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Rand's Newfound Ability/Power


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I like more an more the thought that somehow Rand is just using pure Light (like what was at the Eye of the World as many have already said).
Well, one person said that anyway. The Eye was saidin. Nothing more, nothing less.

That was me. If Eye was just saidin then Rand somehow transformrd it to Light. Because he was filled with Light and He was wielding Light. And creator spoke to him. I did not propose this before because the other theory seemed more logical. But whatever way you try to reason, there is no doubt that whatever he was wielding was Light. And that is what he has to put before the maw of darkness to throw the DO out of pattern into his prison.

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Good discussion. I also like what was brought up about all existence vs. DO. Surely he will win in one existence some day??


I believe this is the whole reason Moridin is on the DO's team...sees the futility in fighting the inevitable.


The problem I have with Rand's effect being ta'avern is that neither Mat or Perrin effect the Pattern this way.


The Dragon was remade and he is something greater than he was in AoL.


Perrin doesn't routinely make dice throws at one-in-an-octillion odds (literally; that's the odds of throws he makes in TDR) like Mat does, either. Ta'veren manifests differently for each of them.


The problem I have with Rand's effect being ta'avern is that neither Mat or Perrin effect the Pattern this way.


The Dragon was remade and he is something greater than he was in AoL.

Why do you think New Rand is greater than LTT in any other aspect other than character strength? (In character strength new Rand is definitely better than even LTT)


The problem I have with Rand's effect being ta'avern is that neither Mat or Perrin effect the Pattern this way.


The Dragon was remade and he is something greater than he was in AoL.


Rand makes plants grow and he keeps food from being spoiled. Perrin does that too, he comments that food doesn't spoil if you keep it right. But none the less, he is the only one with unspoiled food between Seanchan and Andor (where Mat is). I guess it is his ta'veren effect too.


I asked him about Aginor getting younger at the end of The Eye of the World, and he said 'no, he doesn't get younger, he dies'. So I actually looked up the reference and read it to him. He said 'oh, that,' and then went on to explain that it is actually the True Power, not the saidin from the Eye, that rejuvenates him. He did describe the saidin in the Eye as a 'mother-load', however, I didn't think to ask him what he meant by that until I was in the car going home. I instead asked him whether the True Power was the source of the Forsaken's immortality. He said: yes.



Hmmm so Aginor was wielding the TP, but its what Aginor was channeling that Rand stole from him and used to drain the eye, was the eye somehow the essence of the TP and not of saidin. If it is the TP, it might be possible that what you can channel is always that strength when using the TP, although it says he called the saidin in the eye a 'mother-load', so perhaps not, or could Aginor have been channeling saidin and the tp at the same time. With the eye being Saidin perhaps you can channel from it at your full potential even if normally its too much for you because it bypasses the sorta filter between you and the source.


I think that you should re read TSR (book 4) and pay extra atention to after the darkhound atack, try and find this Quote from lanfear

".......stonger, that a man can use..." (im quoting from memory so it may be a bit difrent but thats what i think it is)

it could explain rands Newfound Power


I think that you should re read TSR (book 4) and pay extra atention to after the darkhound atack, try and find this Quote from lanfear

".......stonger, that a man can use..." (im quoting from memory so it may be a bit difrent but thats what i think it is)

it could explain rands Newfound Power


Yes there is another Sa Angreal but its unlikely Rand would gain it, throw the old one away to just take a different one, sure not as strong as the choedan kal but its also not mentioned in the prophecy, only Calandor is. Angreal appear to be different, probably because they are weaker but sa angreal appear to need to be larger to be able to give more power, I suppose the same would be for angreal but they are always made bigger than they need to be for their power. Anyway assuming this is what happens a Sa Angreal greater than Calandor would need to be larger than Calandor. Even the rod in the white tower is not small and its not a really strong Sa Angreal Anything near that sort of size would be noticed if Rand had it, he was noted always wearing the sword but not anything else.

