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Who are your ''Fave Five'' Aes Sedai of All-Time??

The Fisher King

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My Favs:


1)  Lanfear:  you have to admire someone responsible for unleashing 'evil' into the world and causing the end of a golden age.


2)  Nyn:  Just plain awesome, and she was around to hear the first words of wisdom spoken by the savior of mankind, the Dragon Reborn ;) 


3)  Gitara Moroso:  She managed to convince a princess to leave her life of palaces and balls to wander alone through a desert full of 'black veiled Aiel.'  How awesome did she have to be?  Plus, she foretold Rand's birth, which is pretty sweet too! 


4)  Siuan:  Gets removed, stilled, tortured and left naked in a jail cell, but rallies her self and her allies to continue helping in the battle against the Shadow, where most women would curl and die.  Plus, she's a good puzzle solver, which I like.


5)  Elayne:  Queen, Aes Sedai, breaks down the gender barrier into the Warder profession, and provides the Dragon Reborn with his veins of gold which will likely sustain him through the last battle.  Plus, I'm still counting on her to give Mat a 'not all nobles are evil' spanking before the end of the series :) 





Um, my answer... none of them.


Can't stand the lot of them, mainly for their bickering and manipulations.


Ok, fine. Beat me on the head and I would have to say Nynaeve, since she is the only one who has (1) an ounce of character that is worth anything, and (2) has stuck to that core of herself. And Verin, because of those unmentionable reasons... though before those reasons, she ran definitely over to the manipulative, unlikable side.


Other than that, nobody.

Cadsuane expects a great deal that she isn't willing to give in return. Respect. Courtesy. tGS = completely deserved. Period.

Alanna should be stilled, healed, then stilled again for what she did--after she passes Rand's bond, of course. Da'tsang.

Moiraine similar to Cadsuane, though slightly easier to swallow because of her character arc in the Waste. Still, the fact that she spent her life searching for Rand does not mean that he spent his waiting for or needing her. It's one thing to act aloof if you are somehow truly above everyone else (think Gandalf). Once we see the same human pettiness in her, that aloof exterior and manipulative game playing is exposed.

Elayne... if you weren't having Rand's babies, you wouldn't have a point. And I really, really disliked the way she tried to interfere with Mat's men to get him to do what she wanted. Talk about manipulation.

Suiane/Leane have never struck me as particularly developed, especially Leane.

Egwene... Egwene goes and gets herself captured because she (1) decided to change plans at the last instant (2) without guards. Everyone talks about how she is ready to be Amyrlin, while neatly overlooking that point. Still she would have made the list except for her personality/attitude in tGS. What she did in tGS = very cool. How she acted at the end of tGS = appalling.


Those are the AS that a lot of others are listing...


As a group, I am not fond of them.


Moraine, she may have been jaded by her time in the tower. But, her manipulations were IMO forgivable. As she follows the path of light to the best of her abilities.


Cadsuane, she is the manipulator of manipulators. You still have to love the fact that she really does know more than everybody else and can back up all the hype. I loved her from the beginning.


Nynaeve, bossy, tempemental, and manipulative. and down to earth as you can get. Probably the most trustworthy of all Aes Sedai.


Verin, twisted Verin.


Egwene, she is on the slippery slope downward with a will, but the scared part of her still appeals.




1. Moiraine (She was my first).

2. Verin (The only AS since the Age of Legends to actually DO something).

3. Lews Therin Telamon.

4. This space deliberatly left blank.

5. This space deliberatly left blank.



Hmmm maybe a good topic would be "Fave Five" women channelers outside of the white tower!


Amys would win that hands down  :)

Speak for yourself. Else Grinwell is the shit.

Just think. Else as AS and Lini as her warder.

...don’t worry Seryth, you can always change your vote.



1 Egwene is the best - a true Battle Amyrlin. She is like a young Cadsuane but with empathy for others. Bad taste in men. Determined, courageous, intelligent and compassionate. The fact she would not submit and had to be beaten to a pulp by the Black Ajah in Tear shows her force of will and determination to keep fighting. She is somehow under the impression that Bela is her horse - when it is actually Rand's (or Tam's). Horse-thief! And has toh to Rhuarc! Scared Moghedien! Enjoyed using the OP as a weapon! Will not be going to Tuon's hen-night! Threatened to wash out Nyneave's mouth out for lying and this unnerved Nyneave so much that Nyneave avoided her for months! LOL

2 Moraine is cool and dedicated. When Rand and the others from the 2 Rivers were all raw and green and being attacked on all-sides by Shadowspawn and Darkfriends - Moraine had their backs and kept them alive up to the time where they were wise enough and powerful enough to survive by themselves. Moraine has probably healed most of the good guys and kept them alive at one time or another.

3 Verin is mysterious and cryptic. Helps save the day and tip the balance on at least 3 occasions. Crucial in the hunt for the Horn of Valere and getting Matt healed from the Dagger taint. Saved Emond's Field along with Perrin and Alanna. The ramifications of her actions will play a vital role in TGS and beyond.

