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A Memory of Light Speculation


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  On 11/19/2010 at 9:14 PM, Lancer said:

Tom you forgot to say this is the part when the Smurfs show up and they reveal to all that THEY the SMURFS are the Real Power of the "Power" It is from their urine or tears or something that fuels Siadin/Saidar and that like Midiclorians they actually are the "True Power"! The DO is actually Gargamel!! And the Choosen are actually revealed as Snorks! Well that or Fraggles!


Well, that would explain the epilogue to MoL that leaked out onto the internet:



The smurfing smurf smurf smurfed the smurfers from the town of Smurf and the smurf-smurf smurfy then went and smurfed a smurfing smurf.


The End.


It hadn't made a lot of sense until I read your post.

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  On 11/18/2010 at 10:52 PM, Majsju said:

Fields of Merrilor: The meeting is interrupted when a messenger arrives by gateway, saying that Caemlyn is under attack. Most of the forces decide that fighting is more important than squabbling, and Travels there to join the fun. Rand agrees to wait with smashing the seals, since he still does not have a clue what he is actually supposed to do once he does that.



Except Egwene, who is forbidden by the rest of the Aes Sedai to go, since in their minds, the Amyrlin can not be allowed to expose herself to danger. A furious Egwene is escorted back to the White Tower by a small group of Aes Sedai, and the rest of the sisters head to Caemlyn. Ironically, next time we see Egwene she is in a lot more danger than Caemlyn would have been, when the Seanchan attack begins. Egwene is saved by Egeanin, as per her dream. Mat, Moiraine and Thom arrives, and Mat gets the Horn of valere. much hilarity when he blows it, and the Seanchan collectively poop their pants when Arthur Hawkwing starts laying the smackdown on them.


The forces of the Light arrive in Caemlyn, but too late to save the city, which is mostly destroyed.


Logain arrives at the BT, and Pevara seeks him out to talk about what is going on. Taim decides that the game is over, and orders the attack on them, and everyone still loyal to Logain or Pevara. The WT delegation outside joins Logain, ending with both sides withdrawing with huge casualties.


Lan scrubs his knee when he kills his 800th trolloc of the day.







In Caemlyn, the WT and outside BT people are trying to asses the situation. In bou dar, Tuon is quite shocked when she hears about what mat has been up to in the WT.

Elsewhere, Rand is working with Min and Cadsuane in order to try to figure out what he is actually supposed to do. Through the ta'veren-link, he sees that Mat is in the WT, talking to Egwene and...Gasp! Is that Moiraine? Impossible! He travels to the WT to figure out what the hell is going on, and we get the most emotional reunion in the series. Moiraine indicates that she has extremely important information for Rand, but Rand, having just learned about Mats connection to Tuon says that it can wait. the three of them (and some maidens) travel to Ebou dar, for a new meeting with Tuon. Rand convinces Tuon to ally Seanchan with him, by giving her Justice, and a promise that he will do everything he can to keep the other nations from going to war with the seanchan after TG. Mat obviously helps out quite a bit. Afterwards, Tuon asks Mat to stay, but he insists on Rand taking him to the Band. Having left Mat with the Band, Rand and Moiraine takes off to have a long talk.


Nynaeve feels Lan being mortally wounded through the warder bond, and Travels all over the place to gather anyone still able to stand up, and takes everyone to Shienar. She is too late to save Lan, but they arrive just in time to see the Shadow throwing everything it has out of the Blight, including those beasties that even worms feared. The Light is seriously outnumbered, but prepares to make a stand anyway.


Mat sends a messenger to Ebou Dar, hoping to get them as reinforcements. Unfortunatly, Ebou Dar is under siege, by an army led by Demandred. Mat takes the Band and some Dragons to strike Demandreds force from behind. He gets his first forsaken-kill when he takes out Demandred, but is seriously wounded. Seeing mat dying makes Tuon snap, and she decides to channel, learning the warder bond from one of the Aes Sedai damane...


Shienar is in total chaos, and the Light is losing. Perrin has gathered thousands of wolves to help.



  On 11/18/2010 at 5:50 PM, Sid said:

Taim is Moridin's right hand man and has been for years.


