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The Big Unnoticed Thing


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I am gonna say the ashandarei is the "big unnoticed thing." Here is a copy of what I wrote elsewhere. There are a couple things there that could be HUGE in impact.


Here's my take on the ashandarei.


He asks:

1) for memories filled

2) for a way to be free of Aes Sedai

3) AND the Power

4) to be sent back to Rhuidean


Note that wish number 2 was a two part wish. The medallion fits the Aes Sedai. The ashandarei tells how to be free of the Power.


"Thus is our treaty written. Thus is agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time. Memory never fades. What is asked is given. The price is paid."


The important part is "thought is the arrow of time." I believe that they are telling him that, to be free of the power, time must become linear rather than circular. The Wheel of Time must be broken.


Also, he does not specify what "Power" he wants to be free of. There are both the One Power and the True Power so it is also possible that ashandarei works in a similar manner as the medallion, but towards the True Power. That could make things interesting come TG.


It was introduced at post #25, 11-01-2009;

Originally Posted by Davian93

I think he might very well have lurked pretty heavily on our site for several months reading stuff...probably on the main board though. We should go through our Main Board theories to eliminate possibilities while we just start listing possible little things from Books 4-6.

as cited at eWot:


LoC,Ch22 - Near the River Erinin, Chel Vanin and Mat find a burned Tinker camp with the people slaughtered. There is a message on a wagon, "Tell the Dragon Reborn."


This is the one mystery I can think of that doesn't get discussed much and what discussion there is devolves into "there's just not enough information."

The 'Another Gauntlet Thrown Down by Brandon' thread from theoryland

so only 4 days before Terez's post, the problem is though that like 120 of the 138 posts on that thread were made between like 30-Oct and 2-Nov.

I'm quite sure Peter said that, and Tam wasn't being untruthful either, but either Tam's comments were misleading as to when, exactly, he had spoken to Peter, or I misinterpreted his comments. It turns out that there was apparently a gap of time between when Peter said that and when I posted that we were not on the right track at post 138. And it just so happens that someone posted in that gap with the correct answer. I won't say how large or small that gap is. But it is mentioned before post 138.

Could do with finding out how big the gap in time is...


OK so Terez said;

I shall confirm that it is on that list of previously-ruled-out things. And that is all I shall say on it. It was only fair to clear up the misconception, but I think some people are nervous about people figuring it out. I will NOT tell you if you're close or way off the mark, so you will still be unsure on release day unless someone comes along to spoil it (hopefully NOT on this thread - I assume Luckers can prevent that).


Here is the 'list of previously-ruled-out things' with dates/times of introduction to the thread and post numbers;

Here is my shortlist of things Peter Ahlstrom ruled out (which are now back in). It's not certain the thing would be here. I was fairly generalized in creating it.


( * ) means more than one mention in the thread.

( ** ) means detailed conversation occurred on this subject in the thread.


• **A.R. (anything related) to Birgitte, her expulsion from TAR, or Moghedian controlling her.10-31-2009, 11:34 PM #3

• A.R. to Slayer in the Two Rivers, or him entering ToG.10-31-2009, 11:43 PM #9

• *A.R. to the ter’angreal stash in Rhuidean, or those taken by Moiraine.10-31-2009, 11:43 PM #9

• A.R. to Egeanin’s appearance in the story.10-31-2009, 11:43 PM #9

• A.R. to Fel’s note, philosophy, or instructions to Rand.10-31-2009, 11:57 PM #18

• **A.R. to Shara, or reports of war there.11-01-2009, 12:11 AM #23

• **A.R. to the Tinker wagons Mat finds destroyed in LoC.11-01-2009, 12:16 AM #25

• A.R. to either of Moiraine’s notes.11-01-2009, 12:26 AM #29

• *A.R. to any actions of the Gholam.11-01-2009, 12:31 AM #31

• **A.R. to the Tower of Ghenjei, the doorway ter’angreal, the Finn’s, or prophecies or knowledge relating to either.11-01-2009, 12:32 AM #32

