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Lord of the Rings - The One Ring - Mafia DAY 6


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And mynd, how do you know the mafia hit pete? Could have been a lucky vig hit. That statement makes you look like you know something


lmao! Should have seen that coming the way he mentioned it so many times. :D


I say HA to the mafia if they the Solo Winner. :P


I was assuming you were referring to that post.


And Lia, it said Solo Winner...not Serial Killer. :-\

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Attention RING BEARER!!!  I have naughty pictures of ed2funy!  I will gladly exchange them for the ring!  These pictures are not quite as precious....but still!


RITFLMAO! That's a good one but.....[glow=red,2,300]Mynd[/glow] still

gets my vote.


Ok, this game is going too fast for me... I will get back to you with my vote tomorrow, but I think I know who gets it in this round...


*sniffs* Thorkin smells like a thief!  I'll be the stole it!  Give it back to me!!


LZM is correct, there are other possibilities, but either the mafia tagged Gollum, or the mafia now knows who the healer is.  Think about it.  Its so difficult to see into the hearts of each of you when all I can think about is my RING!  My precious ring! 


The ring is powerful...so watch for those who get their fingers wagging, they have my precious! 


Ok, this game is going too fast for me... I will get back to you with my vote tomorrow, but I think I know who gets it in this round...


Why not speak now if you think you know who gets it....or do you have the ring? THIEF!  Be wary of those who push for the quick and easy lynch, for they are the ones who are jealous that I am the true owner of the ring!  It belongs to me!  I belong to it!


Oh Mynd, calm down... If it were in my possession, i would give it to you, so you could calm down. You look crazy... i bet you had it during Night and now it is gone...


Oh Mynd, calm down... If it were in my possession, i would give it to you, so you could calm down. You look crazy... i bet you had it during Night and now it is gone...


Only the one who stole the ring would know when I had it and when I didn't!!! THIEF!!!


Still, not quite as accusatory as I would expect from one who has the ring.....hmmm, we must wait and see who fires up their accusations and finger waggings next!  They have my precious ring!!  I can only be sure of two good hearts besides my own, the rest are all suspect!  We must hear from those who have grown silent...those who HAVE STOLEN MY RING!




I've seen the Mod naked and I have pictures to prove it!  I will trade them for my precious RING!  Even some where I put some clothes on!  GIVE ME BACK WHAT IS MINE!!



So that's were those pictures went!!!! :o


OOOPS EDIT but the MOD: I thought I had quoted and instead I seem to have edited Mynds post...


I need sleep!!!


Please do not read anything into this...*goes off and hangs head in shame!*


These rantings are not helping. Its obviously a pr but it is confusing since he is throwing around so many hints.



I can only be sure of two good hearts besides my own, the rest are all suspect!


So, you are in a group... interesting...


You need to read deeper to see true meaning.....but now, all is lost. My ring is lost! My precious ring!  I know you have it! Give it to me!!  I saw you reading its description on page 1!  You know its power, you know what it enhances, and that's why you took it for yourself!!  You wish to be a GODDESS LIKE ME AND WORSHIP ME IN DESPAIR!!!


Since I have a lot more of myself showing, then perhaps I should explain a bit clearer.  Besides being the RING BEARER *sob* my favorite role of all time was alas not assigned to me.  Therefore, I had to be sure that the Legend were seen as a Fool.  No one targets a fool! They only target the one who has the RING!!!


I've seen the Mod naked and I have pictures to prove it!  I will trade them for my precious RING!  Even some where I put some clothes on!  GIVE ME BACK WHAT IS MINE!!


In this game is The One Ring. It can help you or deceive you at the last minute. You will be informed should you find it and if you also lose it.


This is the only thing I found on page 1 relating to the ring. It tells us nothing about the powers of the ring or about what it enhances. What Mynd seems to be saying is that the ring gives you a double shot of your ability. Hence the reason he "knows" of two other townies by "looking into their hearts". Mynd why mention page 1 when it says nothing of the rings powers or what it enhances?


EDIT for Led: The phrase he keeps using [You wish to be a GODDESS LIKE ME AND WORSHIP ME IN DESPAIR!!!] is something the elf queen said [except it should be WORSHIP ME AND DESPAIR]. It would be rather contradictory for him to claim Frodo and elf lady (I think her name was Galadrial or something similar). I think by ring bearer he just meant that he had the ring and now he doesn't. For losing it, he seems to have gotten a PR (unless that was given by another player).


[glow=red,2,300]Adella[/glow] is scum.


(yes, I got the same thing you're getting, Aemon, that Mynd is hinting at Galadriel, the lady of Lothlorien.  I am thinking, since there were "3 rings for the Elven Kings under the sky".... that maybe Mynd knows who the other two elven lords are, or something? Not really a substantial guess, but it's something at least, even though it doesn't actually give us any info if that were the case.  Interesting PR, and yes, it makes me less inclined to think he's scum, though I still can't be sure. :D)


She hasn't really contributed much of substance to the game; I find it less and less likely that Mynd is scum and he is pretty certain that Ed is scum...  He brings out good points, too, but Adella has opposed Mynd quite a bit, and taken Ed's side at least once.


