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1) We will see dreadlords again.


2) The Ayyaad (Sharan channellers) will be darkfriends and helping the shadow attack both the borderlands and Seanchan


3) Nynaeve will die -> All the foreshadowing about Nynaeve healing someone from death will instead play out that she in turn gets healed from death (this is my crazy one... and I don't really believe this one.)


4) Im hoping foursome :-)


5) Eggwene's and Rand's meeting will be a discussion on a truce with the Seanchan which will be why "he will know the Amyrlin's anger"


6) Mesaana dies


7) Slayer dies


8) Moggy dies


9) The gholam dies

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Haven't read anyone else's predictions before posting.


1) Aviendha's four babies at once happen during her time in the ter'angreal in Rhuidean which show her important moments of her own past, including giving birth to future generations of Aiel.


2) Thom dies, giving up his life to save Moiraine because the Finns want a life for a life as bargain. Mat's eye is change because an old crippled guy isn't enough to cover a reasonably young channeler.


3) Both Mat and Perrin's ta'veren strength has increased. They're now causing oddities approaching Rand's in size and scope.


4) Rand and Egwene meet - no explosions occur. They talk like reasonably civilised people.


5) Birgitte has lost all memories from her previous lives. She's kind of sad about it.


6) Graendal doesn't die (much).


Righto, here we go:


1. Melaine is a Darkfriend (how come that she's the only WO who hasn't been much discussed as a probable DF?)

2. Lan kicks serious Shadow-behind with the help of his resurgent Malkieri army

3. Fain and Morridin show-down (please, please, pretty please!!!)

4. We get a glimpse of what the “glory” that Min saw around Logain will be.

5. Tuon and the Seanchan Empire come to some kind of accord/truce with Randlanders (probably Rand or Perrin).

6. Demandred doing something - I'm guessing suddenly showing up with a kick-ass army to do some serious damage. One of the Forsaken really needs to start living up to reputation.


I tried to stick with smaller predictions - did think up a number of purely ridiculous ones as well though!


1) Fain. There'll be big part about him and we'll get a backstory about what's up with Mordeth and Shadar Logoth and all that. The reason is that he's one of the largest threads that's been ongoing through the series and he needs to be fleshed out and explained. Also, either Fain has a large role to play at the Last Battle or he does not. If he does, it's kind of silly to leave the explanation about him until the last book and kind of shoehorn it in before he does something big at TG. If he doesn't, then his storyline needs to get wrapped up so that the last book can focus on the Last Battle without tertiary sidelines getting in the way.


2) Logain. They need to have him do something important. He's been sort of alluded to as a major character since the first book, especially given Min's viewing in book four. He hasn't, however, been anything except a minor character who hasn't really done all that much and they need to give him some kind of task so he can get some of that glory that's coming to him. Hopefully, there'll be a big Logain/Taim throwdown for control of the BT and he can show himself to be as worthwhile as most everybody's hoping he'll be.


3) Horn of Valere. Can we pull this f-ing thing out of storage already? It'd be nice to have Lan's army about to get steamrolled by a bunch of Trollocs at Tarwin's Gap and then have Nynaeve bamf Mat up there just in time with his superweapon to wipe them out.


4) Seanchan. Since the poor writing decision of not having Rand just balefire this useless empire out of existence, they need to get smacked around a little more and have Annoying Girl get over herself and fall in line and get rid of the damane and help out during the Last Battle.


5) King of Illian. Can someone notice that the King of Illian is still alive and maybe mention that to Rand? Perhaps also when Egwene's having the next conversation with him about all the Forsaken that Rand was killing and taking over the countries that they ruled, she could find a way to work into the conversation that this is what happened with his country.


6) Lanfear. Doing something. Anything. She used to be cool in the early books and it would be nice to see at least one of the Forsaken other than Ishamael that was brought back to life be seen doing something that would make them worth the trouble the DO put into bringing them back.


7) Demandred. Enough with the buildup, already. Tell us who he is and what he's doing and have him do something.


8) Asmodean. Find a way to work the identity of the guy who killed him into the first sentence of the prologue. It's been long enough.


To add to my previous (serious) predictions


Some very bad things are going to start happening in T'A'R. The Shadow has many angreal, etc that help them use T'A'R. I think people will start being killed by their dreams in epic proportions.


Cadsuane will kill Taim or be very significant in the Battle for the Black Tower. After all, she has to teach ALL the Asha'man something, right?

  • 2 weeks later...

1.) :graendal::tongue: Mesaana will be revealed as Evanellein.


2.) :elayne::myrddraal: Elayne's BA/DF prisoners will escape.


3.) :darkone::aessedai: The BA remnant will head to the BT to join with Taim.


4.) :rand::avi: Rand knocks Avi up (per Min's viewing).


5.) :gholam::seanchan: Tuon gets killed by the gholam (wishful thinking - my least likable char)


6.) :whitecloak::perrin: Dain and Byar will come to blows with Perrin.


The Last Battle will be a knockout morris dancing contest, and the Forces of the Light will win by Mat leading them in the Stick and Bucket Dance.


(Yes I'm feeling silly - the suspense is killing me!!)


My predictions:



1) Min

2) Cadsuane

3) Moghedien



1) Moiraine is unwittingly leading Mat into a horrendous trap

2) Asmo died in TAR (still no clue on the killer)


Ok, over the past few days I have come up with several more predictions.



1) Lanfear or Moiraine killed Asmodean.

2) Three must be as one refers to time, not the ta'veren. TAR where past, present and future all exist at once. Reference, Hopper in the wolf dream.

3) Shayol Gul is in TAR, not in the normal land. The Bore is in the Blight.