• A.R. to the sisters Siuan sent to recapture Taim.11-01-2009, 01:42 AM #49

• A.R. to the question of who killed Sahra Covenry.11-01-2009, 01:42 AM #49

• **A.R. to Graendal’s meeting with Inturalde, or what she may have done to him.11-01-2009, 01:48 AM #51

• A.R. to the Pit of Doom being in a different world.11-01-2009, 07:38 AM #55

• *A.R. to Rand becoming Moridin.11-01-2009, 08:55 AM #58

• **A.R. to Rand being one with the land, or the changing influence of his ta’verenism, or the effects his corrupted wounds might have through his ta’verenism.11-01-2009, 09:18 AM #61

• A.R. to Asmodean.11-01-2009, 11:22 AM #74

• A.R. to Taim gaining his freedom, Joiya's 'plan' for Black Ajah to free him and set him up as a False Rand, or dealing with Bashere.11-01-2009, 11:22 AM #75

• **A.R. to the Aiel Memory Collumns, the seed singing, or the Song, including Ogier, Tinker and Aiel implications.11-01-2009, 12:24 PM #80

• A.R. to Moiraine’s knowledge of the future.11-01-2009, 05:29 PM #92

• A.R. to Fain in books 4-6.11-01-2009, 07:52 PM #99

• **A.R. to the Ashendarei or the Medallion, or the reasons the Finns gave them to Mat.11-01-2009, 07:43 PM #98

• A.R. to Avendesora, including the correlation between Rand’s feelings under Avendesora, and his feelings in Veins of gold.11-01-2009, 11:27 PM #117

• A.R. to Min’s viewing in tSR, including that of the apple cheeked accepted [Theodrin???] behind bars11-02-2009, 09:06 AM #123

And we have Terez's number 138 post on 11-04-2009, 03:51 AM. 18 of these theories were posted on 01-Nov, with one theory on 02-Nov and 5 on 31-Oct. Doesn't give us much time to play around with considering the minimum mix-up would be 2 days and maximum 5. Damn it! :mad:


Im still standing by the Ashandarei, just annoyed that the timings of the theories couldnt cancel many out.


I still stand by the Tinker caravan mainly because of Chekov's gun, just why is it there, what purpose does it serve other than to say something happened to these Tinkers and it may or may not have something to do with special knowledge they had that they thought important to tell the Dragon. And just what is the purpose of them appearing in KoD and then again in tGS when specifically in each instance the fact that they are seeking safety and found it is reinforced? Who cares that the Seanchan granted safety to the Tinkers, I cannot believe that with all the other mentions of the local populace liking the SEanchan that he notices, the Tinkers are what decided it in Rand's mind. Plus there is that bit where it says in the Columns in tSR that '...will find safety...[and]...will sing'. Part 1 is accomplished, part 2, if it is ever to happen, has to happen now. And it has to have something to do with the caravan in LoC for that caravan to not be a waste of pages.


I still stand by the Tinker caravan mainly because of Chekov's gun, just why is it there, what purpose does it serve other than to say something happened to these Tinkers and it may or may not have something to do with special knowledge they had that they thought important to tell the Dragon. And just what is the purpose of them appearing in KoD and then again in tGS when specifically in each instance the fact that they are seeking safety and found it is reinforced? Who cares that the Seanchan granted safety to the Tinkers, I cannot believe that with all the other mentions of the local populace liking the SEanchan that he notices, the Tinkers are what decided it in Rand's mind. Plus there is that bit where it says in the Columns in tSR that '...will find safety...[and]...will sing'. Part 1 is accomplished, part 2, if it is ever to happen, has to happen now. And it has to have something to do with the caravan in LoC for that caravan to not be a waste of pages.


Maybe something like, each place that the Tinkers find safety in, each place that grants them safety is marked as important to Tarmon Gaidon. The Aiel and Seanchan being the two most obvious examples. The fact that a certain group didnt make it to safety should maybe have been a clue Rand should have picked up on, and the message "Tell the Dragon Reborn" could be a boast, like "Haha look, these Tinkers were going to mark something as important for you, because you need all the signs you can get, and I prevented one of the groups from reaching an important place, so theres something important you missed somewhere. Haha."


