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Phenom's WoT Discussion and Questions Topic (NO SPOILERS)


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As for my reading, I started off really well, but it all slowed down. I'm about 1/5th through the book and not too much has gone on IMO, maybe I'm missing something.


- Aviendha loves Rand that much is certain.

- Interesting how Rand speaks as Lews Therin to Lanfear. So he is Lews Therin!

- Rand using belafire is badass. How can he be stopped?

- Couladin heading to the "Wetlands"? Damn that sucks! I wonder who the other clans (the ones who didn't go to Rhuidean) are with?

- Moiraine succumbs to what Rand wants...yes!

- So Elaida wants Elayne back in the WT. It's interesting how Nynaeve and her still think Suian is in charge.

As far as that last mention... It's amazing to consider RJ's task of keeping track of what this multitude of characters actually know, who knows what and what everyone thinks they know, and basing their responses and actions from that knowledge or lack thereof (and then balancing it all with what the readers already know). This didn't really hit home to me until a later book when someone is having a conversation casually mentioning how things stand in the world. Some really major events and characters in the series, and like 90% of it was either completely wrong or so close to completely wrong that it makes no difference. :tongue:


I think things are going to pick up a little bit further into TFoH. I'm looking forward to your comments as you go.

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Take time to smell the roses with Nynaeve and Elayne's plotline in TFOH. It's one of the funniest parts of the series if you let it be just that.


My reading has slowed down significantly. I will continue, though. Don't worry.


Are there any websites that have art for the books? Like scenes, characters, creatures, etc?


My reading has slowed down significantly. I will continue, though. Don't worry.


Are there any websites that have art for the books? Like scenes, characters, creatures, etc?


Many of the fan sites have a section for art. To see some that is posted on this site click on the "Gallery" link near the top of the page. There is some pretty cool stuff.


I think the problem with that is he may come across some pictures that will be spoilers. From characetrs to the lolCats images, he may even come across an image of a fight scene - Like the Bela vs the Seanchan fight


Guess you've seen what many people like about tSR now you've seen Perrin in action huh, think you've still got more to go there though


You should be able to make a couple of assumptions about Slayer by the end of this book


I actually really like Gawyn, mostly from him pre-stilling of Suian and Leanne, just kinda frustrated by him most of the series lol. He's an excellent swordsman, despite being beaten by Mat - it just means Mat is better.


Yeah, you have to remember that even Hammar (or Coulin) expected Mat to beat them, not because he knew how good Mat was, but because he knew Gawyn and Galad. Both held/hold swordsmen in the highest regard, along with most of Randland. Both of them thought that a "farmer with a quarterstaff" would be a pushover. Galad got a clue once her saw Mat drop Gawyn, but was still facing Mat as though he were a single opponent, a quarterstaff has 5 major sections along the length (any two or three of which can be used simultaneously or in very rapid succession. It is much harder to attack simultaneously with defending when you are using a sword, where as a block/strike hit is simple and one of the first lessons shepherd learn for using a shepherd's crook against wild animals. Also as the Warder instructors pointed out, Jearom (the Greatest Swordsman that Ever Lived) lost only once and that was to a 'farmer with a quarterstaff".


And to answer the obvious question of "Why not train all soldiers to use quarterstaffs instead of sword, and that boils down to "Quarterstaff vs. steel helmet and breastplate". Personally, if I'm gonna fight someone in armor, I want a weapon that has a chance of getting through the armor.


My reading has slowed down significantly. I will continue, though. Don't worry.


Are there any websites that have art for the books? Like scenes, characters, creatures, etc?


Phenom, try finding comic books for New Spring and EoTW. I found it to be pretty good. If not, try googling WOT comics - there are some images floating around.


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