First time I read that, I thought it said, 'Tam', not 'Taim'. Slight difference... :biggrin:

  On 11/19/2010 at 8:45 PM, Tom Sawyer said:

Rand shows up at Shayol Ghul with Callandor. Fain's waiting for him there and decides that he likes Callandor better than his dagger because it seems to be more precious and he's due a birthday present anyways. He bites off Rand's other hand and grabs Callandor, but then, while he's dancing around in celebration, he accidentally trips and falls into the Pit of Doom. Rand had just broken the seals before this and the DO is manifesting in a physical form in order to destroy the world and he gets stabbed in the face by Callandor as it's falling down and dies.


At that point, lava's exploding everywhere and all the heroes are about to die, but then they get saved by a bunch of giant eagles who weren't in the story before that and then just showed up at the end for no reason.



I vote for this.

  On 11/19/2010 at 8:45 PM, Tom Sawyer said:

Rand shows up at Shayol Ghul with Callandor. Fain's waiting for him there and decides that he likes Callandor better than his dagger because it seems to be more precious and he's due a birthday present anyways. He bites off Rand's other hand and grabs Callandor, but then, while he's dancing around in celebration, he accidentally trips and falls into the Pit of Doom. Rand had just broken the seals before this and the DO is manifesting in a physical form in order to destroy the world and he gets stabbed in the face by Callandor as it's falling down and dies.


At that point, lava's exploding everywhere and all the heroes are about to die, but then they get saved by a bunch of giant eagles who weren't in the story before that and then just showed up at the end for no reason.


Have you ever read the Lord of the Rings?

  On 11/20/2010 at 8:41 AM, smileyman said:
  On 11/19/2010 at 8:45 PM, Tom Sawyer said:

Rand shows up at Shayol Ghul with Callandor. Fain's waiting for him there and decides that he likes Callandor better than his dagger because it seems to be more precious and he's due a birthday present anyways. He bites off Rand's other hand and grabs Callandor, but then, while he's dancing around in celebration, he accidentally trips and falls into the Pit of Doom. Rand had just broken the seals before this and the DO is manifesting in a physical form in order to destroy the world and he gets stabbed in the face by Callandor as it's falling down and dies.


At that point, lava's exploding everywhere and all the heroes are about to die, but then they get saved by a bunch of giant eagles who weren't in the story before that and then just showed up at the end for no reason.


Have you ever read the Lord of the Rings?


I cracked up laughing when I read this.


Hi guys. Spotted this on Brandon's twitter.


Some dude: "...Will we see more from Shara or the Land of Madmen?"


Brandon: RJ said there would be no major action in Shara. He was uncertain on Madmen




...Hmm? Uncertain? Very nice dodge of the "No" response expected. A very Aes Sedai answer. Two points: ONE, as a writer, he would have read the entirety of the notes RJ left in order to write the two books he has already, and would have read if the action heads to the land of madmen or not. TWO: Having read these notes, even if he is uncertain of the specific plot details, he would remember if the story had a section set on -ANOTHER CONTINENT ENTIRELY UNREVEALED BY NOW-


Speculation: There is -a- plot detail, minor or major, that could be resolved by either intervention from the Land of Madmen, or by action on the continent itself. Given the above two points, by Brandon saying he is uncertain if RJ sent the story there or not, it really means he is uncertain if HE will be able to fit or otherwise include material already jotted down about the LoM. He has said everything RJ has written will be included, but I take this to prose he has written, not things like (for example) Demandreds army is from the Land of Madmen. It would be up to Brandon to decide to write a scene in the Land of Madmen with him collecting his army, or for the army to appear on the main continent assumed to have gotten there previously.




Also, earier, someone mentioned a big old list of predictions for AMOL, including the little word in edgewise intoning that if every plot point got a chapter, it would be an insanely large or two parter book.



Hows this fit in then:


Some Other Dude: ...RE: AMoL, I hope there will be tonnes more Tuon/Seanchan?


Brandon: There will be more than ToM.



...how much was in ToM? Half a chapter?





Dude the Third: Will AMoL be centred on Mat? Rand had tGS and Perrin had ToM


Brandon: It will be pretty equal


Interesting. Shame for the Mat lovers though.









I'm thinking the ending will be something along the lines of this...


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind settled. The wind was not the ending. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was an ending.


or this...


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.


So we'll have either the end of the Third Age or the beginning of the Fourth age as the conclusion to the series.


Outside of that I'm thinking Alivia will somehow help Rand die in his current form and he will take over the body of Moridin, probably through some sort of True Source transferance.


I'm also thinking Tam, Rand (in his current form), Lan, Dyelin, Davram Bashere, Rhuarc and Cadsuane will all pay the ultimate price.


