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Hi, new person here


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Hey everyone. I'm new... Summer shoved me here. Uhh, how's everyone doing?


My names is Kailee. I've been a WoT fan for about 3 years, and I haven't read ToM yet.

Let's see... I love music, fantasy, and manga... and... yeah that's me I guess.


P.S. I put my name into the application to see the sub-boards, but I can't yet, haha. I guess that'll happen soon, but I couldn't wait to get started.


Summer poked me to get over here and be nice, Hehe. Hello and welcome! I'm Alanna, an Accepted of the Greens and happy to see my sister's friend make it over here :) I'll be back here later when I'm not on my phone! Lol *hugs*


Oh thanks Summer! What am I supposed to do now if I canna be myself?


Hello there ninja :ph34r: It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Millon, a Manshima of the Me'Arearth discipline and house Head/Uncle to Damodred. Stop by and say what up sometime to either if you get chance.


Welcome Ninja to the White Tower. I'm Cairos Sedai and I'm a Gray Brother. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


*gives Ninja a plate of cupcakes and brownies*




Hiiiiiiiiii! Welcome to the White Tower! *pounces* If you has any quesions feel free to pester me ^^ I am the second in command in the Greens so be sure to come by and say hi!


Mil waiting? I remember when I started back in October, and he bugged me and still does.


Anyway, Welcome to the WT Ninja! I am an Algai of house mosivani. We at the Green Dragons welcome everyone, so when you have time stop on by :biggrin:


*kicks the boy with too many consonants in his name in the shin and smiles sweetly*


Welcome to the forums, dear! I sent in your requests just a few minutes ago, so you should have your access soon! :D


Oh, and take an old lady's advice... don't believe a word this one says. *eyes Fnorrll* Seriously. You'll thank me later. ;)


Whaaaa......Lessa....I..I...BUG you? But, but, you haz a pocket. I thought we were cool. But, I bug you? :sad:


That's it. I'm movin you out. You no longer have the warm and fuzzy pocket and I cut you off from your supply of juice boxes. Lets see how you like that.


*starts to tear*What?! Mil it is a good thing that you bug me. :biggrin: But if you want it that way...fine.


*walks into the corner and starts to cry*


Gah. *hops out of pocket and pats on shoulder awkwardly*


there there...umm....it'll be ok...um...oh, trollocs, its so much easier to kill than comfort.


wait a minute...arent you an algai?? pull yourself together soldier!


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