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Milandra Basene raised to Accepted


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Honestly, I'm just relieved my compromise offer was taken... heh. And Arches - brought to you by Interrupted Bathtime. Yes bathtime - that time you're SUPPOSED stay in the tub... NOT drip water across the carpets dashing to a computer to record thoughts and ideas before they escape. ><

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Honestly, I'm just relieved my compromise offer was taken... heh. And Arches - brought to you by Interrupted Bathtime. Yes bathtime - that time you're SUPPOSED stay in the tub... NOT drip water across the carpets dashing to a computer to record thoughts and ideas before they escape. ><


LOL. I've done both that and yelled "Hubby, take notes" from the shower before.

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Hee... I find that my time at this site has been coloured with complaining loudly about x, y, and z... and then finding a suitable compromise in the end. The grumbling... it's a part of my thought process, I suspect! 'Cause I don't complain because I want out of things, but rather, because I feel I have a valid opinion on why x, y, or z should be done differently. But I do try to avoid being a huge nuisance though; a buzzing fly is easy to ignore in time, after all. ;)


Chikara - I thought of doing the same thing, 'cept for two things. One - he was tending to the baby, so I wanted to leave him to that. Two - he's only read the first book, so he'd not have a lot of the stuff that's familiar to us in his head. Three - I tend to talk too fast when I'm shoving an idea out that it becomes incoherent babble, and then I'd be furious that he didn't understand me as clearly as if I'd spoken slowly and more reasonably instead of...


*looks up* Oh, well... you get the idea. :biggrin:

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