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SG's annual big mafia game (in honor of FDM) sign ups!!


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On Hiatus... I think she has to be close to having the baby? I've lost track. Go pester Kivam and FDM and anyone else you can think of... and I'll give you a special treat DPR. ;)


When you say special treat...




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On Hiatus... I think she has to be close to having the baby? I've lost track. Go pester Kivam and FDM and anyone else you can think of... and I'll give you a special treat DPR. ;)


When you say special treat...





Also, everyone should know that that's really me dancing in my avatar. Really.




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Poke and prod anyone you can... I'm gonna start this up probably sunday either way. (possibly monday) Ed I can put you in if you like and just replace you if you don't die before you have to leave.


I'm gonna make sure those signed up still want in though.. especially those who signed up way back on the old boards.

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Yeah I just now heard that too... I don't venture much past Shayol Ghul so anything staff of other social groups post is lost in Shayol Ghul because we don't currently HAVE a leader that has staff access.... Verbal, Moggy, and I are faction leaders and by default share the leadership role until a new Shayol Ghul social group leader is chosen. I don't see that happening until things get all smoothed out with the boards because that is the more important issue. So just hold tight until then. :biggrin:

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Depending on when this games due to start I might have to pull out of it. Ill be on LOA from this Wednesday (29th) until the 11th October.


If the games begin after that leave me in the lists, but if you start inbetween you might want to look at replacing me

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Yeah I just now heard that too... I don't venture much past Shayol Ghul so anything staff of other social groups post is lost in Shayol Ghul because we don't currently HAVE a leader that has staff access.... Verbal, Moggy, and I are faction leaders and by default share the leadership role until a new Shayol Ghul social group leader is chosen. I don't see that happening until things get all smoothed out with the boards because that is the more important issue. So just hold tight until then. :biggrin:


As an OG mod, I actually have Social Staff board access, so I'll try to keep an eye out for any info that SG might be missing out on.....didn't even think of that before you said something, Nae. Thanks!!

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It would be a big help. Thanks Verby. :wub:


Kemian... as of now I'm unsure when we will start but if it's not near the beginning of your LOA then I will just leave you in. If not you will definetly be able to be my backup in case anyone else (such as Ed) needs to drop out.

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Yeah I just now heard that too... I don't venture much past Shayol Ghul so anything staff of other social groups post is lost in Shayol Ghul because we don't currently HAVE a leader that has staff access.... Verbal, Moggy, and I are faction leaders and by default share the leadership role until a new Shayol Ghul social group leader is chosen. I don't see that happening until things get all smoothed out with the boards because that is the more important issue. So just hold tight until then. :biggrin:


As an OG mod, I actually have Social Staff board access, so I'll try to keep an eye out for any info that SG might be missing out on.....didn't even think of that before you said something, Nae. Thanks!!


At least you got your powers and staff board access - I was afraid that the OG boards were defenseless.




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Yeah I just now heard that too... I don't venture much past Shayol Ghul so anything staff of other social groups post is lost in Shayol Ghul because we don't currently HAVE a leader that has staff access.... Verbal, Moggy, and I are faction leaders and by default share the leadership role until a new Shayol Ghul social group leader is chosen. I don't see that happening until things get all smoothed out with the boards because that is the more important issue. So just hold tight until then. :biggrin:


As an OG mod


He means 'Original Gangster'

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It would be a big help. Thanks Verby. :wub:


Kemian... as of now I'm unsure when we will start but if it's not near the beginning of your LOA then I will just leave you in. If not you will definetly be able to be my backup in case anyone else (such as Ed) needs to drop out.


Lovely Thanks Nae :biggrin:

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