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Phenom's WoT Discussion and Questions Topic (NO SPOILERS)


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1. Ba'alzamon was Ishy (who was the most powerful Forsaken). But remember Rand had Callandor, one of the most powerful sa'angreal ever, so that helped make up for his lack of experience.

2. Rand is definately a little mad at this point but I think most of his problems this book just revolve around the huge stress that he is now under now that he has declared himself the Dragon Reborn. See what you think about how mad he is in the next few books.

3. Berelain is Min's hawk. Lanfear was the woman she warned him about.

For shame, sir, for shame!


OK, OK - my bad. Didn't give him any spoilers for the future but I will allow him to flounder around in ignorance and speculation from here on out. :smile:

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Regarding Mat being a "little winey b... in the first" book: I say all three of them - Mat, Rand, and Perin - were little winey biatches in the first 2 books. It wasn't until the second book that they started growing some balls. Perin especialy. That's when

he starts standing up to Moraine, despite Lan trying and failing to intimidate him, and he starts embracing his wolf'ness. It's fun, at least for me, to think back and trace the steps in Rand's transformation from winey puss to badass Darth Vader'esk (but a good guy) charecter.


About 1/6th of the way through The Shadow Rising. Some interesting thoughts:


- Rand and Egwene don't love each other anymore. That's pretty strange and not what I expected.

- So Rand is not exactly mad. Then why did he behead a lady and kill her guards and then make them kneel to him?

- Egwene and Nyaneave still fueding...meh.

- Min saw herself and two other women around Rand. I'm guessing that Elayne is one of them...who is the other? Lanfear?

- The Black Ajah getting Mazrin Taim would be extremely interesting. He's really powerful.

- The Seanchan are still in "Randland". I wonder what their next move will be.





- So Rand is not exactly mad. Then why did he behead a lady and kill her guards and then make them kneel to him?



Rand is not exactly mad, but neither is he exactly 100% sane anymore. That is at least my take.


Also remember he was hounded, stressed, and had his dreams constantly tormented.


Even with all that, it does still seem a little that Rand's madness was really amped up for book 3, then scaled back a bit. Of course, we really didn't get into his head much in that book either, and were dealing with other peoples' views of him for the most part.


About 1/6th of the way through The Shadow Rising.

There are some great scenes coming up for you to read. I envy that you get to read them for the first time.


There are some great scenes coming up for you to read. I envy that you get to read them for the first time.


This. But also, reading your theories is fantastically awesome in that it brings me back to when I had a zillion theories. Getting them right or wrong is so fun.


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Gee, took me forever to find this thread...


Anywho, some maps are available at WOTMud.org Maps. Though I don't know if they're exactly what you're after...


RE: Black Ajah guesses on Verin and Sheriam, we're not going to tell you :P But I knwo you're more saying that just to record your thoughts as you're reading. As the series progresses you may be finding yourself looking sideways at every character I guess for darkfriendedness (yes that's a proper word... now). But remember with Aes Sedai they kinda tend to be as vague as possible for shits and giggles anyway, and darkfriends/Black Ajah will obviously pop up as you progress through the book and some will make their allegiences know or be revealed.


If you like the Aiel, you'll definitely see more of them, particularly in book four and five


Don't hate Mat!! I'm another one in his fan club, admittedly his anti-Rand kinda thing in the second book was annoying, but he comes back with a vengeance


Um... and I had a mind blank and forgot other things you wrote about sorry.... hope I covered enough without actually answering anything. Trying not to be spoilery


Yeah man! Thanks for the maps!


A couple more thoughts from The Shadow's Rising. I'm about 1/3 through it.


- Lanfear revealed her intentions to Rand and who she was. He had a chance to kill her, but he passed. It would be difficult to murder someone helpless like that, especially a woman.

- That scene with Rand attempting to revive the child was powerful.

- The Faile/Perrin relationship is annoying, although, I like Perrin more than I've liked him before.

- I sure hope the Whitecloaks get their asses kicked in Edmond's Field. Let's go Perrin + Loial + Aiel + Faile.

- The Berelain/Faile confrontation was good. I wonder what kind of talk Rhurac had with Berelain.

- Galad is going to turn into a Whitecloak huh? (Yeah, I saw a picture of him in a white cloack online). I didn't like him anyways.

- So Min turned beautiful...nice.

- Loved the scene were Lan just manhandled Nynaeve and poured his heart out in front of the other women. That's a man right there.

- Moiraine is pissing me off. I doubt she has bad intentions, but she gets whatever she wants whenever she wants. The way she did Thom was dirty.

- It was awesome how Rand punked Moiraine after they came back from the doorway. She wanted to know their questions and answers and Rand said that he would tell her his, if she told him hers. She just walked away. hahaha

- Rand is growing up...good.

