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What Are Parts In The Series Where U Have Felt...Really PROUD of The Characters?

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For Me:


1 That one time (can't remember book or town) where Mat Cauthon (even though Egwene has been being really mean to him) decides that a Two Rivers Woman will NOT be treated poorly and he Kneels to Egwene and calls her ''Mother.''


2 In the above situation...Egwene, for her ''Thank you, Mat.''


3 Nynaeve for what she said about Mat to Tuon in TGS.


4 Loial for: Trollocs. Not thousands. Tens of thousands. He turned just in time to catch the long-handled axe that Elder Haman tossed him. The other man's ears were back all the way laid flat against his skull and Loial realized his own were too. And then he and Elder Haman were running down the corridor together, pounding down the stairs, bellowing at the top of their lungs a warning , and a battle cry that had not been heard in over two thousand years: ''Trollocs coming! Up axes and clear the field! Trollocs coming!''


...OMG - I STILL Get Such Chills Every Time I Read That Part in KOD.




5 Bran, Tam and (I THIIIINK) Master Alvere for standing up to the lynch mob that was coming after the Aes Sedai in Emond's Field in TSR.








Most of these are emotional level, but still pretty cool.

  • Rand returning to Falme because Egwene might be there and in need of rescue.
  • Egwene's Declaration of War. Pretty much showing the failed 'current crop Aes Sedai' that Two Rivers = Better than you.
  • Perrin trying so hard to get Faile to leave him so he could die for his people and not hurt her. Read that sentence again, yea, that's awesome.
  • I second your Mat and Egwene duo examples. Actually, I second all of them  ;)
  • Rand being semi-patient with nobles and Aes Sedai long after any other man would have them executed.
  • Dain Bornhald refusing to kill 'his father's murderer' because it wasn't just. (And ignoring near a hundred longbows pointed at him point blank)
  • Geofram Bornhald sticking it to the man among a corrupt organization.
  • Mat putting up with the supergirls' ungratefulness. Egwene and Nynaeve have some (very) small excuse, but Elayne did not even know him and then turns around and calls him her vassal after she tries to steal his detachment. wtf?
  • Egwene putting the smack-down on the sitters when they suggested punishing Silviana.


My all time favorite is Moiraine


1. Its not a scene, but the plotline. When she surrenders and says she will be his servant. Climaxing in her letter.


You will do well.


The only person who actually thanked Rand, or gave him any credit, instead of being all scared and wondering when he will go mad and kill everyone. Fools.


2. Mat and Perrin taking up the Banner and blowing the Horn at Falme.


3. For both Mat and Elayne, him giving her his amulet, and her for giving it back and realising that he is actually awesome.


4. Rand trying to save those children in Tear in KoD.


5. Nynaeve not being selfish and letting Lan go, knowing he is most likely going to die. (the realising bit, not the bit where she tricks him)




Tam when he put Cadsuane in her place and called her a bully.


Rand, for scoring with not one, but three hot babes  ;D


Rand again, for when he said the Maidens could come with him to Caemlyn.


Nynaeve should get an honorable mention, since her greatest ambition is to Heal everyone.



Egwene's defiance after he capture by Elaida


Verins sacrifice to reseach the Black Ajah


Eban's sacrifce to save his AS during the cleansing and linked to that the bit where Narishma went into the rebel camp and told them to remember his sacrifice forcing them to admit there distrust of all asha'man is not justified. bought a tear to my eye that did :'(






Def Tam backing Cadsuane down. That man is a legend, and the only regret regarding him is that he's not been in the series more often.


Mat generally (in his pre-marriage-maturity-days) for grumbling constantly but always putting himself on the line to do the right thing / help someone out.


Perrin for standing toe to toe with Rand ( who was, at that moment, backed up by a lot of blood thirsty Taim-influenced Ashamen) to say he'd stop Rand doing anything else to the AS at Duimai's Wells. Love it. So brave.


Egwene - ok, she has her flaws, I know - standing bleeding in front of Elaida and the Sitters, unbroken, in TGS.


Nynaeve - for being able to stop yanking her vraid at everyone.


Mat realizing that he can't let a bunch of people die when his memories could help them all to live, sucking it up and leading the charge/battle plans. And killing Couladin in the process


Moraine's speech about Manetheren after the mob wants her out of the two rivers in EoTW


Loial's pov that was quoted above


Birgitte being told to talk to Mat to convince him to go along with what the supergirls want, then realizing that they were being pompous little girls and taking Mat's side, making them apologize. That whole part of the book with Mat and her were aweseome too


Mat calling the Sea Folk woman "daughter of the sands" and making a bargain, then telling Nynaeve and Elayne that they should have just asked, instead of trying to trick him after they failed


Moraine after her little "I learned how to embrace saidar" speech to Egwene, and her submission to Rand. Not the submission itself, but that she was willing to put everything on the line to see that HIS welfare was protected after spending almost her whole life finding him and trying to keep the world safe from the DO


Perrin getting the two rivers to fight the trollocs to defend his hometown. that whole segment was awesome


Rand's explanation of how to beat an enemy smarter than you, to ramshalan in TGS


Verin, nuff said


Mat when Kadere comes to get Tuon, and he puts the band against the seanchan with some of the gardeners/deathwatch guard helping him so that his wife can get away. that whole scene was awesomeness


Ingtar's confession of being a darkfriend, and rand giving him the borderlander funeral speech/"he's giving up his life to let us get away" line to mat and perrin


Rand choosing to sheathe the sword to stop ishamael in TGH


Lan telling Rand that when there's something he wants more than anything, and he's willing to put his life on the line to get it done, every man has the right to sheathe the sword


Rand going to see the amirlyn at the beginning of TGH with Lan in Shienar




Great question. 