Also, I'd venture that the Creators Champions will actually be well on their way to losing but Padan Fain will inadvertantly pitch the war in favor of the Light.


Wow... Some really long and in depth posts here. Didn't read all of them but here are my thoughts on a few that caught my eye.... In case anybody cares.


  On 11/18/2010 at 3:20 PM, Wiegrief said:

Reuniting - Rand reuniting with Mat (maybe linked to Seanchan alliance) and more importantly Moiraine.


I agree this will be a significant moment in the final book.



Lanfear arc - I think Lanfears 3 demands from the Flinns revolve around Lews Therins love or on revenge on him. We know that she is now in his dreams and he may pity her or try and save her. "No one has been in the shadow so long as they cannot return to the light"


OOH! I like this... I would also like to see Moridin turned away from the shadow since he was shown to not really be "evil" in the traditional sense but he just joined the Shadow because he had given up hope



Black Tower - There is the lead up to the fight in the Black Tower. Finally figure out if Taim is evil and what happened to Logain. Logain will probably reappear and be the protagonist for this arc.


I think it's been made overly clear that Taim is a servant of the DO of some kind. I agree about Logain though.



The Last Battle - open to speculation, but I imagine Rand will not be the major aggressor he will protect everyone from the Dark One.


I don't think Rand will take place in the LB itself at all. He will be busy dealing with the DO and sealing the bore. Everybody else will be fighting in Tarmon Gai'don.


  On 11/18/2010 at 3:51 PM, Orderofolde said:

Here's my prediction: AMOL will be a 2-Part book. There's way too much stuff that needs to happen still, so unless it's going to be more rushed than ToM, it's going to be a 2-part release. That, or way thicker than ToM. I mean...the last battle...so yah, a 2-part. Otherwise the Last Battle will be something brief like Lan's POV or the ToG rescue.


They've more or less committed to the three book finish. AMoL will be the last book. And BS has said that the last three (tGS, ToM, AMoL) will be roughly the same in length. The pace of the narrative will be rushed out of necessity. Climaxes are always (most of the time) frantic with a million things happening at once. And many of the resolutions you mentioned (i.e. Cairhien, Elayne giving birth, etc.) will likely be addressed briefly in the epilogue. But if my prediction is correct then all that is moot anyway (see end of post).


  On 11/18/2010 at 4:19 PM, Hopefire said:

-The meeting occurs. Rand kneels before Tuon and says that he'll serve the Crystal Throne... because his purpose is to be the Servant of All, not just the Crystal Throne but everyone who is, was or who will be.


I like this Aes Sedai like way of getting around it. He vows to serve them but then he serves them the way he sees best and doesn't pander to the CT.


  On 11/18/2010 at 10:42 PM, Cyf said:

I think Callandor is a True Power sa'angreal, not by design but nevertheless. In his link with the girls, Rand will be a conduit for the Dark One, and basically 'channel his entire being' out of the Pattern through the Bore. Remember, Jordan said the One Power is not infinite, but replenishes, thus how Rand could cleanse all of Saidin like he did.


Basically he channels the Dark One out of the Pattern, and his and Mat and Perrin's presence reseals the bore.


I definitely like the theory that Callandor can be a conduit for TP. But the DO exists outside of and independent of the Pattern, doesn't he? He can't be "channeled out" of it.


  On 11/18/2010 at 11:40 PM, gladforgrace said:

My theory is that Rand's proclamation to the whole world that he is going to break the seals is a ruse just to get them to unite for something, even if it against him, for the moment.


'He will break what must be broken" refers to Callandor and not the seals. He will break them at the right time, but it is in the breaking of Callandor that the Dark One will be defeated, perhaps when he himself indwells the sword through the flaw inside of it.


My hunch is that Callandor has a much bigger role to play than just a suped up sa'angrael at the Last Battle. The Dark One will guess that that is what Rand will try and will make himself present in the flaw within the sword, waiting for Rand and two of the most powerful women to use the sword, and then either take them captive, turn them to the dark, or destroy them. Likely one of the second two options. However, when the Dark One tries this, Rand will break Callandor and temporarily cast the Dark One from the pattern. This will set the stage for the seed-singing closure of the bore.


Once again, the Dark One exists OUTSIDE of the Pattern. "Remove his touch from the Pattern" may be what you're trying to say? And I have serious doubts about "singing" the bore closed unless it happens to be a plant.


