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The adventures of Ed and Pete :)


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Ed always wanted to be a knight.  He'd get all the video games where you save princesses and defend the castle.  He dreamed of one day rescuing a fair maiden for real and sweeping her off his feet.  He donned his gear for a facebook picture sure to wow the maidens across the globe....



One day.. Ed stumbled across this awesome site called Dragonmount.  "Awesome!" said Ed, "A dragon would be a much cooler mount than a horse anyways!  I must explore this site!"  and so he set off to do just that... it didn't deter him much when he discovered that wasn't what the site was about.  There he met Pete and they decided to work together to show how cool Ed could be...



Pete had a different goal in mind with this site and the wide web in general.  He was secretly trying to be the next Dr. Who and uses the internet to find bad guys like the Daleks.  ththxcoojpz1hckzmqm62w1.gif  He lost his last companion though so he's also keeping an eye out among Ed's castoffs for the nest Rose or Donna or Martha.


More to come in the journey later!  Stay tuned.


So yes.. the story must continue!


Ed became obsessed..(yeah, like he wasn't already... psh.. nintendo boy) He saw everyday objects in a new light.  Brushes became wands, dogs became evil monsters(poor fluffy), and even his mom's hair dryer became a weapon!



Pete set out to find materials to make his own Tardis. dr-who-emoticon-tardis-1.gif  Ed was mad that Pete wasn't really helping him with his kingdom and destroyed Pete's first two attempts.


Ed started to hold audtions for his princess... several people applied...





Hmm.. that last one was a bit ood.


Anyways.. none were really what he was looking for.  So he asked Angelina Jolie for help.... She said if you help me get Verbal from that website I will tell you about this awesom girl I know.. she's so cool I even had a shirt made up in her honor!

width=464 height=480http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo158/ucukdya/adella-1.jpg[/img]






*watches and plans his own story for Naeanna of SG, featuring a misguided furball and his attempts to capture the hand of the BA Head*


Guest dragonsworn1991



From left to right


Kiv, Pandy, Barm and Asha


Also Nae, did I get you hooked on the Doctor who?


Got something against the Black Ajah men? :-\


Yup.  I started season 3 already. >.>  I had to take a bit of a break.. that much Dr. Who all at once makes for weird dreams.

Guest dragonsworn1991

Nope, I think they take lovely pictures, and have great fashion sense. The swim wear really brings out each others eyes.





From left to right


Kiv, Pandy, Barm and Asha


Also Nae, did I get you hooked on the Doctor who?



Pete that simply can't be me! Why, you ask? I can't grow that much facial hair...


It just isn't!


Also I didn't know Barm was Filipino.


While Ed set to cleaning his house to make it more livable for Angelina Jolie to stay while they searched for Adella...




Pete was busy putting the final touches on his Tardis.


He then went off in time and space to look for the perfect travel companion.  He searched high and low and fought off many weird creatures...


Then one night he had crashed a party (quite literally) and he finally found her.  He was making his way to the buffet table when he heard her talking about these weird creatures called shadowspawn and myrdraal.  If she knew about such fantastical creatures as this then surely she would be fit to travel space and time! He forgets the food and approaches the lady.  He is pleasantly suprised to see not one, but two lovely ladies are discussing this.  He thinks to himself.. who ever said I had to settle for jus one?  He conversed well into the night with the girls known as Naeann and Lily.  As the sun started rising over the horizon he finally asked them if they'd like to journey with him.  They immediately agreed and ran off to pack for the journey.

width=513 height=480http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y172/annie81/20503938470l1.jpg[/img]

They got into the tardis and Pete flipped  the switches for their journeys.  They went all sorts of places... an 80's prom...

width=405 height=480http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y172/annie81/hilarious-1.jpg[/img]

to a speakeasy...

width=309 height=480http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y172/annie81/1940_B_048.jpg[/img]

Battling strange creatures


using the sonic ipod of course...



Pete had to be extra careful when they accidently landed on the planet femmalox.  The entire race appeared to be female.


They made alot of wrong turns now that I think back... imagine the suprise when we landed on the planet of a well known enemy of those who travel by tardis...



Luckily we escaped! And retreated to our own tropical paradise on some far away galaxy...


Pete.. I want my own pool boy. :P

Guest dragonsworn1991

I guess I am going to look twelve forever to you, even in the stories.  :'(


You make note of that.. you don't even notice I have you in a cute little schoolgirl outfit... ::)


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