more often, and to manipulate their dreams more, than people who don't.
I play computer games somewhat frequently and I do not manipulate my dreams. And I tended to know whenever I dreamed long before I played any type of video game; even after.
Last night I dreamed I was in T'A'R. My clothes kept changing, as did the things in the room around me. About halfway into the dream I figured out where I was and teleported to Caemlyn. Then I wandered around until darkfriends attacked and I used my dream-given warder powers to own them. It was the best dream ever.


Has anyone else ever dreamed that they were in T'A'R?


Joking about that first paragraph?

A dream-like state where visitors can get hurt, I doubt that applies to our universe.



Nope, that's what I dreamed. I did spend a couple of hours before bed using the WOT encylopedia to read about T'A'R to try and see if any of the Forsaken had ever appeared there and gone unnoticed. I found no evidence that they had.


Yo Dawg, I heard you like dreaming.....


Nope, that's what I dreamed. I did spend a couple of hours before bed using the WOT encylopedia to read about T'A'R to try and see if any of the Forsaken had ever appeared there and gone unnoticed. I found no evidence that they had.


If you mean 'unnoticed by the readers' then I don't think so. If you mean 'unnoticed by others in T'A'R', then I know for sure Demandred did in LOC.

interesting study recently - people who play video games a lot tend to know they're dreaming more often, and to manipulate their dreams more, than people who don't.
I play computer games somewhat frequently and I do not manipulate my dreams. And I tended to know whenever I dreamed long before I played any type of video game; even after.

You do know that just because you are a part of group A (people that play computer games frequently) and that people in group A have a greater tendency to part of group B (people that know when they are dreaming), and a greater tendency to be a part of group C, a subset of group B (the people that maniplate their dreams) - just because you are a part of group A, you, personally, have no greater chance of being in group B or group C, or even a greater chance of being in group C because you are both in A and B. The only interdependency in the stated study findings is that people in group C must be a part of group B. Group B membership is neither dependant on member ship of group A nor on being you.

Thus, what you said, that you are part of groups A and B, but not C, has no bearing on the study's findings, though your reply insinuates that the study has a flaw because you are A and B bot not C.


I once "dreamed" a Wheel of Time theory (a long time ago...I think I posted it on wotmania). It's fairly common for me to think up things in my sleep and bolt awake though.


I've woken up from dreams within dreams. I've flown across the rooftops of London. I've understood that I was in a dream and seen the world unfold. But I've never been there.


If you mean 'unnoticed by the readers' then I don't think so. If you mean 'unnoticed by others in T'A'R', then I know for sure Demandred did in LOC.


Yeah, it seems like nothing goes unnoticed by the readers.


i don't want to post the outside link, but if you google "study video games dreaming" it's the first hit. i think it's livescience, but i'm sure it was all over the internet a couple, three weeks ago-ish.


Dreamed that only while awake. :tongue:

I almost never remember my dreams and even when I do so I forget them very quickly. There's just one dream I've remembered a longer time (as far as I still remember), but that was some kind of nightmare, which is quite difficult to explain.

i dn't want to follow outside links, either. . . sorry. . . so i'll have to say RAFO :)
Only way for me to "find out" is if someone confirms or corrects.

No, I've never dreamt myself into t'a'r... but wot certainly does infect me in other ways:


Today I was absolutely CERTAIN that 'The Wind that Shakes the Willow' was a real song. Had to check the web to make sure... :)

i dn't want to follow outside links, either. . . sorry. . . so i'll have to say RAFO :)
Only way for me to "find out" is if someone confirms or corrects.


i'm not sure what you're asking. if you're interested in the study, you can google it, and read it. if you get a hit on a study linking lucid dreaming to video games, it's probably the right one, because i don't think they've published another yet. as i said, you can read it and find out whatever it is you're looking for. good luck.


(erm, i've tried to edit my post to make it sound less snotty, because i don't mean to be; i shouldn't have posted from work :( )


I haven't dreamt of being in T'A'R but I do have what I call true dreams likeEgwene. There is a meditation method, that allows for astral trvael which is very comparable to dreamwalking....ad I have done that too. It is very comparable indeed.


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