4) Assuming this fits with what RJ said, I think there is a distinct possibility that Demandred may be Ituralde, though this is a big guess.

5) Mat, Thom, Farstrider (assuming it is him) and Olver will all enter Finnland. (Olver will enter later thus keeping Moiraine's prediction intact.)

6) Lan dies.

7) I agree with Guybon somewhat. I think Graendal could get one or both of them. I think she will be killed by someone else though.

8) The cleansing was not a good thing. Rand wounds have a part to play here I think.

9) We will learn the Wheel of Time must be broken. Reference the saying on Mat's Ashandarei/requests plus speculation on circular and linear time in the series.

10) Loial dies.


1. Rand will realize that Fain is the bonding agent needed to seal the Bore or something like that. Basically, instead of Fain being the hunter, he will be the hunted.


2. Garetb Byrne will lead the Tar Valon forces which are a combination of the Tower Guard and Rebel Forces. At the end of the book, the Tower will come to the rescue of Lan at the Gap. Somehow avenging the the Aes Sedai arriving late the last time. Ny will weave some hug gateway for everyone to get there in time.


3. Suian no longer needs to be weaker in the power to get her way. She will be fully healed so she can have more power (pun intended).


4. This whole drama about "Rand killed Morgase" will finally end with Morgase revealing herself or being outed by someone.


5. The link between Rand and Mordin will be used by Rand more. I feel it will be something like Rand having some control over Mogh or Cydaene.


Hello - first time poster here. I've read a lot of the posts the last couple of months and haven't really seen much about this: I think Olver might be a dark friend. I've always wondered, and had my suspicions about him - he just seemed too convenient. What better way to infiltrate the Light side than by a little boy dark friend? I haven't read any of the spoilers, will stay away from them until after I've read the book, so I may be way off. Based on the reviews I read, I think especially Terez's, makes me wonder if I'm right.


My predictions.


1...Tuon will discover the Essanik Cycle has been tampered with through a Foretelling by her Damane that clearly

contradicts it.


2...Taim and Logain..Mano a Mano


3...Egwene will want Asha'man who bond with Sedai to take oaths (lol)


4...Far Madding was a trap, as rand guessed.Having failed, the Black Sisters with the Army kill all the Borderland rulers rather than allow them to return to their duties along the Blight.


5...Matt will somehow use the Tower of Ghenji to trap the Gholam or else learn how to kill it.


6...Rodel Ituralde will not abandon his post on the Blight.


7...Olver opens Verin's letter, Forcing Matt to do as it says.


I'll give myself crazy ratings of each post /10

Olver is Demandred 9 (I prefer other ppls postings of him helping in Ghenji)

Taim is a new Dreadlord 2

He will be killed by Logain 2

Taim was converted by a 13/13 circle. 7

We will see a 13/13 circle convert somebody in TOM or MOL. 2

Elayne dies in childbirth 5

As a result of this Gawyn turns to the shadow 7

Aes Sedai unbind themselves from the oath rod 6


1. Graendal is dead. Any presence in ToM is due to timeline lag.

2. Egwene will kill Mesaana.

3. At least most of the Aes Sedai with the Borderlander armies are Black. Their actions will cause it least Tenobia's death, helping Perrin and Faile to get a step closer to the Saldaean crown.

4. Olver will not enter the ToG.

5. We will not see Aviendha's trip through the glass columns. She will make a bridal wreath for Rand and he will marry his 3 women.

6. We will find out who killed Asmo. I think Brandon is too anxious to tells us this to wait another book.

  On 10/26/2010 at 6:34 AM, Bob T Dwarf said:

I predict that 95% of all predictions ( including my own ) will be proven wrong.


And, in the immortal words of one of the late Molly Sugden's roles, " I am unanimous in that."


Just wait. :)


(coming from one who has now read the entirety of ToM)

  On 10/27/2010 at 10:02 PM, Beren said:
  On 10/26/2010 at 6:34 AM, Bob T Dwarf said:

I predict that 95% of all predictions ( including my own ) will be proven wrong.


And, in the immortal words of one of the late Molly Sugden's roles, " I am unanimous in that."


Just wait. :)


(coming from one who has now read the entirety of ToM)




(Yes I know, you're prob a beta reader..)

  On 10/28/2010 at 10:28 AM, FarShainMael said:
  On 10/27/2010 at 10:02 PM, Beren said:


Just wait. :)


(coming from one who has now read the entirety of ToM)




(Yes I know, you're prob a beta reader..)



Not neccesarily Shrieky McShriek. I was speaking to a clerk at the bookstore I reserved my copy at, and he said that the book isn't listed (at that bookchain anyway) as being embargo'd, or on an embargo, however you say it. Anywho, this means they can sell it the second it gets into stock... well, a few seconds later anyway, gotta scan it etc. Either way it kinda quick. If it has a little sticker on it saying "Do not open til 02/11/2010" they ignore the sticker if it's not listed as officially embargo'd.


Guessing embargos involve fees, storage costs etc, so the bookstore says, bugger it lets get rid of this stuff so we have more room back here for biographies from politicians etc

  On 10/27/2010 at 10:02 PM, Mark Grayson said:

1. Graendal is dead. Any presence in ToM is due to timeline lag.

2. Egwene will kill Mesaana.

3. At least most of the Aes Sedai with the Borderlander armies are Black. Their actions will cause it least Tenobia's death, helping Perrin and Faile to get a step closer to the Saldaean crown.

4. Olver will not enter the ToG.

5. We will not see Aviendha's trip through the glass columns. She will make a bridal wreath for Rand and he will marry his 3 women.

6. We will find out who killed Asmo. I think Brandon is too anxious to tells us this to wait another book.



Well atleast 2 out of 6 were right;) One was close, very close.


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