Looking over the lists, two things really jump out at me:


War in Shara - a minor detail because Shara, though suggested to be a huge power, is rarely seen to have any effect on the main plot.


The Tinkers' message: 'Tell the Dragon Reborn' - Tinkers cross the Aiel Waste and bring back stuff from Shara. Mat gets this message when travelling south from Aringill, a course not far removed from the Spine of the World.



Some additional stuff from other books:


Demandred's instructions in LOC - We never see any obvious effect of his actions (and balefire is suggested), yet the DO seems pretty happy about it. The Tinker's message is received in mid-LOC, after Demandred gets his orders. (Precisely when Demandred's conversation took place isn't obvious to me, but it does happen at the beginning of LOC.)


Demandred's rule becomes secure as of TGS, and he's preparing for war. Others have noted those strange ships in Seandar seen in the ToM prologue could easily be Sharan. So Semirhage takes out the imperial family and Demandred invades with a force that overwhelms the disorganized and demoralized Seanchan. Going by the map in the Guide, Shara is easily big enough to provide a substantial force for such an invasion.



Further notes and speculation:


Demandred is the best General the Shadow has, which makes him the obvious choice to do massive stuff with armies. If this speculation is correct he'll have conquered more than half the world.


Some people think Demandrad has taken over Murandy, but that doesn't make even the least bit of sense. Be'lal took Tear, Sammael took Illian, Rahvin took Andor. Murandy is tiny and weak compared to those nations. How could Demandred--who turned to the Shadow because he felt overshadowed and slighted--accept that as his power base?


Despite the mistrust and disunity, the Westlands are now held by people who oppose the Shadow. All the infiltrating Forsaken, save Mesaana, have been revealed and ousted from their positions of power (and Mesaana lost a lot of influence with the BA purge). Taim will be a nuisance, but apparently not much of one since Pevara's plotline was a candidate for being dropped.


Shara and mainland Seanchan are really the only sources left for large scale human armies for the Shadow. Given the supposed Sharan channeller breeding, Shara could be a good source of both male and female channellers for the Shadow. Seanchan and Sharan troops can travel via gateway, which could make a nice counterpoint to a Shadowspawn invasion out of the Blight.


All this is fairly logical, if speculative... but that might count against it given how obscure and surprising the Big Unnoticed Thing is supposed to be.


-- dwn


Looking over the lists, two things really jump out at me:


War in Shara - a minor detail because Shara, though suggested to be a huge power, is rarely seen to have any effect on the main plot.


The Tinkers' message: 'Tell the Dragon Reborn' - Tinkers cross the Aiel Waste and bring back stuff from Shara. Mat gets this message when travelling south from Aringill, a course not far removed from the Spine of the World.....



Whilst looking for this minor detail I thought I'd look through the Tinkers' appearances in the WoT.

TEOTW ch25 - Raen tells of the Aiel message to Tinkers about the Eye of the World.

TDR ch1 - Leya, a Tinker woman, reports to Moiraine with news from Almoth Plain

TSR ch1 - three Tinkers disappear after being questioned by Fain (I originally dismissed this as Fain only looking for Perrin, but maybe there is more to this...)

LOC ch22 - the caravan burning incident, a message for the Dragon Reborn

GS ch38 - Egwene uses 'need' in TAR, thinking on "What did she need to know, what did she need to see", she finds herself in a Tinker camp


I'm still not sure whether Tinkers are the answer to this particular mystery, but information is the theme here.


Hmm. I'm tempted to agree that it has something to do with Taim.


The other theory I really like is the "tell the Dragon Reborn", but I have a hunch that's not it.


Well I got so excited about the book and all the speculation I decided to make an account! Been reading all the WoT forums awhile but never participated. Anyway, onto my theory of what the BUT is.