  • 2 weeks later...

Based on Brandon Sanderson's recent comments about an "easter egg" in tEotW prologue (see more in my post here), I think it is more likely that there is nothing "different" or "special" about Rand's newfound abilities, but rather he now has all of Lews Therin's memories/skills/experience perfectly in his mind, and so he is now a channeler with hundreds of years experience AND the most powerful ta'veren ever.


However, it is interesting to note that Rand also may still have access to the TP. I'm more and more convinced that his newfound abilities are just extra special skills and experience with the OP AND ta'veren combined.


Rand can't be the Creator incarnate, as cool as that might be. Isn't it the Creator that says in tEotW that he'll take no part and the Chosen One must take up the burden? It's sometime around the fight with Aginor/Ishamael. As far as I know, entire sentences constructed of capital letters has only been used for the DO, so I'll go ahead and assume that it's RJ's way of giving the reader a sense that this voice is Earth-shaking enough to warrant capital-spam.


I think that there are to possable answers for Rands 'super powers'. One it is a manifestation of all of his previous abilities, ie. being able to 'sence' darkfriends, chanalling etc. that we have seen before. The diffrence being that they are only now being fully realized after his epiphany.

Either that or he is now the Chuck Norris of WoT and logic is usless. All we can do now is bow to the awesome.

Kinda like bella, except with more roundhouse action.


The powers that he achieved are not his personally. Rand has been slowly dying since a long time now, being consumed by a greater more noble spirit born into his body which served as a vassal. Like a parasite eating him up from the inside it slowly started taking control of the body. First by flashing memories of a previous life, then by actually manifesting itself as a separate entity, then also at times assuming complete control over the body until finally now the merge is complete. Nynaeve saw it when she delved into Rand, the presence that was completely engulfing his brain and protecting it from the barbs of corruption.


Because the transformation process is finally complete, the Dragon can now sieve and pull on all the powers that were before held down by the dominance of a simpleton farmboy soul.


Yes, Rand can see souls. Siuan's closest friends (such as they were) didn't recognize her after her stilling, but Rand did without any problems. Add that to his Darkfriend-O-Vision, and he can clearly see and recognize souls.


As for the how and where it comes from, that's pure speculation at this point. Maybe AMOL will clear it up.



Edit: It occurred to me that Rand was eavesdropping in TAR when Siuan made the map to Salidar, but even Egwene didn't recognize Siuan at that point, and she was far more familiar with her than Rand was. Unless Min gave him a full recap with complete description of how different Siuan looks, he had to have recognized her by her soul.


The powers that he achieved are not his personally. Rand has been slowly dying since a long time now, being consumed by a greater more noble spirit born into his body which served as a vassal. Like a parasite eating him up from the inside it slowly started taking control of the body. First by flashing memories of a previous life, then by actually manifesting itself as a separate entity, then also at times assuming complete control over the body until finally now the merge is complete. Nynaeve saw it when she delved into Rand, the presence that was completely engulfing his brain and protecting it from the barbs of corruption.


Because the transformation process is finally complete, the Dragon can now sieve and pull on all the powers that were before held down by the dominance of a simpleton farmboy soul.


Yes. Rand is dead and buried. This is why The Dragon fell on his knees crying in front of Rand's father for what he almost did. Oh wait...


The powers that he achieved are not his personally. Rand has been slowly dying since a long time now, being consumed by a greater more noble spirit born into his body which served as a vassal. Like a parasite eating him up from the inside it slowly started taking control of the body. First by flashing memories of a previous life, then by actually manifesting itself as a separate entity, then also at times assuming complete control over the body until finally now the merge is complete. Nynaeve saw it when she delved into Rand, the presence that was completely engulfing his brain and protecting it from the barbs of corruption.


Because the transformation process is finally complete, the Dragon can now sieve and pull on all the powers that were before held down by the dominance of a simpleton farmboy soul.


Yes. Rand is dead and buried. This is why The Dragon fell on his knees crying in front of Rand's father for what he almost did. Oh wait...



