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Everyone bow down before your new overlord...-- April Fools!


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It is with great pleasure that I announce the new leader of SG will be ed2funy.  I am confident that you all will be impressed with his plans for SG.  Congratulations, Eddy!


April Fool's, everyone!  It's officially past noon here where i'm at, so I wanted to admit to the prank before anything got out of hand.  Thanks to those who knew what was up and played along!

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I think ed did the absolute best thing he could have with the power.


What is the pursuit of power but the pursuit of the ability to change things in the way you want?


When we get power, our actions are generally making OTHER people do things so we don't have to. ed has his stuff worked out -tight-, he had the power, other people did the work, he got to sleep the good sleep.


Good move!

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