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Interview of the Month: Verbal32


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Late last month I tracked down the elusive Shaidar Haran to ask him some highly important questions about job perks, the Shadowspawn and what he does when he isn't wearing his black cloak.  8)


I can’t help but notice that you have no eyes. How does this affect you in your professional life as the Hand of the Dark?

I just feel everybody up (even Barm).....that usually creeps them out sufficiently to do my job.


Do you feel that inspiring abject terror in (pretty much) everyone who sees you has been an advantage in your life?

Actually, I sometimes wish they saw me as a cute fluffy bunny.  I love bunnies.  *sigh*  They taste good with ketchup.


From your point of view, what is the ‘theme’ of the Shadowspawn on DM?  

Well, it used to be spam.  That is no longer.  Random violence and mayhem is technically our niche.  Our Trollocs prefer to eat people, but the Fades and Gholams definitely have an intellectual side as well.  But to be mean while being intellectual, that's the challenge.  We find that sarcasm goes a long way, here.


Do you think that this differs from the SS in the WoT series?  

Not really.  They eat people, and they're still intellectual about it.  Just ask Narg.  Narg smart.  ;)


Why did you choose the name ‘Verbal32’ when you first joined DM?  

Verbal is my favorite movie character, and the # 32 is an old college joke, so I combined them.


What type of PC do you use?

 At work, a crappy laptop.  At home, a sweet machine of awesomeness for my WoW addiction. (custom built, baby....*wink*)


What is your favourite beverage?

 Blood.  Or beer.


What is your favourite book(s)?  

The Sword of Truth.  Kidding, kidding. *ducks*  Really.....the Wheel of Time....specifically The Dragon Reborn.


What advice do you have for all of the Lightful's out there?

Eat your vitamins.  It helps us out, trust me.  *subtle wink*


Tell us a little about yourself,  when you aren’t ‘here’.

 I spend as much time as possible playing ice hockey.  I'm a nut....I can't get enough of it.  Until my son was born, I played all the time.  Now I play only a few days a week.....until I brainwash my son into playing.  Muwahahahaha!!!



If you have any questions to ask of Verbal, fire away!

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LMFAO. Didn't even see it there. Verbal, what movie does this character come from. I watch a lot of movies and I can't remember ever hearing thhat name before.


You really haven't seen The Usual Suspects?  :o



When I read this I started thinking. What happens if you blindfold a Fade? I haven't read the books in a decade, but I can't remember it being mentioned.

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Fades are just misunderstood. With a little education and a home loan, they could make something out of their lives.



I gotta get off this planet


Tatooine is such a hell hole

Why the hell do I even bother?

I ain't got no future here

I'll probably spend the rest of my life here

Fixing moisture evaporators for the townspeople

Or repairing droids for pocket change

Fending off the sand-people...

poor sand-people...

Look what they've been reduced to...

I bet with a little education and a home loan

they could make something out their lives

but nothing will ever get better

here in grimy butthole of space


i should join The Empire

i know there evil and all

but they're a good kind of evil

the uniforms are way cool

and they get to travel and most of us dont

And chicks dig Stormtroopers...big time

they're like...intergalactic rockstars

stormtroopers get laid man, but not me

if i want a little love, i got to hitch a ride to mos eisley

and pay 50 cents for a wookie prostitute

50 seconds pleasure

50 years of regret...wookie love is pointless

my life is pointless

I gotta get off this planet



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Verbal, why did it take you so long to come to your sense to leave the BA?



Wait, I left the BA?  You mean those people are Darkfriends?  :o




LMFAO. Didn't even see it there. Verbal, what movie does this character come from. I watch a lot of movies and I can't remember ever hearing thhat name before.


Verbal Kint in The Usual Suspects....played by Kevin Spacey, the coolest man alive.




@ Verbal: What is you fav food? 0_o


Probably a tie between pizza and hot dogs.



Hey there Verbal! Alright - what was the funniest thing you've ever seen go down here in SG?



Actually, Kivam shot down Barm pretty good the other day.  That ranks right up there.  Mostly because I didn't think the BA was capable of being funny.



Verbal, why are you such a failure at life?


C'mon Mom, stop hacking people's accounts.  Geesh.  I'll be home for supper.



Verbal.... How did you get lucky enough to soul bond the best person in SG? :-*


I must have tricked you, somehow.  Not sure how I pulled that one off, lol.

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  • 2 months later...

So many things the Great Verb has posted here, and each one more correct than the last. For some strange reason i feel this intense need to agree with everything Verb says, i just can't explain how i just know he is right as usual.

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