If you had actually read my post you would have quite possibly noticed what you're saying does not contradict anything.


The powers that he achieved are not his personally. Rand has been slowly dying since a long time now, being consumed by a greater more noble spirit born into his body which served as a vassal. Like a parasite eating him up from the inside it slowly started taking control of the body. First by flashing memories of a previous life, then by actually manifesting itself as a separate entity, then also at times assuming complete control over the body until finally now the merge is complete. Nynaeve saw it when she delved into Rand, the presence that was completely engulfing his brain and protecting it from the barbs of corruption.


Because the transformation process is finally complete, the Dragon can now sieve and pull on all the powers that were before held down by the dominance of a simpleton farmboy soul.

I suspect that the light protecting his mind from the madness was not some sort of being for whom Rand has become a vessel. I think it more likely that the Creator is extending a hand just as the Dark One extends a hand; and that hand is protecting his champion, the dragon.

The light of the creator protects Rand from the madness left behind from the DO's taint. Remember that Rand could've worked for either the DO OR the Creator, therefore he is open to BOTH of their influences upon him; and has been.


The powers that he achieved are not his personally. Rand has been slowly dying since a long time now, being consumed by a greater more noble spirit born into his body which served as a vassal. Like a parasite eating him up from the inside it slowly started taking control of the body. First by flashing memories of a previous life, then by actually manifesting itself as a separate entity, then also at times assuming complete control over the body until finally now the merge is complete. Nynaeve saw it when she delved into Rand, the presence that was completely engulfing his brain and protecting it from the barbs of corruption.


Because the transformation process is finally complete, the Dragon can now sieve and pull on all the powers that were before held down by the dominance of a simpleton farmboy soul.

I suspect that the light protecting his mind from the madness was not some sort of being for whom Rand has become a vessel. I think it more likely that the Creator is extending a hand just as the Dark One extends a hand; and that hand is protecting his champion, the dragon.

The light of the creator protects Rand from the madness left behind from the DO's taint. Remember that Rand could've worked for either the DO OR the Creator, therefore he is open to BOTH of their influences upon him; and has been.



The Creator never directly interferes into the affairs of the world. Why would he now?


The Creator never directly interferes into the affairs of the world. Why would he now?

What FarShainMael said; but also, you're trying to personify the creator here, whereas it's probably more true to see Light and Dark as two opposing forces that exist outside the pattern, but that can extend their influence into it.


Rand represents the pattern now; the Creator does not. However, the Creator probably has some sort of interest in it remaining, seeing as it wove it in the first place.


To explain: the shadow would win if Rand decided to help it destroy the pattern. The light would win if Rand decided to properly seal away the shadow.


Lastly, this is a metaphor that we can all realte to: invite positivity in and life is great. Invite negativity and we become destroyed.


I've also always thought that the people in Randland are wrong when they say "The Creator never interferes or helps." OF course they believe that, but it doesn't make it true. RJ was all about showing us how thousands of years of myth and legend cause "truth" to be distorted. Understanding and generally accepted ideas does not make any of those ideas TRUE. In Randland, maybe the Creator does help. He talked to Rand, IMO, at the Eye.


Anyway, I like the thought that the Creator is now "blessing" the OP to counter-balance the taint by the DO. I also like that someone noticed how easily Rand could tell Siuan was Siuan way back when; just like I've also argued that he knew immediately that Kadere et al. were evil in tSR. Rand's abilities to "sense threads" in the Pattern is only working at its maximum levels now that Rand has fully integrated with Lews Therin.


My belief is that Rand (and Lews Therin before him... and possibly all the powerful channelers of the AoL including Forsaken) have/had the ability to "sense threads" of the Pattern. This is why Lews Therin knew there was nobody around him for leagues in the prologue of tEotW, and this is why Rand can "see souls" and such. I wonder if he'll teach this to people like Nynaeve or Egwene or Logain?


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