- Mazrim Taim is free. Damn...and apparently Logain is going to become important as well.

- So Egwene is going to Rhudien with Avhienda? I wonder if Avhienda is a dreamwalker...

- Mat has to marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons...isn't that Lanfear?


It's fun to read your thoughts on the reading as it happens. Over the course of the series it's easy to forget when things happen, or in what order, and details about them too. Thanks again for sharing them!


I thoroughly enjoyed Min's conversation with Gawyn at the Tower. The barely feigned civility is hilarious, and Galad being oblivious to the whole thing is just the icing on the cake.

I'm remembering more and more why TSR is my favorite in the series.


My comment a few posts ago still stands, btw :wink:


- Mazrim Taim is free. Damn...and apparently Logain is going to become important as well.


One of the best things about WOT is how characters always have a way of coming back on screen many books later. Starting with this book but especially in later books, there is just so much going on in the world that just the Two Rivers gang cant be in that many places at once. So more and more characters step in from the back ground to become the focus. It gets confusing sometimes, I can remeber durring my first read, being in a scene and unable to recall just who the people in the scene are and what their plot line is all about. I would always be abe to catch up, but its definetly alot to tke in the first time around.


Lanfear is not Daughter of the Nine Moons, though if I remember her name has something to do with moons (or such). But no, don't worry, Lanfear and Mat...well Mat wouldn't mind (he never does)wink.gif


Explain to me the Aiel clans, septs, societies, etc. Some of them have blood feuds, but they're all kind of intertwined.


Also, kind of a random question. But at this point in this series (1/3 through the 4th book) is Rand still a virgin? I mean, I know Mat isn't and Perrin sleeps with Faile (I think). But even Perrin got nervous and blushed when Faile asked him if he's ever been kissed. Weird, random question...I know. :)


The below information is taken from Aiel - Wikipedia. I do not, however, recommend going to that link Phenom as it contain Aiel related information throughout the the series, so you'll be assaulted with spoilers


The Aiel are organized on several different levels. There are twelve Aiel clans, each of which has a clan chief; clans are further divided into septs, and septs subdivide into holdings which are individual settlements; each clan and sept also has a central hold. (As a parallel, clans are like countries, septs are like states or regions within the country, holds are like cities, with central holds corresponding to capitals.) Aiel warriors also affiliate themselves with various warrior societies (which cross sept and clan boundaries), of which there are twelve, as seen below. The lines of loyalty amongst clan, sept and society are tangled; but, roughly, allegiance to one's warrior society trumps clan allegiance. This appears counter-intuitive until one remembers that the clans are in a state of almost perpetual twelve-way warfare; since Aiel from any clan can join any society, and will not raise spear against fellow society members, this allows open lines of diplomacy between all clans at all times. (Some Aiel even sojourn with their societies away from home to avoid participating in clan feuds.)

Explain to me the Aiel clans, septs, societies, etc. Some of them have blood feuds, but they're all kind of intertwined.


Also, kind of a random question. But at this point in this series (1/3 through the 4th book) is Rand still a virgin? I mean, I know Mat isn't and Perrin sleeps with Faile (I think). But even Perrin got nervous and blushed when Faile asked him if he's ever been kissed. Weird, random question...I know. :)




Explain to me the Aiel clans, septs, societies, etc. Some of them have blood feuds, but they're all kind of intertwined.

I believe that it's supposed to be somewhat incomprehensible at first. It does make at least a little more sense later on. (probably a lot more sense to people that catch on to things faster than me :rolleyes:

Also, kind of a random question. But at this point in this series (1/3 through the 4th book) is Rand still a virgin? I mean, I know Mat isn't and Perrin sleeps with Faile (I think). But even Perrin got nervous and blushed when Faile asked him if he's ever been kissed. Weird, random question...I know. :)

He and Egwene were practically promised to each other for marriage since they were several years younger, and I got the impression that they would wait until they were married... until that whole plan got utterly unraveled due to the happenings of the the first few books. So, yes.


Lanfear is not Daughter of the Nine Moons, though if I remember her name has something to do with moons (or such). But no, don't worry, Lanfear and Mat...well Mat wouldn't mind (he never does)wink.gif

It doesn't; the persona she uses to run around Randland unnoticed though is often described using references to the moon, moonlight, silver and so on. Of course the name itself comes from the Greek goddess of the moon; the persona's name, not Lanfear.


