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Quest for the Great Healing

Moon Sedai

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This MIGHT be covered elsewhere, or discussed later in a brief point in the books i have forgotten over the years.

In CoT, Cadsuane has a thought in her POV (I Forget the chapter) about Corele Hovian is trying like crazy to 'do with Saidar what Damer Flin did with Saidin' (fix severing).

Nynaeve is in the area during this time, Cadsuane thinks about Lan with the Warders and the relationship between Lan and Nynaeve.

My thought is, if Corele is trying to fix severing like crazy, couldn't Nynaeve brag, like she does sometimes, and show her the weaves? Or has Nynaeve not caught on that some other yellow is trying to puzzle it out?

I'd think rumors of someone figuring it out with saidin would cause the one to fix it with saidar to want to compare notes.


I wouldn't be surprised if Nyn bragged about it really. Don't remember the chaper myself, but Nyn never did try keeping that weave a secret. What I'd like to see though, is a healing with Nyn and Flinn linked. How's that for awesome healing machine.


The Aes Sedai with Cadsuane does not really consider Nynaeve a real Aes sedai, so it would not be very odd if they had not bothered to tell her what they were up to, even though they should know by now that nynaeve is quite skilled with unorthodox healing.


From Cadsuane's POVs it's pretty clear that Nynaeve never told Cadsuane about Healing stilling or fixing the weather. Cadsuane thinks that the sudden weather change was the Dark One's work.



[The Dark One] had withered the people with a drought, he had frozen them with a sudden winter, and now he seemed determined to destroy them through sheer melancholy.

--Cadsuane's POV in TGS 31


It's just one of those silly things, i guess.

Here Corele Sedai is, working her butt off to figure out Healing Severing, but Nynaeve did it already, and hasn't told her.

If Corele does somehow manage to figure it out, she'll take the credit for it, and Nynaeve will be truly angry.

  On 10/26/2010 at 5:53 PM, Ahmoondah Sedai said:

It's just one of those silly things, i guess.

Here Corele Sedai is, working her butt off to figure out Healing Severing, but Nynaeve did it already, and hasn't told her.

If Corele does somehow manage to figure it out, she'll take the credit for it, and Nynaeve will be truly angry.


What reason do we have to think Nynaeve is even aware of what Corele is trying to learn? Cadsuane, being Cadsuane, is going to take an interest in what her little group is up to. Nynaeve...not so much. Especially as she's been pretty down on the reality of Yellows' abilities for awhile now. I find it funnier that Logain showed up at the manor and was around for a decent span all told, but wasn't actually around Corele much (or, I think, at all). Then later, Corele tells Daigian to teach Nynaeve some stuff to keep her mind off Eben. Daigian was of course a White and thus unlikely to discuss Healing much if any should Nynaeve get bored and bring it up. So close, so close, Corele. As far as credit goes: not gonna happen, or it won't last very long at least. Corele will simply be told at some point "Oh, yes. That. Wonderful isn't it? Nynaeve discovered it back in Salidar. Did you know she Healed gentling too?"


So much I don't remember. Maybe Corele knows precisely what weave to use but simply cannot. Nynaeve showed the weaves to everyone in Salidar, right?

  On 10/26/2010 at 11:35 PM, jdbond said:

So much I don't remember. Maybe Corele knows precisely what weave to use but simply cannot. Nynaeve showed the weaves to everyone in Salidar, right?


Corele never went to Salidar. She's one of the AS who sat on the sidelines, then got recruited by Cadsuane. In any case, I don't think everyone in Salidar knows the weave. Know of it, yes, but most have little reason to actually learn it. Healing isn't one of those things anyone can do effectively. Most AS kinda suck at it. Elayne, for instance, has seen the weaves Nyn uses on many occasions but can't really follow what she does at all, and her own ability is limited to healing minor scrapes and bruises. As for what Corele's trying to do: she's seen Damer's saidin weave and she's trying to figure out how to "translate" that into saidar. What makes it more amusing still is that it's even more pointless than it already is due to Nyn's earlier discovery: RJ has said that only a man can ever fully heal stilling, just as a woman can only fully heal gentling. Oh, she can adapt the weave for other things, but her actual goal is unattainable. At best, she'd just leave a woman she healed severely weakened.


