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Two things...


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fIrStLy, im sick of this obsessive love of tea! Luk, it’s boring tasteless, and unhealthy if you put anything in it that might actually make it bearable.  England basically claiming it as Their own is arrogant, and i really don’t like my country being known for this awful stuff.  I beg of u, if u have any tea in your house, or if your family does, please get rid of it. Chuck the teabags away. Set them alight. Feed them to your children or dogs. Flush them down the toilet. Destroy them. Anything! Hopefully if we all start this - other people might take our example and never buy tea again, realising their hatred for it,,, Deep Down. As for the tea in the shops; you don’t want to go giving them your money for it just so you can destroy it – so set the shop alight! Alternatively, you could put the boxes of tea bags underneath your coat and run off to throw them into your local river. Or, pretend to be blind so you can take a dog in there with you and get it to devour them.

  If you see ne1 with a cup of tea,,, knock it over on purpose. Don’t let them drink it! There only deceiving themselves anyway. It’s too disgusting for ne1 to ever like. You shud, in fact, aim to spill a cup of tea a day. Take it up as a hobby – it’ll be fun!  And, ofc, thoroughly satisfying.


2ndly, I won’t hear a bad word said about foie gras. It tastes gorgeous... Plus, it’s a gr8 size? Better than jus normal liver, nd u get your money’s worth! All I hear are bad things – o, it’s so disgusting, and do you know what they do to those poor animals?! Well, you know what I say? Who cares about the methods used to get it? I think it’s actually brilliant – the French are so smart for inventing that. Who else cud possibly think of such a thinG? Their expertise with food is amazing. They have actually invented the perfect way to cook and eat anything that moves! You don’t want to mess with the French.

  It combines lovely food with appropriate treatment of geese. They deserve to be force fed I hate the little sods don’t we all?? Their aggressive and ugly, and they make far 2 much noise. *Shudders* Id like to see you try to be friends with one anyway. Everyone knows they attack you on sight. How can something like tHat deserve a nice life?  Yes, they might just be acting on instinct, but that’s no excuse. If we behaved like dem we would get years in jail – and wat do they get? BREAD! *Shakes head* No wonder parents send their children to throw crumbs, Oh, and sometimes entire slices! into lakes.

So Srsly, You Should Try It. You’ll Be Amazed – Honest. Once You Tuck Into Dat Goose Liver You’ll Put All Thoughts About Animal Cruelty To The Side.



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Yowza.  That was pretty much both unreadable and unintelligible.  Doesn't pure spam for spam's sake belong in The Blight?



I'm not sure that it was Jelly's intention to spam (not that I'm sure of her intention otherwise).

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They had 'most evil' category two years back but they took it off. Last person who won it was Mystica. It's funny because the reasoning for getting rid of it was that they didn't want to reward people for being jerks....  xD






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Your appreciation is not my concern. Your misfortune is ^_^






I'm thinking an Empy for best putdowns needs to be created.


Really?  Cause those seemed kinda tame to me. 

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I never said Nyn was a runaway winner....it just made me think there should be one.  But I think Nyn would be nominated for sure.  Actually, I can pretty much guarantee that a 'Chan member would win that thing.

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It's amusing to me, because off DM she gets awfully chatty.


Oh well, I guess now I'll have to finally check if there's something worth watching on TV. I knew this moment would come! :/





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