Also, kind of a random question. But at this point in this series (1/3 through the 4th book) is Rand still a virgin? I mean, I know Mat isn't and Perrin sleeps with Faile (I think). But even Perrin got nervous and blushed when Faile asked him if he's ever been kissed. Weird, random question...I know. :)

He and Egwene were practically promised to each other for marriage since they were several years younger, and I got the impression that they would wait until they were married... until that whole plan got utterly unraveled due to the happenings of the the first few books. So, yes.

It's explicitly stated that if you fooled around like that before you were wed and caught that the Women's Circle would basically marry you off immediately. We're supposed to think of Edmond's Field as an innocent and idyllic farming community that follows a somewhat puritan standard of morals.


Over half-way through the book now. Wow...so much has happened!


- Rhudien was VERY VERY interesting.

- What was up with those fox people Mat saw?

- So the modern-day Tinkers and Aiel were originally Jenn Aiel who got tired of carrying the Aes Sedai sa'angreal, ter'angreal, and angreal? Interesting...No wonder the Aiel let the Tinkers roam the Waste.

- So the people who gave Rand (or the person who's body he was in in Rhudien's columns) water were Cairheinians?

- They had cars and airplanes in the Age of Legends. Wow.

- So why did the Aiel go to the Waste? Was Rhudien were they would be safe? Then why did they die off?

- So the Tree of Life is in Rhudien. Then why was it in the Blight?

- Perrin is such a badass right now. I hope he whipes out the Whitecloaks.

- I wonder what Rand is thinking of doing?

- Why did Moiraine have to go into Rhudien?

- Does anyone know were Paran Dissen was?


Lol, there is definetly alot going on in this book, with no lack of action. Some of your questions I cant answer beause I woulld have to dance around spoilers and better to place it safe.


The Age of Legends was pretty much a futuristic Utopia, with all the modern convinences of today, Because of the cyclical nature of time in this series the Age of Legends is techincally the future of our world, so some things from our time are still around even in the age of legends. The great events of our time are now the Legends Gleeman tell in Rand's time.


So why did the Aiel go to the Waste? Was Rhudien were they would be safe? Then why did they die off?

Durring the breaking the Jenn Aiel wandered the earth, evetually they were guided to the waste by some Aes Sedai. The Tinkers had taken off, and the Aiel who protected the Jenn followed them into the waste. The reason why the Aes Sedai led them there and why they died off is a matter of debate, or I don't know the answer atleast.


So the Tree of Life is in Rhudien. Then why was it in the Blight?

The Tree of life was never with the Green Man in the Blight, it was just rumored to be. Durring the flashbacks the Jenn are carrying the Angreal and Ter'angreal around but also many cuttings of Chora tree's (Which are tree's of life) only one surrvived there journey, that was named Avendesora.


So the people who gave Rand (or the person who's body he was in in Rhudien's columns) water were Cairheinians?

The Cairehenin were the only people who ever gave anything to the Aiel durring and after the Breaking, so the Aiel gave them a cutting of Avendesora as a peace offering when they learned of it. It was called Avendoraldrea, The king of Cairhien Laman eventually cut it down to make a throne. This was the cause of the Aiel war.


I think I can at least answer that last question without spoiling anything.


No, the landscape of the entire continent (and presumably the world) was changed during the breaking, and knowledge has been lost to the point that nobody knows where it was. One of the few constants location-wise is where the city of V'saine used to be, the site of the Collam Daan.


Otherwise I can say that some of your comments and questions are addressed rather soon in your upcoming reading. Others are not. :wink: Enjoy the reading!


Oh I see...thank you for your answers!


In my last post I forgot to mention the Sea Folk. Really interesting people, IMO. Plus, they're dark-skinned. Yes! ;) I was waiting for one of these cultures since I myself am dark-skinned.


Whatever happened with the Shienarans? I'm assuming RJ didn't forget about them?


Whatever happened with the Shienarans? I'm assuming RJ didn't forget about them?

He has not.


Also, after reading another thread just now, part of my answer about where things are is incorrect. The city of V'saine's location (site of the Collam Daan) is not actually known anymore. I was thinking it was known as Shayol Ghul nowadays, and it is not. :blush: Kind of a confusing subject sometimes.


Whatever happened with the Shienarans? I'm assuming RJ didn't forget about them?

He has not.


Also, after reading another thread just now, part of my answer about where things are is incorrect. The city of V'saine's location (site of the Collam Daan) is not actually known anymore. I was thinking it was known as Shayol Ghul nowadays, and it is not. :blush: Kind of a confusing subject sometimes.

I haven't gotten that far yet, man. I have no idea what V'saine is. haha


- What was up with those fox people Mat saw?

We're still arguing about that.

- Why did Moiraine have to go into Rhudien?

Our beliefs inform our actions.


A little question. I am not permitted to view member profiles (not even my own) or search the forums. Why is this? I'm trying to get an avatar.


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