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Need Snuggles

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I'm really upset.


I was walking home from work when a lady was coming toward me pushing a stroller and her little girl was a bit behind her. She turned around to scream at her kid to hurry up, so her kid started running. She musta been about 2. She had a binky in her mouth. Then the lady turns to scream at her again just as the kid is running past her mom and right into me. I move to the side a bit. (Narrow sidewalk, plus lady's stroller = not much room.) But still the girl sideswipes me a bit. Nothing like smacking into my pregnant belly. Just a small brush. So, I didnt say anything. Kept walking.


The lady yells at her kid to watch where she's going and the next thing I know she's yelling at me, too!  ??? She's going, "And miss, you need to watch it, too. She's only a baby." I turn around and look at her incredulously and say, "I have a baby, too!" pointing to my belly. She goes, "Yea, but you banged into her--" I'm like, "She ran into me and I barely touched her!" She's like, "Yea, but she's rubbing her ear, so you probably hit her harder than you think."


(What I'm really thinking is, "Are you F---ing kidding me??!")


So I just go, "Look, I'm not having this conversation. You're in a rush. I'm in a rush." I turn around and all I keep hearing are her cursing me out that if I werent pregnant she'd eff me up. -__-


This is NYC. This is a woman on the street. But she also represents a lot of the parents I deal with as a public middle school teacher. The kid is at fault or responsible in some way, and who gets blamed? Me. The kids can do whatever they want and there are no consequences, but the minute I say something about their behavior or want to consequence their wrong-doing, the parent jump down my throat.


I swear to God, after six yrs teaching middle school, I'm quitting after next school yr.


The worst part is that b/c I'm pregnant, this incident shook me. This is coming on the heels of a kid at school almost knocking me down at full-frontal force (aka - he could've smacked into my baby and killed it), and not even caring to apologize b/c he was chasing his classmate who'd taken his basketball.


This is supposed to be Teacher Appreciation wk.




My @$$. 

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*hug* So sorry to hear this Charis.  It seems our society doesn't like taking responsibility for its actions, and loves to find a scapegoat. Its just incredulous to me that in doing so, this lady would risk the well being of your baby! I guess thats the sad state of the world now :(


As much as I hate to say it, and I empahize being a former teacher, but we can't always change the world or people...but we can set a better example. I wish that people like this lady would take a momment of introspection to look at her own poor behavior and see the example she is setting for her child.  You are making a difference when teaching the next generation because you are setting a better example. And for that, I want to say thank you :)

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I think this is the first time we've met, Karasayl, but I want to say thank you to you. You made me feel better with those simple words. *hugs back*


And I do want to add that although none of my students would ever acknowledge Teacher Appreciation wk, my wonderful husband bought me chocolate in a box the shape of an apple and handed it to me saying, "For my favorite teacher." That's why I'll keep him for life.  ;D

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Charis, I'm sorry you had to go through that. While I was reading the story, I thought that the mother was taking an awfully big risk with her child, letting a 2 or 3 year old walk down the street without holding her hand. What's to stop that child from running in front of a car? Her own good judgement? Her self-control? At her age? It's MOM'S responsibility. Period. At that age, mine were in a stroller or I had hold of their hand. Always. And what business does she have screaming at the child like that? That poor child.


You didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like that. She sounds like a horrible mother and a horrible person. *lots of snuggles*


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Name and shame. Now obviously you don't know the name of this lady, but you could still write a letter to your local newspaper (if they have a letter's column), and mention all of these things.


*Snuggles Charis and strokes hair*

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My Wife is a pregnant school teacher, and the same thing happens on a nearly daily basis. She teaches kindergarten but the primary is joined with the high school (no middle school in Australia), and all the time reckless young children careen through the halls without regard for those around. It's downright dangerous, and as much as the teachers try to control the kids if the parents don't back up the lessons on respect and proper behavior, it'll never sink in. I fear for the future.


And the parents, my god the parents. One of her students was literally gnawing on the arm of another kid the other day, and did the victim's mum blame the student? Or at least the student's parents? Of course not, it's clearly my wife's fault for failing to stop this from happening. Especially as it happened at lunch time, and she wasn't on playground duty, and the kid didn't tell anyone about it.  ::)


Society, pfft. The sense of entitlement of most people these days is enough to make you go postal, I swear.



...*looks around and realises where he is*



*runs away from the White Tower*

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I think that is just how parents are these days. A year ago,or so, my sister had a fight with a girl,both injured each other,though not so heavily. I remember my parents being so frustrated with her,though not trying to show it aloud. They give her punishment,no TV ,no computer,not going out anywhere but school for two months. The other girl's parents,from what I heard,blamed my parents for not raising her properly. That girl was guilty,too. I know my sister is a little bit troublesome,a little bit quick to anger,but she was not the one to start the fight(a teacher saw that,appaerently). This is not a "who started" thing,I know,but,well...


And,Charis,I am glad that your baby is ok,too  :D

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*snuggles Boopsy & Elgee*


Ashaman, you feel my pain! *calls after him as he runs off*


Karasayl - I do!  ;D


Bela - Thanks. And sorry to hear about your sis, too. That must've really ticked you off that your sis was being blamed for it all. Your parents sound like solid believers in 'bad behavior leads to bad consequences.' And for that your sis is better off than that other girl who may pick up a gun later in life.  ::)

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I am so sorry Charis and I am glad you are ok.


I also understand completely. My mom has been a teacher for over 30 years and we have seen and heard about everything from the students and the parents. I am amazed at people who wonder why our children now do the things they do.


I coach soccer for five year olds and at the beginning of the year, I passed out a paper with instructions on how we handle misbehavior as well as other important information. The parents were told, if we sit your child down because they are misbehaving, do not let them play. Make them stay on the sideline and watch, till we call them back in. Do any of our parents do this? No.


It is sad to see children controlling the parents.


Every year, I say I am not going to coach anymore, and then I think of the kids and I realize I may be one of the few adults in their lives who will try to teach them how to be a responsible, contributing member of society.

I hope you will think the same thing next year and continue in one of the hardest but most important jobs there are. 

I hope you know there are people who appreciate what you do.

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