  On 11/18/2010 at 11:35 PM, Wolf505 said:

I suspect Fain will in some way be used to seal the bore. Think about it. Flinn uses the wound from the Shadar Logoth dagger to counteract the effects of the shadow inflicted wound, then Rand uses the evil of Shadar Logoth to cleanse the taint from Saidin. I'm guessing that's all just foreshadowing. I think somehow when the new seal is made, Rand will somehow seal Fain in with the Dark One and the two evils will be locked in combat together for eternity, unable to effect the outside world.


I can see Fain having something to do with sealing the bore but I don't think it's likely as Rand seems to already have a plan and he wouldn't count on Fain to be there or be easily controlled. Also, I was under the impression Rand still had his wounds... Or did I miss something?


  On 11/19/2010 at 7:34 PM, dwn said:

We see the Seanchan foiled in their attack the White Tower, the Black Tower cleansed, Caemlyn wounded but not killed, the Malkieri suffer heavy losses, but hang on till help arrives. There is a long, drawn-out argument/debate at the Field of Merrilor (reminiscent of the council at Rivendell), but Rand, after a teary reunion with Moiraine, sways everyone to his cause. Rand, Mat and Perrin Travel to Shayol Ghul, each smashes a seal...


...and the series ends mid-sentence when the Dark One unravels the pattern.


-- dwn


Not sure if this was meant to be satirical but it's eerily similar to a theory I have.


  On 11/20/2010 at 4:25 PM, Fable said:

I'm thinking the ending will be something along the lines of this...


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind settled. The wind was not the ending. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was an ending.


or this...


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.


It would be really cool to see the series end with the same words that were immortalized by Jordan in the first book BUT........




MY prediction (I'm not going to even try to write down all my guesses about every plot line... I'd be here all day) is just about the ending like the one directly above. I think the Dark One will break free from the bore somehow during the sealing and obliterate the Pattern. Then the series will end with the Creator somehow reforging the WoT and imprisoning Shai'tan again. Something like:


The Wheel is reforged. And Time begins anew.



Anyway... That's my only solid prediction. Peace!


This is my first post. It is about the Seanchan profecy of Rand kneeling before Crystal Throne.

I think Crystal Throne is a binding chair.


"Of course," Caddar went on, "if you mean some other man—There is a thing called a binding chair.

Binding people who cannot channel is more difficult than binding those who can. Perhaps a binding chair

survived the Breaking, but you will have to wait while I find it."




The Empress surely

would want al'Thor sent to her, so she could see what sort of man served her. There would be no difficulty with

al'Thor once he had knelt to her. Few easily shook off the awe they felt, kneeling before the Crystal Throne,


I also think that is why ishy changed the profecy to make TDR kneel before Crystal Throne. Probably Demandred or even Morridin himself overtook the throne?


All will appear lost until Bela shows up, kicks the Dark One in the chest and flings him back into the Bore, allowing Rand to seal it up.


Oh, and there will be a breeze.


First I have absolutely no idea how this last book will be finished in one volume. As much as I would love for it to be two or three more books, remember ALL three were originally intended to be one book. So unfortunately for us a lot of what has been discussed will not happen, just not enough time. I'm afraid we might all be disappointed in the loose ends that were not tied up.


Here's my prediction - The battle at the end will destroy all powers - True Power, Saidin, Saidar... this has happened in a lot of series past.... This age will be the last age and all will become similar to our current age - technology not magic will rule. I don't think we'll have any other major surprises, deaths, etc...


And while I'm at it I know it's been said this is not correct even by RJ himself, but Taim is Demandred.


I thought it was good book, it flowed well. Let's see Memory of Light Speculation....

There is a lot to think about.


I think Demeodred(spelling) is going to release his army of Ashman from the Black Tower.


Perrin will save Rand in the dream world and have to destroy the dream spike at the Black Tower and confront one of the Forsaken or Mazrim Taim(spelling) or Moridin will almost kill him.


Mat will run into Tuon during the attack at the white tower when he goes to get the horn.

Mat will get Tuon to reveal she can channel or something will happen with that that will bring the Seanchan to there knees but get them to fight too. Or Rand will do this. Egwean's Dream of Rand cutting the ropes.


The armies will be ready for the last battle but the shadow will attack many of the cities while they are there.


Rand will be caught up with trying to save Lanfear, which could be a trap or could be real, as the Main battle is going on.


Pain will attack the Dark One after Rand Breaks the Seals, or Rand will run into Pain as he uses Calandor.


