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Who wants to meet the Nae?


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I'm planning on going to Jordancon in april of next year.  For those who don't know.. (stabs the heck out of you)  It's a convention dedicated to Robert Jordan that our very own Kathana puts together.  Attendance was down at this years and if she doesn't break even next year she will have to retire the con. *sad panda face*  So we need as many people as possible to go!

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I am planning on going, but then I am also planning on going to the land of the kiwis. If everything goes right, I should be at jordancon.

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I'll go if I can convince my wife that flying to Atlanta to meet random internet strangers isn't a bad idea.  She thinks I'll stay.  She might have a point.  Who wouldn't want to take an ewok home with them, eh?

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Haha - on the weekend?


*light bulb*


Holy crap.  My wife and I have a good friend who is living somewhere near Atlanta.  If he's still there next April, perhaps I can arrange a weekend visit and my wife can hang out with our friend while I'm at JordanCon??!!


This could work....

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Just to clarify...Attendance was NOT down last year. In 2009 we had 260+ attending. In 2010 we had 300+ attending. The problem is that I've lost my job and we're going to be tight on money for the forseeable future. So that means we can't subsidize the convention like we have been doing.

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I wasn't told WHY  I was just told it was at risk.... I should still get bonus points for trying to spread the word!!


After the convention we are all going to your old work and destroying those who dared to lay you off!

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No worries. It's just dangerous if rumors start that JordanCon is struggling. No one wants to attend a con that's failing. That's for losers.


And I'd much rather you guys just find lots and lots of learning disabled children to enroll at my former school. They'll hire me back if enrollment hits a certain benchmark. They tried very hard to keep me, so I'm not mad at them.

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If people can't go, can they donate somehow to help with funding?

I really want to go and should be in GA at the time, but don't know if I would get leave to go. :/

But I would definitely consider donating some if I couldn't go!

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Our business model doesn't allow us to accept donations. But if you'd like to buy an ad in our program, we do accept "yearbook" style ads.  You know, just put a shout out to your friends. So if you can't attend, you can do that.

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