Nynaeve Healing Siuan and Leane would be a huge one for me.  For her perseverence in the face of Aes Sedai pronouncements that it could not be done.


On the same subject, the way in which Siuan and Leane deal with being stilled and don't just give up.  From what we know of the One Power, suicide would have been such an easy and tempting option. 


Egwene naming Silviana her Keeper. 


Egwene story arc - from being made damane to being taught by the Wise Ones and how, through these experiences, she becomes the strong Amyrlin the Aes Sedai need before the Last Battle.


And finally: Rand learning laughter (and tears?) on Dragonmount. 




I don't remember which Asha'man, but the one who attacked Aran'gar with a sword, knowing he would die.


"So you remember his name! Eben Hopwil. He fought for his Aes Sedai long after he should have been dead!"


-Jahar Narishma to the full Rebel Hall of the Tower


Perrin when he got rid of the Ax.


Rand's epiphany on the tip of Dragonmount in TGS.


Nyneve's getting over her block when she almost drowned.


Perrin pretty much all through book 4.  lol


Mat just about every time he shows his true nature and cares for somebody and takes responsibility for others' safety.


Egwene during her "captivity" in the Tower, and especially during the Seanchan attack and her really coming into the role as Amyrlin.


There are others as well, but one of the times in the book that I was most happy, not sure if I was proud of any one character in particular, (probably Rand) was when Rand and Nyneve cleansed Saidin.  That made me smile for days.  haha


I don't remember which Asha'man, but the one who attacked Aran'gar with a sword, knowing he would die.


"So you remember his name! Eben Hopwil. He fought for his Aes Sedai long after he should have been dead!"


-Jahar Narishma to the full Rebel Hall of the Tower


I can't believe I forgot that!


A Cup Of Sleep


“The Wisdom in my village could cure anything,” Rand said as he knelt beside Fedwin. Somehow, he managed to smile at the boy without taking his eyes from Taim. Fedwin smiled back happily and tried to take the cup, but Rand held it for him to drink. “She knows more about herbs than anybody I’ve ever met. I learned a little from her, which are safe, which not.” Fedwin sighed as Rand took the cup away and held the boy to his chest. “Sleep, Fedwin,” Rand murmured.


It did seem that the boy was going to sleep. His eyes closed. His chest rose and fell more slowly. Slower. Until it stopped. The smile never left his lips.


“A little something in the wine,” Rand said softly as he laid Fedwin down. Min’s eyes burned, but she would not cry. She would not!


“You are harder than I thought,” Taim muttered.


A Cup Of Sleep


“The Wisdom in my village could cure anything,” Rand said as he knelt beside Fedwin. Somehow, he managed to smile at the boy without taking his eyes from Taim. Fedwin smiled back happily and tried to take the cup, but Rand held it for him to drink. “She knows more about herbs than anybody I’ve ever met. I learned a little from her, which are safe, which not.” Fedwin sighed as Rand took the cup away and held the boy to his chest. “Sleep, Fedwin,” Rand murmured.


It did seem that the boy was going to sleep. His eyes closed. His chest rose and fell more slowly. Slower. Until it stopped. The smile never left his lips.


“A little something in the wine,” Rand said softly as he laid Fedwin down. Min’s eyes burned, but she would not cry. She would not!


“You are harder than I thought,” Taim muttered.


Damn, one of the best parts of the series. Awesome moment.


A Cup Of Sleep


“The Wisdom in my village could cure anything,” Rand said as he knelt beside Fedwin. Somehow, he managed to smile at the boy without taking his eyes from Taim. Fedwin smiled back happily and tried to take the cup, but Rand held it for him to drink. “She knows more about herbs than anybody I’ve ever met. I learned a little from her, which are safe, which not.” Fedwin sighed as Rand took the cup away and held the boy to his chest. “Sleep, Fedwin,” Rand murmured.


It did seem that the boy was going to sleep. His eyes closed. His chest rose and fell more slowly. Slower. Until it stopped. The smile never left his lips.


“A little something in the wine,” Rand said softly as he laid Fedwin down. Min’s eyes burned, but she would not cry. She would not!


“You are harder than I thought,” Taim muttered.


Good call forgot all about that.


Dobraine at Dumais Wells, Nynaeve defeating Moghiedien, Mat in the EotW when they first fight trollocs, Mat in the battle for Cairhien, Rand defeating Turak, Moiraine killing Lanfear, Loial singing to the Green Man's grave


Nynaeve & the remaining Malkieri - KoD "The Golden Crane"


Nynaeve announces that al'Lan Mandragoran rides from World's End toward Tarwin's Gap, toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone? Aldragoran <with before unnoticed tears in his eyes> swears that he will ride with Lan. "The Golden Crane flies <again>, for Tarmon Gai'don!"


In no particular order:


-Tam's infamous calling out of Cadsuane.

-Any time Egwene makes a speech.  I normally hate it when characters get preachy, but DAMN!

-Mat kneeling to Egwene.  He was the last guy I'd have expected, especially with his "I wonder what poor sap they got as Amyrlin" line, with everyone else trying to shut him up.

-The 15-year-old Hopwil trying and failing to fight Aran'gar without the power.  Sure he failed, but it's the thought that counts.  Also, she fried him, and THEN the rest of the circle was still strong enough to drive her off.  If she hadn't gotten the drop on them, they probably would have completely overwhelmed her.

-Narishma, who up until that point had been protrayed as completely whipped, standing up to Merise to address the SAS.  One line just gives me chills: "Remember the name.  Eben Hopwil."  Made more awesome by the fact that it convinced them.

-Also, Damer Flinn.  The ONLY Asha'man to stay with Rand for the entirety of the series, and stay out of loyalty, not fear, or lack of a better option.


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