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Festival of Lights: Day of Dancing!

charis sedai

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Well we may not get too many opportunities like this while we’re novices, so I think we should enjoy it! :D *whispers* I have a dress in my room that just ought to fit you if you want. ;)


There will be plenty of work to do later cleaning up I’m sure. :D


*waves happily to her mentor* Thanks Limi Sedai! :D


*looks around to see if anyone is in need of a dance partner*

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LIMI!! hahaha, I do not think I have ever had the pleasure of a dance with you! A shame that. We started here nearly the same time didn't we? I never had the chance to say thank you to you for that. Even though we were newbs together you made me feel comfortable here. So, thank you very much. Amazing how much this place grows on ya right? And I've only been in the White Tower! lol You're all over the place right? How has Al Jenn been? DOn't see much of him really. Hope all is well with you two.

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LIMI!! hahaha, I do not think I have ever had the pleasure of a dance with you! A shame that. We started here nearly the same time didn't we? I never had the chance to say thank you to you for that. Even though we were newbs together you made me feel comfortable here. So, thank you very much. Amazing how much this place grows on ya right? And I've only been in the White Tower! lol You're all over the place right? How has Al Jenn been? DOn't see much of him really. Hope all is well with you two.


*laughs as Lessa pulls away and smiles at her sister's warder* I was here a bit before you came back, however you have been a member a lot longer than I ^^ And I am all over the place, the BT, I am a faction leader there, I am at SG as a Shadowspawn, and here as Banner General ^^ That is more than enough to keep me occupied. And he is good, been very very busy with both of us getting our household set up and ready and him working full time on top of that. :)

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That is so cool! How is the house?! I would be so excited. What's the city like where you're livin'? I can't even imagine what Cali is like lol. My GF's Uncle and Cousin live out there. Half the year her Uncle is snowed in. Well, there's SOME exageration there lol. He lives up in some mountainous area. I can't recall the name.

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*twirls and spins with Millon* The house is amazing! We are so lucky!! ^^ And I don't eve know where he is to even get snow unless he lives in the mountains up north of us. We have a place called Squaw valley that gets a lot of snow ^^ We personally live in Vacaville which is about 30 minutes from Sacramento.

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You guys buying or renting? I can't wait until Amanda and I have enough saved to buy a house. We already know the area we want to go to but it will be A WHILE in coming lol. Hell, we don't even have a car yet lol. So, yeah, a house is down a little ways. I need to start saving for a ring myself *winks* Yeah, this year is goin to be bad ASS! lol

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