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Lor's Garden of Friends


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So, I realize most of you don't know this, but I name my plants after my friends. *smiles* usually there's something about the plant that reminds me of someone and it just naturally translates to me naming them because I keep calling them that, anyway.


Since I got pregnant a few years ago, I haven't had the chance to play in the dirt the way I used to. I intend to change that this year and I'm going to share the goodies with you, too! :D Lucky devils!


So, my first post is going to be to record that I should be getting a very large shipment of bulbs and little plants from Michigan Bulb Co any time now. I intend to use my Spring Break (at least a little of it!) getting these lovely things in the ground!


I am also going to be reporting, every now and then, when one of my "friends" appears. I post pics of them as much as possible so you can smile at them, too! Feel free to comment away! :D


So, my first welcome this year goes to... *drum roll...*




When we lived in our last house, these little flowers started growing in a patch of thick grass in the backyard. I moved them to the front on either side of the sidewalk and they started growing like crazy! When we moved, I brought some with me! I didn't know what they were, but their perky little flowers smiling at me when I came home every day reminded me of Twinny, so I just started calling them that. The name stuck! I found out later that these are called "Snow Flowers," so as you can see, they're even MORE appropriate for Twinny-love!


Until this year, they didn't really grow very much in their new home. I think they're happy where they are now, though, because I came home from work today and saw this:



So, welcome, Twinny! The first flower blooming in my garden this year! :D

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nice, though kinda' pinkish :P


Now I found this one that sounds pretty interesting too: Ohia Lehua

It's an evergreen that can flower from 3 to 12 months and when it flowers has an abundance of flowers.


Seems to be growing in all sorts of places, even vulcanic ground: images



There's a myth linked to it as well, though how much that would fit I have no clue. But I'm sure all you 'nice' people will go 'awwwwwwwww' and get all teary and stuff.



In Hawaiian mythology, ʻŌhiʻa and Lehua were two young lovers. The volcano goddess Pele fell in love with the handsome ʻŌhiʻa and approached him, but he turned down her advances. In a fit of jealousy, Pele transformed ʻŌhiʻa into a tree. Lehua was devastated by this transformation and out of pity the other gods turned her into a flower and placed her upon the ʻōhiʻa tree.[6] (Other versions state that Pele felt guilty but was unable to reverse the change, so she turned Lehua into a flower herself.)[7] Separating these united lovers is not encouraged, and it is said that when a lehua flower is plucked from an ʻōhiʻa tree, the sky fills with rain representing the lovers' tears.


Source: wikipedia

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I haven't made it to the garden yet either, Myst.  *sighs tragically*  I guess we'll cut our Elegant Eldest some slack, though; after all, Peanut has taken up much of her time lately!  And who can be mad at a cutie like Peanut even if it does mean one hasn't made it to the garden yet?!  I certainly can't.  ;D


*squishes Lor in a tight hug*  :-*

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You can always do a container garden, Mirsh! :D Tell me what I have to work with and I'll point you in the right direction. Especially since our seed/bulb swap month is coming up in April! :D



And chin up, ladies! I have a HUGE order coming in that could change everything! *grins*



I only found a yellow Ohia Lehua, Mystie-kins, but I'm still looking! I just can't pay $200 for the thing! Especially if I can't raise it here! :( *starts searching some more*



And Torrie, Moon Flowers are AWESOME little plants! They're usually climbers and need SOME sun, but not direct sunlight. I had them vining on the fence separating my deck from the backyard and I try to raise them every year, too! They thrive there because they get morning sun, but the tree behind them blocks the hot afternoon sun. They smell WONDERFUL at night when they blood, though and they're the most awesome things to watch grow! I highly recommend the seeds for kids, since they actually grow best if you DON'T bury them in the dirt! They seem to be ok with the amount of rain we get here in South GA, so they may need a little more where you are depending on how much rain you get during the summer. So, to answer your question, 1) give them something to grow on like a trellis or a fence, 2) cool morning sun, but keep them out of the hot afternoon sun and 3) make sure they're getting plenty of water without over watering them. They actually mold if you water them too much. :(



*smiles* Now, I sound like I'm old enough to deserve all the senior citizen notices I get in the mail! *laughs*

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Just keep me posted and I'll pester you with stuff. ;) Trust me.


And yeah, that's what I read, too, so I was a bit annoyed that all I could find was the Yellow one. Yellow is just not you, babe... *sighs* I'm still looking!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We just started our first garden! We are in an apartment and can only have pots, but we bought a tomato and strawberry plants, some cucumber seeds, and we also planted some daffodils and another small flower plant that we took home from church.


:D I hope the plants turn out right... can't wait til we have a house where we can actually have a real garden! I did plant some flowers while in Georgia one year... it might actually work out that the first time I can do that again could very well be in Georgia in 4 years or so.

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:D Georgia's great for growing stuff!


And best of luck with your plants! I tend to kill stuff that I keep inside with me. LOL I love them to death... ;)


I want pics when they start blooming!  (and yes, tomatoes bloom before you get fruit! silly heads!)

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, my Bens will start blooming any time now. ;) They're already growing and being pretty greenery in all of my flower boxes! ;)


I found my 2007 update (the last time I was able to spend ANY time in the garden. Peanut came and took all of my gardening time!). Check it out (and yes, I'll fix the picture of the dress, frenchie. *laughs* I have no idea why the pics did that...)

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Red, like a gentle breeze over a still ocean surface on a soft summer's eve..... *Le Sigh*


and just how many Reds do you know that fit that description???  :o roflmao... a gentle breeze? Oh my gosh my ribs hurt  ;D

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