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Feast of Fools: Your Captain General Speaks!

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The new Green Ajah Soul was walking to the meeting his Captain General had set when he realized he had forgotten his dress! He ran back to his new quarters (there were whips! :o), and grabbed his favorite dark green dress slashed with light green. He grabbed his emerald necklace and tossed it around his throat.

He couldn't believe he had walked around the halls in his shift! Well, not on accident anyways...he was a Green afterall. ;)


He ran back to his meeting, channeling Saidar to iron his dress on the spot, and make sure his hair was all in order.


He saw a warder walking by and made sure he would send for..his name was Al Jenn, he thought..for Al Jenn to entertain the new Captain General.


He got in and saw two Initiate already there.



Ok! Time for some soooouuuuuulllllll!!!


Form up, it time to dance! Let's brighten things up. Come on everyone, dance and let loose!




:D :D :D


*Quietly comes in and curtsies* You called Sister?


(I think I'm an Asha'man turned novice for this week)


*Continues fumbling with saidar trying to figure the blasted thing out*

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Looks like I was the life of the party..This place shut down right after I left...And I noticed a few little things while I was gone!


Yep, soon, she said 10 her time, so about 12 my time, so... 15 minutes  give or take? lol. *counting down until mentor time*



4 mas?


Ok Adella, I don't see green do you? He's All yours!!



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*Ama awakens and glances around, she is SURE she went to sleep in her own bed in the novice quarters, but has awoken in a spacious suite of rooms. Upon her pillow is a note saying "Congratulations on your raising to Green Sitter". Grinning she climbs out of bed and pads around the room, spying a pitcher and bowl she pours water and washes the sleep from her eyes.


Noticing she is clad only in her shift she wanders to the large wardrobe and pulls open the door to reveal a stunning selection of dresses. She chooses a stunning green number...




In the bottomr of the wardrobe Ama finds *just* the right shoes for the dress...




After coaxing her hair into a timeless style Ama glides elegantly from the room, and into utter chaos in the halls*


Good morning my Captain General, how goes your day thus far?

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Good morning. I hope you found your room suitable for your new position. I have a bit of hangover headache this morning. That party last night was loud and that bottle was big. I am glad you found your way here. How are you liking being a Sitter? Do you  have any big plans?

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It is a lovely dress Amadine, and I would kill for those shoes *shifts eyes then smiles sweetly at the Sitter* And Alanna, it is nice to see you here *looks at her green post approvingly* How are you adjusting to your new position?

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*ashamed at green post comment* *nods* Pretty well, better when I'm not distracted by impending doom, but good. Looking forward to extending some privileges.


Well, CG, hate to leave ya too, but I have to get ready for the Fine Art Festival today in RL! Your talented sitter is performing in the theatre group and choir, so look for her there! Fools indeed! *withdraws*

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Stop on back here when you wake up. I hope to have people around, and maybe more things for us to do. If you have any suggestions of ways we can have more fun with our positions other Ajah members let me know!


And good luck with your performance Alanna J, let us know how it goes!

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ooh, diets are hard, but our snacks here have no calories so feel free to come here and indulge yourself when you want to but can't elsewhere. Hands her a cup of Green tea. I hope you like, if not I can send someone to fetch you something you like more!

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Lily spies the MoN in the room, and decides to bring her a cup of tea. Unfortunately, she stumbles just as she reaches her and spills it all over her


Oh, dear. I am so sorry, Adella Sedai. Please allow me to clean that up.


While attempting to wipe off the MoN's dress, darling Lily, Adella's most cherished novice, manages to tear it so badly that the MoN is indecently exposed.


Oh, my! That won't do at all. Let me go find a needle and thread....

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That's right. It's time to dance!


You got it little ickle Novice! What is your name?


*put Soul Train on*


Form some lines, and let's get to it!



Umm... my name? I'm thinking perhaps... *ponders a really good one*



CallaLillyLobella DewDrop Sedai. Well, some day Sedai, anyway.


*hums her own until she notices the MoN's dress*


Dude, you need a better seamstress.


*produces multicolored patches and glues them on while Lily's gone*


There, see? all better!

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