If I remember right, this was one of those things in later books that frustrated me to no end. No one connecting the dots or discussing healing severing, how we waited for books for barely any discusions on the cleansing of Saidin(debatably the biggest event in the series short of the defeat of the Dark One), and if I remember right a few things that Elayne and Nyn mindboggling never seem to share with Egwene or vice versa.


I remember waiting years between books, just so we could catch an Aes Sedai going, "Bah, I doubt it's cleansed". And Ashaman going..."Oh well, no convincing you then, DUR". I mean, it's consistent with the story that Aes Sedai would be very skeptical of such a claim....I do no beleive it is consistent with the story to cleanse Saidin, and then spend months not really telling anyone about it.


Corele is not only trying to work out healing severing, but also the complex five-power healing that Flinn and Nynaeve use. The traditional Aes Sedai healing is a pretty coarse, one-size-fits-all sort of thing wherease Nynaeve and Flinn can heal specific injuries without affecting (and exhausting) the rest of the body. Samitsu (the other yellow in Cadsuane's group) thinks along these lines when trying to heal Dobraine.


-- dwn


I think the AS are trying to find a way to restore women to full power so they don't need to rely on AM. They know women Healed by a woman only regained a fragment of their original strength but women healed by a man got full power back. They think it is due to a flaw in the weave like Nyn detected a faulty half-ass weave.


If Nyn or Elyane "discovered" a weave or "rediscovered" a forgotten weave that didn't work the way the legends say they did the SAS look down on the wondergirls as failures. Look at how the SAS are dubious about Egwene's visions in TAR.


And I too wonder why the AM have been closed mouthed about the cleansing. At the end of WH Narshima is in tears of joy but when he is before the SAS Hall is gives kinda a "it's clean, BTW" and that was only after the taint was brought up.


When Logain was before the Seafolk he let a out another, "it's clean, BTW."


The only one who seemed to be excited post cleansing was Verin when she told Mat. She didn't say much else because she was in a hurry but she didn't even include a note in the journals she gave Egwene about the cleansing.


Why didn't the AM shout it from the rooftops all over Randland and I would have figured the party at the BT would have been seen all the way in Caemlyn. (And I don't think Elyane knows the Saidin is clean.)

  On 10/27/2010 at 6:55 PM, Kaznen said:

I think the AS are trying to find a way to restore women to full power so they don't need to rely on AM. They know women Healed by a woman only regained a fragment of their original strength but women healed by a man got full power back. They think it is due to a flaw in the weave like Nyn detected a faulty half-ass weave.


Maybe so, but there's no direct evidence for it in the text and also Corele doesn't know about any of that, which is who we're talking about.


You'd think some one, of all the AS who find out that Logain can channel again, would simply ask how it happened, and Logain could say, "some girl named nynaeve fixed me." or something like that.


Wait, no. That's assuming someone would actually think to ask.

  On 10/28/2010 at 3:38 AM, Ahmoondah Sedai said:

You'd think some one, of all the AS who find out that Logain can channel again, would simply ask how it happened, and Logain could say, "some girl named nynaeve fixed me." or something like that.


Wait, no. That's assuming someone would actually think to ask.


To be fair, it's not like that's the most important thing on their minds. Corele's into it, but she's a Yellow. Plus, they know that Damer healed some stilled women, so it's not like the concept is so shocking that they simply must know now. With all the insane things going on in the world, who healed Logain is trivia. That and, he's a dude. Who channels. Asha'warders and Dragon Reborn or not, there's still a pretty substantial bias against male channelers well and truly ingrained in them. Hell, they still don't like talking about stilling too much, even though they know it's Healable.


Damer was with Corele when he figured out to heal severing, so obviously Corele knows he didn't heal Logain. Corele would also know whom Damer's tried to teach, and that none of them went to the Black Tower in recent times. And the AS with Logain's band would definitely have leaked the news to AS - women gossip - and I believe that was Caddy meant when she thought Nynaeve's skill was nothing short of miraculous (Was that in TGS?). The problem is having a subject to practise on. Plus Corele :wub: Damer. She's too busy.


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