Since Terez got his information from Tam, and Tam got his information from Peter and the gap existed between Tam/Peter, not Terez/Tam I give you this scenario of how I see people interacting and such, just pure speculation obviously but it's logical to me:


Tam and the other Mod Murienn dude were formulating their idea concerning the dragon being one with the land, the 'BUT' being thoms first comment mentioning this. As it progressed and they got excited, some other dude had to be a jerk and present evidence that BS said at a book signing that Rand was all up in the Lands business, so frustrated their theory may not hold up Tam asked Peter to check out the site and see if anyone (or he) was headed in the right direction. Peter checks, and says no.


So we have at around 2PM on 11/1 that frustration take place (thats when the evidence of the book signing deal where BS said the land/rand stuff openly) and subsequentely why we get the question being asked of Peter. Peter, checks out the site sometime on 11/1 anywhere from 2pm on so all theories before this are wrong. We don't get a new theory until 5:29pm

Leaving us with these possibilities:

A.R. to Moiraine’s knowledge of the future.11-01-2009, 05:29 PM #92

• A.R. to Fain in books 4-6.11-01-2009, 07:52 PM #99

• **A.R. to the Ashendarei or the Medallion, or the reasons the Finns gave them to Mat.11-01-2009, 07:43 PM #98

• A.R. to Avendesora, including the correlation between Rand’s feelings under Avendesora, and his feelings in Veins of gold.11-01-2009, 11:27 PM #117

• A.R. to Min’s viewing in tSR, including that of the apple cheeked accepted [Theodrin???] behind bars11-02-2009, 09:06 AM #123


The most interesting ones in my opinion are Avendesora, and Ashendarei with a far back 3rd place of Mins viewing.


My vote is for Avendesora since it was only mentioned once and because of what it does. The reason the application of this would be difficult to grasp is because there are so many applications for it.. most would believe that Rand will use the tree of life to perhaps amplify/speed up the healing process(i.e draw on it like one does angreal etc but with his Taveren' power) but maybe he might use it as a weapon against someone directly (Trap a Forsaken there?) Maybe if Rand can trap all the forsaken there their anger (the reason they all turned to the shadow) will dissipate, allowing the World to truly forget the Shadow(I don't really like this idea but I duno just guessing on applications of it) .. OR maybe its where everyone is going to sing..since singing is usually done to trees, and this is the Tree of Life, singing to this puppy will rock the Shadow on a massive scale. Not to mention Rhuidean was hidden to the Shadow until Rand battled there..maybe it was hidden for more reasons then to just protect a bunch of angreal and such..since like that stuff is found everywhere.


Well I got so excited about the book and all the speculation I decided to make an account! Been reading all the WoT forums awhile but never participated. Anyway, onto my theory of what the BUT is.


Since Terez got his information from Tam, and Tam got his information from Peter and the gap existed between Tam/Peter, not Terez/Tam I give you this scenario of how I see people interacting and such, just pure speculation obviously but it's logical to me:


Tam and the other Mod Murienn dude were formulating their idea concerning the dragon being one with the land, the 'BUT' being thoms first comment mentioning this. As it progressed and they got excited, some other dude had to be a jerk and present evidence that BS said at a book signing that Rand was all up in the Lands business, so frustrated their theory may not hold up Tam asked Peter to check out the site and see if anyone (or he) was headed in the right direction. Peter checks, and says no.


So we have at around 2PM on 11/1 that frustration take place (thats when the evidence of the book signing deal where BS said the land/rand stuff openly) and subsequentely why we get the question being asked of Peter. Peter, checks out the site sometime on 11/1 anywhere from 2pm on so all theories before this are wrong. We don't get a new theory until 5:29pm

Leaving us with these possibilities:

A.R. to Moiraine’s knowledge of the future.11-01-2009, 05:29 PM #92

• A.R. to Fain in books 4-6.11-01-2009, 07:52 PM #99

• **A.R. to the Ashendarei or the Medallion, or the reasons the Finns gave them to Mat.11-01-2009, 07:43 PM #98

• A.R. to Avendesora, including the correlation between Rand’s feelings under Avendesora, and his feelings in Veins of gold.11-01-2009, 11:27 PM #117

• A.R. to Min’s viewing in tSR, including that of the apple cheeked accepted [Theodrin???] behind bars11-02-2009, 09:06 AM #123


The most interesting ones in my opinion are Avendesora, and Ashendarei with a far back 3rd place of Mins viewing.