Rand won't fight the dark one he will be fighting Moridin.(Spelling)


Moraine will be revealing something to Rand that will change his mind on something to do with the last battle, something he has to do, or something about his link with the Forsaken.


I don't think the good guys will really win to easly.


I think Rand will die. and his fight will be like in Book 2.


Matt will Blow the Horn and Noel will be there with all the Heros.


Lan will be saved by Rand with an army (Rand won't be there though)


Avendiva will see Rand and again.


the Armies at the gathering place for Rand will be the ones that survive when the Shadow attacks multiple places like Caharien.


I could think of more but my spelling of Character names sucks.


who knows what will happen till we actually read the last book in early 2012.

  On 11/22/2010 at 3:32 AM, roostr19 said:

First I have absolutely no idea how this last book will be finished in one volume. As much as I would love for it to be two or three more books, remember ALL three were originally intended to be one book. So unfortunately for us a lot of what has been discussed will not happen, just not enough time. I'm afraid we might all be disappointed in the loose ends that were not tied up.


Here's my prediction - The battle at the end will destroy all powers - True Power, Saidin, Saidar... this has happened in a lot of series past.... This age will be the last age and all will become similar to our current age - technology not magic will rule. I don't think we'll have any other major surprises, deaths, etc...


And while I'm at it I know it's been said this is not correct even by RJ himself, but Taim is Demandred.

Ummm.... No.


The One Power is linked to the WoT. To destroy it you would have to destroy the Wheel which, in turn, would destroy existence. At least that's my take on things. I just think its a pretty ridiculous theory. How would all the channeling sources be destroyed? The True Source is supposed to be self-sustaining. It will replenish itself if used up which is improbable anyway. I don't understand where the basis for this prediction is.


Also, you mentioned that you think many of the plot lines won't be resolved in aMoL. I agree. They will either be abruptly cut off or they were originally intended by RJ to be resolved in spin-off novels which will most likely never be written now.


[Originally posted on another thread but seems to fit better here]


I just ran across this:

Tamyrlin: Is Lanfear the only surviving person that is aware of how the Bore was created?

Maria: I don’t know. Mesaana or Demandred might know.

Now I'm wondering: In order to un-make the bore, will Rand need to know how it was created?


In other words, will he need Cyndane's cooperation and assistance to win the Last Battle?

  On 11/22/2010 at 5:04 AM, Kestrel said:

[Originally posted on another thread but seems to fit better here]


I just ran across this:

Tamyrlin: Is Lanfear the only surviving person that is aware of how the Bore was created?

Maria: I don’t know. Mesaana or Demandred might know.

Now I'm wondering: In order to un-make the bore, will Rand need to know how it was created?


In other words, will he need Cyndane's cooperation and assistance to win the Last Battle?


On the other hand, her flippancy at revealing this information (and not knowing whether Cyndane was the only person to recall the making of the Bore) suggests that it's not important.

  On 11/22/2010 at 5:04 AM, Kestrel said:

[Originally posted on another thread but seems to fit better here]


I just ran across this:

Tamyrlin: Is Lanfear the only surviving person that is aware of how the Bore was created?

Maria: I don’t know. Mesaana or Demandred might know.

Now I'm wondering: In order to un-make the bore, will Rand need to know how it was created?


In other words, will he need Cyndane's cooperation and assistance to win the Last Battle?


I think he already knows, he has all the memories of LTT. If LTT himself wasn´t involved in the making of the bore, he would have gotten that knowledge by surviving member of that party. And Rand himself at least has seen what happened during his visions in Rhuidean.


But Rand isn´t going to seal the bore as LTT did, he wants to build a new prison for the DO, sealed all around, no bore at all. `Clear away the rubble and build anew´ if I renember correctly.

  On 11/22/2010 at 6:46 AM, Cornelia said:

I think he already knows, he has all the memories of LTT. If LTT himself wasn´t involved in the making of the bore, he would have gotten that knowledge by surviving member of that party. And Rand himself at least has seen what happened during his visions in Rhuidean.


But Rand isn´t going to seal the bore as LTT did, he wants to build a new prison for the DO, sealed all around, no bore at all. `Clear away the rubble and build anew´ if I renember correctly.

That's what I'm trying to get at. He'll break the seals, yes. Breaking the seals will be "easy" - because he made the seals he knows how to un-make them.


