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The single MOST epic mafia post of all time!


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  • Club Leader

If you missed Rey's game, you might not get it....


Also...I don't think Lily put in a LD...for..personal reasons.

*whispers* Her therapist said it was too soon. :D




NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo


I can't relive it again.... It was horrible and SPAMTASTIC... It hurt my soul to read.






i do have to agree though ed, i don't think lily used the LD


though i think it had more of an impact on you and wombat considering the outcome ;)  :-*


I'll be the storyteller.  :)


Epic-long story short, Ed was the lie detector and caught Lily (Godfather) in a lie.  So Lily claimed LD and the Lily vs. Ed battle ensued.  It ended with a day 2 lynch on Lily, where Ed was "redeemed" but enough people were unsure enough of Ed that our cop ended up viewing him.  That would have been fine, except I was mafia with a framing ability and framed Ed, making him look scum.  So Wombat revealed as cop and Ed convinced enough of the town to get Wombat lynched.  The Vig (Al Jenn) then took Ed out to keep us from using another lynch on him (and probably partly to keep from having another Ed vs. someone day).  :)  The Lily vs. Ed and Ed vs. Wombat portions were HUGE for post count.  I think it may have scarred Ed more than Lily.  :) 


That said, I agree with the epicness of the above post said by Ed.  And I also approve of a thread to revisit epic mafia posts, especially if people have some from games I've missed!


You missed a part! And the reason it is not as bas for me!


Night 2, Nae recruited me, and I lost my power. I was no longer the LD. So, the town loses their Finder? Oh well! :D

The crappy thing is Nae died that same night, so the mafia got to use the confusion I layed behind me, instead of Nae. That is the only thing that sucked, really.



It was a great game though. My second favorite I think.


oh it's my 2nd fave right now.  Nae's movie madness is my first



being a trusted finder and getting to turn traitor on the town and actually  win ...  priceless *grins*



That was part of my plan. :D Not my fault the mafia got to use it since the Cult died.


Although, I was laughing at endgame. I would have voted Pete, btw. :-*

  • Club Leader

Pookie left out another part. Smoking out the finder and getting him killed was part of the plan. I sacrificed myself to get the two biggest power roles dead. It worked, although not exactly as we planned. It was awesome!




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