My vote is for Avendesora since it was only mentioned once and because of what it does. The reason the application of this would be difficult to grasp is because there are so many applications for it.. most would believe that Rand will use the tree of life to perhaps amplify/speed up the healing process(i.e draw on it like one does angreal etc but with his Taveren' power) but maybe he might use it as a weapon against someone directly (Trap a Forsaken there?) Maybe if Rand can trap all the forsaken there their anger (the reason they all turned to the shadow) will dissipate, allowing the World to truly forget the Shadow(I don't really like this idea but I duno just guessing on applications of it) .. OR maybe its where everyone is going to sing..since singing is usually done to trees, and this is the Tree of Life, singing to this puppy will rock the Shadow on a massive scale. Not to mention Rhuidean was hidden to the Shadow until Rand battled there..maybe it was hidden for more reasons then to just protect a bunch of angreal and such..since like that stuff is found everywhere.

Maybe it's recovered from being charred in the Asmodean fight and put out some new growth. Maybe the Aiel have taken cuttings and planted a bunch around the city?


So delicious that the previous "ruled out" list is now the "definitely one of these" list.


I guess if you make another list you can add to the criteria that it is something that looks to be revealed in ToM, Luckers. Up until now, wasn't all we had to go on was Brandon saying there would be a clue? Seems as though it's something we'll definitely find out.


Given that, some of those on the list jump out as being more likely then others, I would say.


The Tinker Caravan: The person who mentioned chekov's gun is right on. And when I first read this scene maybe 15 years ago I thought it meant something, but so far it has been unexplained. I think RJ still has something to say about the tinkers. but I like Fel even more at this point.


Fel: His murder was pretty shocking when it happened. And even thoguh we have elarned alot, there are still alot of things that don't make sense. First of all, how did they know what Fel was doing? Was someone (a dark friend in the school or a BA sister perhaps?) eaves dropping on him and reporting on their talks? If so, why did they send the gholam to take him out. Fel was a wizened old historian. I bet Olver could have taken him down in a fair fight, it should have been child's play for a black sister or dark friend. A black sister could have stopped his heart while he slept "natural causes" or made it look like an accident. A DF could have ambushed him on the street, Cairhein is a dangerous city. It would have looked like a simple everyday murder, nothing to take special notice of. They send Slayer to take out Rand, and then send a Gholam to take out Fel? Seriously? The Gholam makes it look like they were trying to send a message. And that message was received. Rand knows that Fel died by shadow spawn. It's all over his radar.


The motive also has problems. Since the Gholam killed him we must think that a forsaken must have ordered it. The obvious motive for Fel's death was to prevent him from guiding Rand in defeating the dark one. But this seems out of character. Moridin -- the only forsaken who takes philosophy seriously at all -- seems completely sure that defeating the DO is impossible, e.g. that there is nothing Rand can do but delay the inevitable. When Rand tells him of the plan to defeat the DO Moridin seems to sincerely think that Rand is an idiot. And the Forsaken in general seem totally dismissive of the threats that half trained girls pose. I just don't see any of them them taking a 3rd age philosopher seriously. Even if they did think Fel and his work were dangerous... why go to the trouble of sending the badass gholam to kill him nd then leave all his books and writings behind for Rand to find? Were they sure that there was nothing in the books that Rand could use to figure things out? And its obvious that having the Gholam kill Fel has lead Rand to take Fel's philosophy even more seriously -- even to the point of having Min research it on her own. If the shadow really were that worried about Fel's work it follows that Min should also be killed before she gets too close to the answer. And yet Graendal has no idea who Min is, that she is important in any way or anything.