4 Merana - a wealth of experience of peace negotiation that Rand has underutilized imo. Unfortunately she seems to be bullied by the likes of Kiruna and Bera and Cadsuane. She seems actually pretty likeable and smart. She also seems loyal to Rand because she sees how important he is and recognizes the Aes Sedai need him rather than the other way around.

5 Adeleas and Vandene. I thought the twins were cool. Likeable. Not bullies. Lots of knowledge. Seemed to have a sense of humour which is rare for Aes Sedai (once they get the shawl).


Nyneave missed the cut because her people skills are rubbish and she blames everyone all the time. She is brave and trustworthy though. Her actions are pivotal in helping Rand kill Rahvin and cleansing Saidin. Tugs her braid and gets angry always. Poor Lan.

Elayne is nice but not as determined as Egwene. Very funny scene when she gets drunk! Is very patient with Nyneave. Makes an a'dam which is not cool for an Aes Sedai. Apple thief! Knows all those handy swear words. Always mentions that she is the Daughter-Heir of Andor in every internal dialogue. Fell in love with a boy after meeting him once for half an hour - must have been impressed by Rand's ability to fall off a wall and land on his head! Technically she could execute Matt and Perrin for treason. Quotes her nurse as often as Siuane Sanche talks about fishing analogies. Fights a War of Succession only to find that the reigning Queen is still alive! Oops!

Cadsuane is impressive but missed the cut because she bullies people. Gets props for capturing Logain and Taim. Made Semirhage cry LOL. I am certain if Rand had not been freed by Dumai's Wells, Cadsuane would have marched to the White Tower and spoken out against Elaida. No-one else would have but Cadsuane would have had the bottle to demand Elaida quit being a knobhead and release the Dragon Reborn. Am interested to see her meet with Egwene.


1 Egwene is the best - a true Battle Amyrlin. She is like a young Cadsuane but with empathy for others. Bad taste in men. Determined, courageous, intelligent and compassionate. The fact she would not submit and had to be beaten to a pulp by the Black Ajah in Tear shows her force of will and determination to keep fighting. She is somehow under the impression that Bela is her horse - when it is actually Rand's (or Tam's). Horse-thief! And has toh to Rhuarc! Scared Moghedien! Enjoyed using the OP as a weapon! Will not be going to Tuon's hen-night! Threatened to wash out Nyneave's mouth out for lying and this unnerved Nyneave so much that Nyneave avoided her for months! LOL

2 Moraine is cool and dedicated. When Rand and the others from the 2 Rivers were all raw and green and being attacked on all-sides by Shadowspawn and Darkfriends - Moraine had their backs and kept them alive up to the time where they were wise enough and powerful enough to survive by themselves. Moraine has probably healed most of the good guys and kept them alive at one time or another.

3 Verin is mysterious and cryptic. Helps save the day and tip the balance on at least 3 occasions. Crucial in the hunt for the Horn of Valere and getting Matt healed from the Dagger taint. Saved Emond's Field along with Perrin and Alanna. The ramifications of her actions will play a vital role in TGS and beyond.

4 Merana - a wealth of experience of peace negotiation that Rand has underutilized imo. Unfortunately she seems to be bullied by the likes of Kiruna and Bera and Cadsuane. She seems actually pretty likeable and smart. She also seems loyal to Rand because she sees how important he is and recognizes the Aes Sedai need him rather than the other way around.

5 Adeleas and Vandene. I thought the twins were cool. Likeable. Not bullies. Lots of knowledge. Seemed to have a sense of humour which is rare for Aes Sedai (once they get the shawl).


Nyneave missed the cut because her people skills are rubbish and she blames everyone all the time. She is brave and trustworthy though. Her actions are pivotal in helping Rand kill Rahvin and cleansing Saidin. Tugs her braid and gets angry always. Poor Lan.

Elayne is nice but not as determined as Egwene. Very funny scene when she gets drunk! Is very patient with Nyneave. Makes an a'dam which is not cool for an Aes Sedai. Apple thief! Knows all those handy swear words. Always mentions that she is the Daughter-Heir of Andor in every internal dialogue. Fell in love with a boy after meeting him once for half an hour - must have been impressed by Rand's ability to fall off a wall and land on his head! Technically she could execute Matt and Perrin for treason. Quotes her nurse as often as Siuane Sanche talks about fishing analogies. Fights a War of Succession only to find that the reigning Queen is still alive! Oops!

Cadsuane is impressive but missed the cut because she bullies people. Gets props for capturing Logain and Taim. Made Semirhage cry LOL. I am certain if Rand had not been freed by Dumai's Wells, Cadsuane would have marched to the White Tower and spoken out against Elaida. No-one else would have but Cadsuane would have had the bottle to demand Elaida quit being a knobhead and release the Dragon Reborn. Am interested to see her meet with Egwene.



Slight derail to say you have the best sig ever!


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