She hasn't had any really major scum tells but I think the scum princess is hiding herself pretty well so far, and should be lynched before she can do any damage!


(by "much of substance" I mean she did a lot of defending, and a lot of arguing, but didn't really share her thoughts on who she thought was scum or who we should lynch)


I'm pretty firmly convinced she's scum, like...REALLY convinced.


I'm pretty firmly convinced she's scum, like...REALLY convinced.


Only the one who stole the ring is PRETTY FIRMLY SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICALLY convinced!  Did you steal it you thieving squirrel? Is it in your tree with your walnuts? HA! You have it on your tail, is that it?!


...I have more to say on this, but let's hear from those who have been lurking!  I want to know who has my ring!!! I have cash! Farmville cash!  Dragonmount cash!  I have an autograph from Bilbo himself!


Som1else needs to speak up! I'd like to hear Adella's thoughts on meesh's accusation, as well as those who she deftly defended earlier.  Will they return the favor?  Who will defend the defender?  AND WHERE IS MY RING?!!! ITS MINE!!!!


And those of you who know your movies, I've mentioned The Gift I have a while ago....like before page 10 I think.  The GIFT OF THE RING oF COURSE!!! MY RING!


Hm, wow.  Thoughts:


First of all, yay for the mafia NK! :D  Thank you mafia for you kind contributions to Townie success. :D


On the matter of Mynd:  Strange indeed.  Don't know whether it's a result of PR or some side effect of the ring or what, but it makes me a bit reluctant to vote for him....Really still don't know what to make of him, alignment wise.


Day 2 vote: Withholding for now as I'm not sure who to go for out of Marta, Adella, and Som1else. 


Ed and Mynd are lesser suspicions.


Adella would be the best choice, you must vote for her!


I think that if Ed's really scum, and Adella is, then Adella wouldn't associate herself with Ed so much.


But she was trying to curry favor by defending Ed (or at least by not admitting that anything Ed was doing was in any way scummy), so when he was lynched (because he certainly has been named for one, and was up there for one) she'd seem clean by default! ("See, he was innocent, I never saw anything scummy from him, I knew it!" or something to that effect)


Um... what the hell is wrong with Mynd? I've seen PRs before, but this is out of control!  :P


I'm really amazed by Pete's role. He kept pointing the finger at others for being a solo winner, and he ends up being the one himself. I tell you one thing - Pete's a damn good strategist!


EDIT: Adella, huh? I wanna see how this plays out.




Oh. I've never played with just a solo winner, I guess that's why my mind went to Serial Killer. Does that mean he was mafia but could have won if all his team was taken out but him? Or he was entirely separate and just had bad luck?


Meesh makes sense to me and I've been suspicious of her the whole game. I'm going to trust that Meesh knows what she's talking about and vote [glow=red,2,300]Adella[/glow].


I don't think this will come as a surprise:[glow=red,2,300]Mynd[/glow]


Surprising however how fast Liath follows Meesh. If one turns out to be mafia, the other should be our next try.


Meesh, if what you're saying without saying is true, I will most likely vote her.


But right now, 3 people are the most suspicious to me:

Mynd, Adella, and Lia.


Mynd and Adella for obvious reasons. Lia for (what seems like) her ruse.


What ruse?


I'm believing Meesh because I'm reading more into what she's saying then it seems the rest of you are ;) Who would be REALLY convinced? Obviously if she's wrong I plan on voting for her tomorrow *shrugs*


Thorum! You haven't kept your eyes off me and my ring since I started this game!  What's that? Scar tissue from earlier tussles with me in previous games?  'Fraid of being duped by Myndrunner once again so you wanna rid me?  Well, I assure you that unless you are against the Town, then you needn't worry.  Still, I know what you are really after all this time....YOU WANTED MY RING!! YOU PLOTTED WITH ED2FUNNY and STOLE IT!! Didn't you?  THIEVING THORUM!!!


Surprising however how fast Liath follows Meesh. If one turns out to be mafia, the other should be our next try.

What's this? Are you now suggesting these two are in co-hoots?


Adella would be the best choice, you must vote for her!

I find this MOST INTERESTING!! RING THIEF!  She points with her fingers AND her fuzzy tail, does she not?!?!!


I think that if Ed's really scum, and Adella is, then Adella wouldn't associate herself with Ed so much.


But she was trying to curry favor by defending Ed (or at least by not admitting that anything Ed was doing was in any way scummy), so when he was lynched (because he certainly has been named for one, and was up there for one) she'd seem clean by default! ("See, he was innocent, I never saw anything scummy from him, I knew it!" or something to that effect)

So, if Ed flips mafia, does she then by your logic look innocent?  I am not sure I am following you, perhaps the RING is controlling your squirrely senses?!  Hmmmm?


I have much more to say on this matter, but even I am sick of my babbling.  Let's hear from Som1else besides those who have spoken.  I'd like to hear Adella's defense and from those who would defend her.


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