If Fel wasn't killed to keep him form helping Rand then why? Qui Bono? The result of his death is that Rand has taken Fel's pholophy even more to heart. If Fel was Moridin's inside man playing to other side of the Sha'rah board, then Moridin might have killed his own plant in order to get Rand's attention. We know that the Prophecies have been tampered with by Ishmael. Ishy takes philosophy seriously. I had always assumed that he planted someone to manipulate Rand, what Rand is thinking and (mis)guide his strategy even more directly. C'mon, break the sea1s! Wait, Seriously?


Taim: The sisters Siuan sent to recapture him, the story about the BA plot to free him, Why Moiraine's notes to Siuan were never received, etc... There seems to have been something going on there. I don't think this it the BUT simply because I think everyone already thinks that Taim is a DF and that he probably was turned by the BA after he was captured. Or at leas tI don't see how that detail could be considered really a major shocker. Maybe if Bashere were revealed as an insider. Still how has Bashere manipulated Rand?



"Thus is our treaty written. Thus is agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time. Memory never fades. What is asked is given. The price is paid."


The important part is "thought is the arrow of time." I believe that they are telling him that, to be free of the power, time must become linear rather than circular. The Wheel of Time must be broken.



I never realised till just how un-wheel of time like this quote on thought and memory really is. Thus is our treaty written. I think the Finns were really talking about themselves. Arrows do not move in a circle -- they fly in a parabolic arc. If they wre refering to a directional arrow then that would seem to indicate a stright forward trajectory. Its almost like saying that for the Finns, time really is not circular but more discursive ore perhaps totally linear, and their memory never fades. Myth is not long forgotten to them.



"Thus is our treaty written. Thus is agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time. Memory never fades. What is asked is given. The price is paid."


The important part is "thought is the arrow of time." I believe that they are telling him that, to be free of the power, time must become linear rather than circular. The Wheel of Time must be broken.



I never realised till just how un-wheel of time like this quote on thought and memory really is. Thus is our treaty written. I think the Finns were really talking about themselves. Arrows do not move in a circle -- they fly in a parabolic arc. If they wre refering to a directional arrow then that would seem to indicate a stright forward trajectory. Its almost like saying that for the Finns, time really is not circular but more discursive ore perhaps totally linear, and their memory never fades. Myth is not long forgotten to them.


Whatever it may be, I think this has some unnoticed part yet to play.


If Fel wasn't killed to keep him form helping Rand then why? Qui Bono? The result of his death is that Rand has taken Fel's pholophy even more to heart. If Fel was Moridin's inside man playing to other side of the Sha'rah board, then Moridin might have killed his own plant in order to get Rand's attention. We know that the Prophecies have been tampered with by Ishmael. Ishy takes philosophy seriously. I had always assumed that he planted someone to manipulate Rand, what Rand is thinking and (mis)guide his strategy even more directly. C'mon, break the sea1s! Wait, Seriously?



I like it. Except for this -

if Fel was Moridin's man, then surely it would have been better to stage some incident to convince Rand that the books were important and leave Fel alive so he could monitor progress and make sure Rand came to the 'right' conclusions.

If Fel was not his man (I don't think he was) or just too scatter-brained to be reliable that could still have been worked around (by making sure Min got the desired books etc). Why waste the advantage. Rand trusts Fel, and Fel probably wouldn't even notice being manipulated. Why waste a potential source of information and control? Why point Rand in the general direction of books, why not point him to a specific set of books? Why so subtle?


This is where I go a little left-field.

Ever since the Fisher King scene, I've thought that Moridin is playing his own game. Not just political maneuvering within the Forsaken but Moridin playing the DO against the Light with Rand as the Fisher King.

Obviously, he'd have to be rather careful. If he wanted Rand to consider philosophy when this could be seen as going against the DO's interests, he'd have to do something ambiguous.


~ dons body armour ~


...go on then, shoot


Regarding Fel, two things.


First, couldn't have Shadar Haran (sp) sent the Gholam? He is the Hand of the Dark, after all. This would get around the very valid point of the Forsaken (save Moridin) not taking philosophy seriously.


