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Hey, the description says it all. I have a little free time on my hands with nothing else to do at the moment, and I figured, why not stop by and visit all my Tainted friends at the BT, as well as all the new people I've never met before? :biggrin:


How y'all doing? It's been a while.

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We certainly do! And have you ever noticed that those silly shadow people always seem to take up the majority or the deserter tree? Yeah......that speaks volumes right there. About us being extremely outnumbered! Yes I'm a bit paranoid. I've never tried to hide it. Because the deserters tree is actually tied >.<

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All right, was out of town the last couple of days but I'm back again, woo!


*snuggles Talya*

I am doing okay, I could definitely be worse! Life's not all peaches and stuff, I'm finding out, but it's not too bad most of the time, either. As long as you've got friends and family to see you through the rough spots. :laugh:


I've definitely missed you guys, I just don't feel like I have time for this anymore, it's so weird! >.<


Thanks for the welcome back, Deadly! ^^


Hey, Mac Sauce! Er...MCS... >.> [/can't help it]

And Talm. =D I'll try to be around here more. No guarantees, but I'll make an effort, at least. :wink:


Wombat! *tackles* I should definitely sign up for at least one mafia game you're in. :biggrin:


Yeah, Aemon, I went to go sign up, but I got here too late! >.< It looks like it'll be a fun game, I'll actually have to be sure to follow along with it when I get the chance, see what happens. =D


*snugglehugs Eebs* Yay, I get to be tied to a rock! (just kidding, I believe Pluto should still be a planet! Poor thing....) :laugh: I know, right? Galaxy surfing is fun, I should get out there and do it, ya know?


ZOMG IT'S DEMI!! *jumps into his hair and buries herself in it* How are you!! Probably due to my absence, I haven't seen you in FOREVER! :laugh:

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Extremely. No wife, good paying job, and all the free time i can fit into two weeks off from work.



How is teh squizzle doing? Did you go to D-Con?

No wife? O.o


Glad to hear you're doing well, Zep. Whaddya do with your free time, when you have so much of it at once? :laugh:


I did go to DCon, it was fun. :laugh: I've been doing all right, had some ups and downs and made some mistakes and stuff, but I'm figuring things out and I'm getting myself on track, thankfully. Work sucks, but it's a paying job and I should be getting a raise soon so that's nice. Still won't be making 8 bucks an hour, though. *rolls eyes*

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sorry to hear it's been ups and downs *huggles the squizzle* It really is lovely to see you then, you always make me smile...


And no joining any Mafia games...Except mine of course, my yearly Christmas Mafia, I will putting up sign ups soon....

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im sorry to hear that. I couldn't function if i didn't make more than twelve an hour.



When is D-Con next year? I think i might go, now that i can and all.



And this days off i am going to drive down to colorado and go snowboarding with a guy i work with. Sit at home and play video games, go to the bar excessivly, and learn how to use my new computer

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