Un-making the bore itself may be another matter entirely. Rand didn't participate in the making of the bore. So in order to un-make the bore with any amount of speed (before the Dark One punches through) Rand may require the assistance of someone else who DID participate in the making, i.e., Meirin, aka Lanfear/Cyndane.


Look at this dream from Egwin.


ACOS (Ch10)

She stood before an immense wall, clawing at it, trying to tear it down with her bare hands. It was not made of brick or stone, but countless thousands of discs, each half white and half black, the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai, like the seven seals that had once held the DO's prison shut...the wall stood strong however she beat at it. She could not tear it down. Maybe it was the symbol that was important. Maybe it was the AS she was trying to tear down, the White Tower. Maybe....


Now look at this.

The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign. The seas rage, and stormclouds gather unseen. Beyond the horizon, hidden fires swell, and serpents nestle in the bosom. What was exalted is cast down; what was cast down is raised up. Order burns to clear his path.


And the Jendai Profecy.

The White Tower shall be broken by his name, and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with their hair.


My speculation is in Fields of Merilor Rand is going to teach them to be truely AS, i.e, servant of all.


Another speculation.

Fields of Merilor is where Paasan Diren was. Especially the hall of servants. Rand is going to show them what Light is and he is the only wielder of it.

Refer TEoTW. IMO Light is the essence of True Source. And only Rand can handle it without getting burned. AS already take oath to follow Light and therefore already bound to him (as he is the only representative of Light).

  On 11/22/2010 at 4:20 AM, johthohar said:
  On 11/22/2010 at 3:32 AM, roostr19 said:

First I have absolutely no idea how this last book will be finished in one volume. As much as I would love for it to be two or three more books, remember ALL three were originally intended to be one book. So unfortunately for us a lot of what has been discussed will not happen, just not enough time. I'm afraid we might all be disappointed in the loose ends that were not tied up.


Here's my prediction - The battle at the end will destroy all powers - True Power, Saidin, Saidar... this has happened in a lot of series past.... This age will be the last age and all will become similar to our current age - technology not magic will rule. I don't think we'll have any other major surprises, deaths, etc...


And while I'm at it I know it's been said this is not correct even by RJ himself, but Taim is Demandred.

Ummm.... No.


The One Power is linked to the WoT. To destroy it you would have to destroy the Wheel which, in turn, would destroy existence. At least that's my take on things. I just think its a pretty ridiculous theory. How would all the channeling sources be destroyed? The True Source is supposed to be self-sustaining. It will replenish itself if used up which is improbable anyway. I don't understand where the basis for this prediction is.


Also, you mentioned that you think many of the plot lines won't be resolved in aMoL. I agree. They will either be abruptly cut off or they were originally intended by RJ to be resolved in spin-off novels which will most likely never be written now.


No basis for anything... just a hunch. Kindof that weird sinking feeling that you don't really want to happen. RJ said he knew the last scene when he started, so that means it must be a pretty significant scene. I can't really think of anything more significant or maybe shocking as that. Like I said just a hunch.

  On 11/23/2010 at 5:29 AM, roostr19 said:

No basis for anything... just a hunch. Kindof that weird sinking feeling that you don't really want to happen. RJ said he knew the last scene when he started, so that means it must be a pretty significant scene. I can't really think of anything more significant or maybe shocking as that. Like I said just a hunch.

There are definitely ages in which no one channels so it's possible access to the True Source will be lost.


I'd be pissed if the story ended with such a complete cliché, though.

  On 11/22/2010 at 6:57 AM, Kestrel said:
That's what I'm trying to get at. He'll break the seals, yes. Breaking the seals will be "easy" - because he made the seals he knows how to un-make them.


Just pointing out: his knowledge of making the seals has nothing to do with his ability to break them. Without using the True Power from the Dark One, Cuendillar cannot be broken. Period. He can break the seals because a child could break them in their current state.


Un-making the bore itself may be another matter entirely. Rand didn't participate in the making of the bore. So in order to un-make the bore with any amount of speed (before the Dark One punches through) Rand may require the assistance of someone else who DID participate in the making, i.e., Meirin, aka Lanfear/Cyndane.


Unmaking or re-making the Dark One's prison, though, is something I've really no opinion on. I have my doubts that Mierin/Lanfear/Cyndane will ever turn back to the Light, given how power hungry she is, but it does seem he needs something he doesn't have right now in the way of knowledge so you may be right. Perhaps that's why Brandon didn't show us a Rand PoV, because Rand in fact does know what he will do and he's keeping that in reserve? I dunno.


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