As to why use the Gholam? Maybe they had to do it, and do it fast. Maybe the information was THAT important, and damaging to the DO. Maybe the DO didn't want to reveal any of his other pieces (a sister, or possibly even Slayer) could have been discovered, or at least seen. Maybe he needed to use the fastest, most reliable, most unstoppable killing machine available. One likely to succeed even if Rand was meeting with Fel when the assassin arrived. Kind of weak, but it's all I've got for way of an explanation.


I like the Tinkers.


Regarding Fel, two things.


First, couldn't have Shadar Haran (sp) sent the Gholam? He is the Hand of the Dark, after all. This would get around the very valid point of the Forsaken (save Moridin) not taking philosophy seriously.


As to why use the Gholam? Maybe they had to do it, and do it fast. Maybe the information was THAT important, and damaging to the DO. Maybe the DO didn't want to reveal any of his other pieces (a sister, or possibly even Slayer) could have been discovered, or at least seen. Maybe he needed to use the fastest, most reliable, most unstoppable killing machine available. One likely to succeed even if Rand was meeting with Fel when the assassin arrived. Kind of weak, but it's all I've got for way of an explanation.


I like the Tinkers.


Good points there, especially about Shaidar Haran, I just went and assumed it was Moridin.

Another thought occured to me, could it have been Fel's explanation of how at some point, in some age, the bore needs to disappear completely that led to his demise?

It would have huge implications on how they tackle the problem


Another thought occured to me, could it have been Fel's explanation of how at some point, in some age, the bore needs to disappear completely that led to his demise?


I don't see why. It's a simple deduction based on widely-known facts:


1. Time is circular and all Ages will be repeated

2. In the AoL, the prison was whole

3. Currently, the prison is only (poorly) patched.


Conclusion: the prison must become whole again before AoL repeats. So, there's a good goal to shoot for.


And if that was a good reason to kill him....then it was already too late so why even bother? He'd told Rand. Cat out of bag (though the bag was basically a wet paper sack that was beginning to dissolve and parts of the cat were plainly visible).


I don't see why. It's a simple deduction based on widely-known facts:


1. Time is circular and all Ages will be repeated


Pet peeve of mine in the serie(which I pretty much ignore though. Not worth worrying about). How on earth can the Randland even KNOW time is circular. They don't have any information about previous turning of their own age. Even previous age information is hard to find.


How can they even know time is circular? Especially it being so common knowledge.


I don't see why. It's a simple deduction based on widely-known facts:


1. Time is circular and all Ages will be repeated


Pet peeve of mine in the serie(which I pretty much ignore though. Not worth worrying about). How on earth can the Randland even KNOW time is circular. They don't have any information about previous turning of their own age. Even previous age information is hard to find.


How can they even know time is circular? Especially it being so common knowledge.


Because someone figured it out, probably in the AoL or possibly the Portal Stones Age, and they haven't forgotten about it yet. Easy. There's nothing that says every Age is aware of this. I mean, RJ said in some Ages, even channeling isn't known....so yeah: not a problem.


Killed. Ronneby this is a no spoilers forum.



Sorry for that Luckers, I missed it.


Do you think it possible to start a new thread about this in the spoilers forum becuase I think it´s many who are rather confused about the big unnoticed thing i ToM ?




I don't see why. It's a simple deduction based on widely-known facts:


1. Time is circular and all Ages will be repeated


Pet peeve of mine in the serie(which I pretty much ignore though. Not worth worrying about). How on earth can the Randland even KNOW time is circular. They don't have any information about previous turning of their own age. Even previous age information is hard to find.


How can they even know time is circular? Especially it being so common knowledge.


Because someone figured it out, probably in the AoL or possibly the Portal Stones Age, and they haven't forgotten about it yet. Easy. There's nothing that says every Age is aware of this. I mean, RJ said in some Ages, even channeling isn't known....so yeah: not a problem.


Isn't this just obvious from the Prologue of the very first book? Lews Therin talks about how he's fought the same battle age after age.. so if he knows it, then I'm sure someone else knows it.. and it's just brought to the next time period, and the Dragon is Reborn, and then he knows it too... etc. If it's a continuous cycle that they're aware of, it's not all the surprising.


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